Medium Term Planning
Area of Development; Communication, Language & Literacy
Theme Splashing About- Water/At the seaside Year Group: R Term:Summer 5 & 6 2008 Teacher:
/ ELG Yr R objectives - Learning IntentionsSuccess Criteria / Activities / Resources
Continuous / CLL 1a, b, c, d
Reception Overview 1, 2, 4
CLL 2a
Reception Overview 6, 13
CLL 3a , 3b, 3c
CLL 4a, 4b, 4c,
Reception Overview 12
CLL 5b, 5c
Reception Overview 13
CLL 6a, CD 3a, PD 1a, 1b
Reception Overview 16 / Attentive listening to stories/ rhymes –
Interacting with others, negotiating plans, taking turns
Role play stories/ role play scenarios
Reading big books
Phonic work; Soundswrite daily phonics programme,
Writing area/office / in role play
Reading big books/ book area
Writing area/office / in role play
Handwriting/letter formation using Writedance
Penpals for Handwriting Book 1/2 / Book corner/ variety of stories/ books/ rhymes
Writedance resources including ribbon sticks, finger paint
CD/ Penpals for writng pupil/ teacher book
21/4 /
- Sustain attentive listening , responding to what they have heard by relevant comments, questions or actions
- Show an understanding of the elements of stories- such as main character, sequence of events & openings
Describing – Shirley?/ Mum & Dad
Fantasy – story- what might happen at beach? / Come Away from the Water Shirley
/ ELG / Yr R objectives-Learning IntentionsSuccess Criteria / Activities / Resources
28/4 /
- Sustain attentive listening , responding to what they have heard by relevant comments, questions or actionsCLL 1c/ Reception Overview 5
- Retell narratives in the correct sequence, drawing on language patterns of storiesCLL 4b/ Reception overview 15
- Attempt writing for variety of purposes, using features of different forms CLL 5b/ Reception Overview 13
- Write……other things such as labels & captionz & begin to form simple sentences, sometimes using punctuation CLL 5C/ Reception overview 16
Writing own spring walk story- Sebastian’s Waddle / Pond web
Sebastian Swan
Seebastians Story
Sebastian’s Waddle
5/5 /
- Extend their vocabulary, exploring the meaning & sounds of new words CLL 1e/ Reception overview 3
- Listen with enjoyment & respond to stories/poems., songs & other rhymes & poems….Reception overview 4.
- Explore & experiment with sounds, word, texts CLL 4a
Eg splash, drip, splosh, drop etc
Looking at bubbles- colours shapes, describe to make poem
Writing own rain poems – exploring sounds ( going out under umbrellas when it rains!!!)
Making rain rhythms with instruments/ percussion ( Raindrop Rhythm) / Water poems
Water’s for…… ( list poem)
Voices of water
Raindrop Rhythm
Singing in the Rain
Wet Playtime
/ ELG / Yr R objectives-Learning IntentionsSuccess Criteria / Activities / Resources
12/5 /
- Attempt writing for variety of purposes, using features of different forms CLL 5b /Reception Overview 13
- Show an understanding of the elements of stories- such as main character, sequence of events & openings CLL 4e Reception Overview 14
Story sequencing / structure / Down by the cool of the pool
Pig in the pond
19/5 /
- Interact with others, negotiating plans & taking turns in conversation CLL 1a/ Reception 6
- Attempt writing for variety of purposes, using features of different forms
- Write……other things such as labels & captionz & begin to form simple sentences, sometimes using punctuation CLL 5C/ Reception overview 16
Ordering instructions- using first/ then/ next
Making ice lollies/ jelly - photos
Writing instructions linked to that / Recount? or Instructions linked to making ice lollies or jelly or
(Doing the washing) WhiteMillsMuseum – loan of old washing equipment?
Links to KUW/ history
/ ELG / Yr R objectives-Learning IntentionsSuccess Criteria / Activities / Resources
2/6 /
- Sustain attentive listening, responding to what they have heard by relevant comments, questions or actionsCLL 1c/ Reception Overview 5
- Interact with others, negotiating plans & taking turns in conversation CLL 1a/ Reception 6
- Attempt writing for variety of purposes, using features of different forms
and/ or imaginative drama – day at beach
A surprise day out – Where would you go? What might happen?
Make up own ( longer) story- 3 parts
1.Go to beach – who?
2. something happens
3. Its sorted out / Lucy & Tom go to the Seaside
A surprise Day out ( RSB big book)
9/6 /
- Listen with enjoyment & respond to stories/poems., songs & other rhymes & poems….Reception overview 4.
- Show an understanding of the elements of stories- such as main character, sequence of events & openings CLL 4e Reception Overview 14
16/6 /
- Interact with others, negotiating plans & taking turns in conversation CLL 1a/ Reception 6
- Retell narratives in the correct sequence, drawing on language patterns of storiesCLL 4b/ Reception overview 15
- Show an understanding of the elements of stories- such as main character, sequence of events & openings CLL 4e Reception Overview 14
Characters- good/ bad characters in RF/ other stories. How do we know they are good/ bad?
What do they say? Writing speech bubbles- / Rainbow Fish
/ ELG / Yr R objectives-Learning IntentionsSuccess Criteria / Activities / Resources
23/6 / Science investigation week / Commotion in the Ocean
30/6 /
- Extend their vocabulary, exploring the meaning & sounds of new words CLL 1e/ Reception overview 3
- Listen with enjoyment & respond to stories/poems., songs & other rhymes & poems….Reception overview 4.
- Explore & experiment with sounds, word, texts CLL 4a
7/7 /
- Show an understanding of….how information can be found in non fiction texts to answer questions about who, where, why & how CLL 4e Reception Overview 14
- Write……other things such as labels & captionz & begin to form simple sentences, sometimes using punctuation CLL 5C/ Reception overview 16
Writing labels for parts of boat? Extend label to make captions, giving more information- Class book on boats / Labels- captions-
Talking topic CD rom – Seaside?
Seaside/ boats
14/7 /
- Listen with enjoyment & respond to stories/poems., songs & other rhymes & poems….Reception overview 4.
- Retell narratives in the correct sequence, drawing on language patterns of storiesCLL 4b/ Reception overview 15
Ordering/ sequencing events
Making up own version of story / Mr Gumpy’s Outing
( CLL example of adult led activities)
C:\Documents and Settings\Ruth B\My Documents\C&Kclasses-Year by year\FSplans\Wrens0708\Summer 5 - 2008\Medium term plans\RSB -medtermCLL- term 5&6-summer 08.doc
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