Michelle R. Gaudette Ed.D.


Michelle R. Gaudette Ed.D.



Ed.D., Curriculum and Instruction, Teacher Education (April 2011). The University of West Florida, Pensacola, Florida. Dissertation: An Exploration of the Interrelations Among the Constructs of Bandura’s Self-Efficacy Theory in Preservice Elementary Teachers Within Science Content Applications.

M.S., Biology (April 2016). The University of West Florida, Pensacola, Florida.

M.Ed., Instructional Design & Technology (December 2015). The University of West Florida, Pensacola, Florida.

M.Ed., Curriculum and Instruction, Secondary Education (May 2006). The University of West Florida, Pensacola, Florida.

B.A., Interdisciplinary Humanities (May 2001). The University of West Florida, Pensacola, Florida.


Quality Matters Improving Your Online Course Facilitator Certification (6/16). Quality Matters.

Quality Matters Online Facilitator Certification. (05/16). Quality Matters.

Quality Matters Peer Reviewer Course. (09/14). Quality Matters.

Applying the QM Rubric. (08/14). Academic Technology Center, The University of West Florida, Pensacola, Florida.

SCUBA Dive Certifications, 56 registered dives

Open Water Certification. (05/13). SDI, Pensacola, Florida.

Advanced Diver Certification. (07/13). PADI, Utila, Honduras.

Rescue Diver Certification. (07/13). PADI, Utila, Honduras.

Using Robotics to Enhance STEM Learning. (01/12 – 05/12). NASA Electronic Professional Development Network Certification, Georgia Tech.

Quality Online Instructor. (12/11). Academic Technology Center, The University of West Florida, Pensacola, Florida.

Professional Experience

Postsecondary Teaching(08/2004 – present) [Descriptions in Appendix]

The University of West Florida, Pensacola, Florida.

Visiting Instructor, (08/12 – present). Teacher Education.

University Supervisor, (08/13 – 08/15). Student Teacher Internships, Teacher Education.

Adjunct Instructor, (01/13 – 08/13). Department of Biology, Marine Science.

Faculty Associate, (10/11 – 08/12). Teacher Education.

University Supervisor, (08/10 – 08/12). Student Teaching Experience, Teacher Education.

Instructor (Spring 2010). FTCE Test Preparation, Continuing Education.

Adjunct Instructor, (05/09 – 10/11). Teacher Education.

Doctoral Teaching Assistant, (08/06 – 05/09). Teacher Education.

Instructor (06/08). SOAR Grant, Leon County, Tallahassee, Florida.

K-12 Teaching

Camp Instructor (2010 – 2012). Explore Summer Camps, Continuing Education.

Middle School English Teacher (2007 – 2008). Jubilee Christian Academy, Pensacola, Florida.

Secondary Science Teacher (2004 – 2007). Pine Forest High School, Pensacola, Florida.


Research Physiologist (06/13 – 08/13). Operation Wallacea, Utila, Honduras.

Research Associate (08/11 – 05/12). Early Reading Intervention, Santa Rosa County, Florida.

Research Fellow (08/09 – 07/11). School Improvement, Escambia County, Florida.


Quality Matters Peer Reviewer/Review Chair. (05/15-present). Academic Technology Center.

Instructional Designer (08/15 – present) Academic Technology Center.

Innovation and Design Consultant (08/14 – present). Innovation Institute.

Faculty Consultant (08/14 – 08/15). Academic Technology Center.

Academic Innovation Consultant (05/14 – 08/14). Innovation Institute.

Distance Learning Instructional Design Consultant (summer 2014). Teacher Education

Logistician (11/11 – 05/12). RDR Inc. Pensacola, Florida/WaggaWagga, Australia.

Courses Taught

Academic Courses (For Credit) [Descriptions in Appendix]

Graduate Education Courses

EDF6460: Foundations of Measurement (D2L & Blackboard Collaborate).

EDG5304: Introduction to Teaching and Learning (D2L).

EDG5366: Investigative Strategies/Empirical Foundations in Learning and Development (D2L).

EDG6990: Issues in Secondary Physical Sciences (D2L & Blackboard Collaborate).

ESE6217: Integrated Curriculum and Instruction for Secondary Education (D2L).

SCE6265: Science Methods for Middle and Secondary Education (D2L & F2F).

Undergraduate Education Courses

ECT3183: Course Construction for Career and Technical Training (D2L).

EDE3942: Field Experience I (D2L).

EDE4200: Planning & Curriculum I (D2L & F2F).

EDE4201: Planning & Curriculum II (D2L & F2F).

EDF1005: Introduction to Education (F2F).

EDF2085: Teaching Diverse Populations (D2L).

EDF3234: Applied Foundations of Education (D2L).

EDG4940: Student Teaching (D2L & F2F).

EDG4940: Student Teaching Internship I (D2L, F2F & Skype Virtual Observations)

EDG4941: Student Teaching Internship II (D2L, F2F & Skype Virtual Observations)

EDM3322: Integrated Methods I (D2L).

SCE4310: Science Methods for Elementary Education (D2L & F2F).

SCE4320: Science Methods for Middle and Secondary Education (D2L & F2F).

Undergraduate Biology Courses

PCB4723: Comparative Animal Physiology Laboratory (F2F) – Instructor of Record

ZOO1010L General Zoology Laboratory (F2F) – Volunteer Teaching Assistant

K-12 Courses

7th & 8th grade Language Arts

10th grade Biology

11th & 12th grade Zoology

Continuing Education & Community Courses (Not For Credit) [Descriptions in Appendix]

LEGO Robotics Education

Pre-service and In-service Teacher Development (F2F)

K-5 After-school robotics (F2F)

LEGO Robotics EMERGE Scholars (D2L & F2F)

Summer Camps

Marine Explorer Summer Camp

Marine Biology Explorers (grades 3-10)

Professional Development Facilitation

Science: Optimizing Academic Returns (F2F)

FTCE: General Knowledge Math Test Preparation (Blackboard Collaborate)

Research and Scholarly Activities

Funded Grants

Gaudette, M. (2012). Introduction to Basic Instructional Robotics, Instructional Technology Enhancement Projects (ITEP), The University of West Florida, Pensacola, Florida. Awarded $23,324.

Submitted Grants

James, S., Boddy, D., and Gaudette, M. (2014). High Impact Practices Promoting Innovative Education, PACE Academic Development Award, The University of West Florida, Pensacola, Florida, Not funded.

Scholarly Writing

Gaudette, M. (2011). An Exploration of the Interrelationships Among the Constructs of Bandura’s Self-Efficacy Theory in Preservice Elementary Teachers Within Science Content Applications (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). The University of West Florida, Pensacola, Florida.

Gaines, T., Brown, H. Q., & Gaudette, M. (2010). Report on the School Improvement Project in the Escambia County School District, Pensacola, Florida. Submitted March 17, 2010 to the Escambia County School District Superintendent and Warrington Middle School Administration.

Scholarly Presentations

Gaudette, M. (October 2015). Engineering Design Thinking: Programming LEGO NXT Robots to Develop Problem-solving and Resiliency. Florida Association of Science Teachers. 2015 Tallahassee, Florida.

Gaudette, M. (October 2015). LEGO Robotics: Exploring Gears to Learn Force and Motion. Florida Association of Science Teachers. 2015 Tallahassee, Florida.

Gaudette, M., Brown, H. Q., & Gaines, T. (October 2011). Impact of Reconstituting Middle School Faculty: Teacher and Student Perceptions. Rocky Mountain Educational Research Association. 2011 Conference, Granbury, Texas.

Gaudette, M., Brown, H. Q., & Gaines, T. (October 2010). Impact of Reconstituting Middle School Faculty. Rocky Mountain Educational Research Association. 2010 Conference, Broken Arrow, Oklahoma.

Gaudette, M. (October 2009). Airing Dirty Laundry: A Mixed-Methods Analysis of the Preexisting Beliefs and Conceptions of Preservice Elementary Science Teachers. October 2009 Rocky Mountain Educational Research Association 2009 Conference, Pensacola, Florida.

Gaudette, M. (January 2008). Reclaiming Eros for Emancipatory Education. Hawaii International Conference on Education, Honolulu, Hawaii.

Research Projects

Student Perceptions Before and After a Principles of Evolution College Course. (2016-2017). The University of West Florida, Pensacola, Florida.

The BYOD Flipped Classroom: Parental Instruction for Common Core Mathematics Curriculum (2014 – 2015). The University of West Florida and Escambia County School District, Pensacola, Florida.

Thermal Physiology of Marine Fishes (2013 – 2014). The University of West Florida, Pensacola, Florida.

LEGO Robotics in Elementary Education (2012 – present). The University of West Florida, Pensacola, Florida.



Growth and Development Committee (2015 – 2016).


College of Education and Professional Studies Scholarship Coordinator (2016).


Teacher Education Scholarship Committee (2015-2016).

Program Administrator for Endorsement Programs (2015-2016).

Curriculum and Assessment Advisory Committee (2014 – 2015).

Department Reorganization Committee (2014).

Hiring Committee for Assistant Professor of Elementary Science Education (2014).

EdD Program Innovation Committee (2014).

STEM Elementary Program Development Committee (2014).

EMERGE LEGO Robotics for Elementary Educators (2014).

Service (cont.)


UWF EdCampMiniconference (2014). UWF Partnership Schools, Pensacola, Florida.

Science Volunteer Program (2014 – 2016). UWF Partnership Schools, Pensacola, Florida.

LEGO Robotics After-School Camps (2014 – 2016). UWF Partnership Schools, Pensacola, Florida.

Ferry Pass Partnership Liaison (2013 – 2015). UWF Partnership Schools, Pensacola, Florida.

LEGO Robotics Pre-service and In-service Elementary Teacher Professional Development Program (2013). Brentwood Elementary School, UWF Partnership Schools, Pensacola, Florida.


Job Descriptions

University Supervisor

Supervision and mentoring of student teachers and year-long interns in local elementary school.

Visiting Instructor, Faculty Associate, Adjunct Instructor, Doctoral Teaching Assistant

Instructor of Record for undergraduate and graduate courses; online and face-to-face

Research Physiologist

Ten-week research expedition, Thermal Physiology of Lionfish, algal preference of long-spined urchins, diversity surveys of coral reefs and reef fish, presentations, mentoring university students, assisted in Coral Reef Ecology Course and dive expeditions for visiting high school students in Utila, Honduras

Research Associate

Early Reading Intervention Evaluation Project, Influence of reading strategies on student achievement, Research observations at six elementary schools for grades K-3, Data entry using SPSS/PASW

Research Fellow

Two-year school improvement research project; Restructuring efforts at a failing middle school; Developed survey instruments and conducted data analysis using SPSS/PASW

Quality Matters Peer Reviewer/Review Chair

Peer Reviewer and Review Chair on internal and external QM Course Reviews, leading to National Designation as a QM Certified Online Course

Instructional Designer

Development of instructional delivery and design strategies for online courses within the D2L LMS; Faculty support for course development and technical support for D2L LMS; Development of HTML/CSS design templates

Innovation and Design Consultant

Development of instructional and design strategies for online competency-based education courses in instructional technology programs using the BrightSpace D2L LMS

Faculty Consultant

Development of an interactive, online, performance-based Build-A-Course Workshop for new faculty using D2L to teach online and hybrid courses

Academic Innovation Consultant

Developed instructional strategies useful in managing and engaging students in large online classes, especially focusing on classes in which more than one instructor or academic coach is present; Developed and facilitated Professional Development experiences for an Innovation Think Tank consisting of eight professors of online instruction who teach large classes using academic coaches

Distance Learning Instructional Design Consultant,

Developed instructional strategies useful in making the Desire2Learn: eLearning platform more user friendly, while increasing instructor presence and reducing instructor effort; Conducted one-on-one and large group instructional sessions and developed a video demonstration and instructional library

Job Descriptions (Cont.)


Contracted by the United States Military to refurbish and transport Aviation Maintenance Trainers to WaggaWagga, Australia Development of Instructor and Student Training Manuals, Maintenance Manuals, and Inspection and Installation Manuals; Repair of Hydraulic and Electrical Systems on Aviation Maintenance Trainers; Installation and Initial Inspection of Aviation Maintenance Trainers upon arrival in Australia; and Training of Australian Military Personnel on Instructional Use and Maintenance of Aviation Maintenance Trainers

Course Descriptions

Graduate Education Courses

EDF6460: Foundations of Measurement. Topics related to the use of and collection of data in education; Developed practical assignments, which used easily accessible tools such as excel and google spreadsheets to conduct basic statistical analysis on school and classroom level data.

EDG5304: Introduction to Teaching and Learning. First field placement course for students in the graduate teacher education certificate program; Students assist in a K12 classroom with a supervising teacher, critically reflect on the Florida Educator Accomplished Practices (FEAPs) in their daily activities, and teach lessons in their content areas.

EDG5366: Investigative Strategies/Empirical Foundations in Learning and Development. Examines the empirical foundations of teacher education, investigative strategies and data sources used to study issues in teacher education.

EDG6990: Issues in Secondary Physical Sciences. Compiled peer-reviewed articles related to current issues in teaching secondary physical science, facilitated weekly synchronous online discussions relating articles to teacher practice, evaluated writing samples and provided feedback and critique.

ESE6217: Integrated Curriculum and Instruction for Secondary Education. Advanced lesson planning and instructional skills for secondary education; student-centered instructional strategies; integrated, inquiry-based, & thematic curriculum; thematic unit development; multiple intelligences, ESOL, & ESE strategies.

SCE6265: Science Methods for Middle and Secondary Education. Facilitated practical in-class experiences to foster experience-based teaching strategies for in-service secondary science teachers.

Undergraduate Education Courses

ECT3183: Course Construction for Career and Technical Training.Introduction to educational philosophy of, and development of instruction, instructional materials, and objectives for Career and Technical Education.

EDE3942: Field Experience I. Semester-long 100 hour, field placement; Students work in a classroom placement with a mentor teacher, while assisting, observing, teaching and critically reflecting on the Florida Educator Accomplished Practices (FEAPs) in their daily activities.

EDE4200: Planning & Curriculum I. Basic lesson planning and instructional skills, teacher-centered and student-centered instructional strategies, preparation for subject-based methods courses.

EDE4201: Planning & Curriculum II . Advanced lesson planning and instructional skills for elementary education; student-centered instructional strategies; integrated, inquiry-based, & thematic curriculum; thematic unit development; multiple intelligences, ESOL, & ESE strategies.

EDF1005: Introduction to Education. Introductory course on the teaching profession, history of teaching, educational law, ethics, current issues in education, student populations, curriculum standards and assessment of student learning.

EDF3234: Applied Foundations of Education. Foundations course on principles of growth, development and learning in today’s educational settings; formal and informal assessments; measurement and evaluation.

EDG4940: Student Teaching. Minimum 10 week supervised teaching experience in a local K-12 school, supervised by University Supervisor and Cooperating Teacher, unit planning, lesson development.

EDG4940: Student Teaching Internship I. Year-long, student- teaching internship with a mentor teacher in an elementary school as co-teachers in the classroom, taking control of the classroom for ten-weeks each semester for a two semester period; Topics include: classroom management, effective teaching strategies, professional development, and career skills development.

EDG4941: Student Teaching Internship II. Year-long, student- teaching internship with a mentor teacher in an elementary school as co-teachers in the classroom, taking control of the classroom for ten-weeks each semester for a two semester period; Topics include: classroom management, effective teaching strategies, professional development, and career skills development.

EDM3322: Integrated Methods I . Advanced lesson planning and instructional skills for middle and secondary education; student-centered instructional strategies; integrated, inquiry-based, & thematic curriculum; unit development; multiple intelligences, ESOL, & ESE strategies.

SCE4310: Science Methods for Elementary Education. Current methods of science instruction; student-centered, experiential teaching; in-class practical experiences; lesson plan development; constructivist philosophies and perspectives; Nature of Science.

SCE4320: Science Methods for Middle and Secondary Education. Current methods of science instruction; student-centered, experiential teaching; in-class practical experiences; lesson plan development; constructivist philosophies and perspectives; Nature of Science.

Undergraduate Biology Courses

PCB4723: Comparative Animal Physiology Laboratory. Hands-on laboratory experiences related to complex structures, phenomena, and concepts involved in the regulation of a variety of physiological mechanisms, specifically: thermal tolerance in fish, membrane physiology, metabolic rate, osmoregulation, endocrinology in fiddler crabs, evaporative water loss in amphibians, and bomb calorimetry to determine energy budgets in animals; The research process is modeled, including the process of experimentation, data collection, literature review, and manuscript writing.

LEGO Robotics Education

Pre-service and In-service Teacher Development. Six-week professional development training in LEGO Robotics for Elementary Educators; Investigated robotics design, construction, and programming using LEGO NXT visual programming.

K-5 After-school robotics. Four-week after-school club for 2nd -5th grade students Investigated robotics design, construction, and programming using LEGO NXT visual programming language; Camp themes included LEGO Sumo Wrestling and LEGO Puppy Obedience School.

LEGO Robotics EMERGE Scholars. Semester-long LEGO Robotics development program for pre-service teachers Investigation into robotics design, construction, programming using LEGO NXT visual programming language, and robotics as an instructional tool in elementary education; Culminating projects include authentic robot programming challenge and after-school robot camp for K-5.

Summer Camps

Marine Explorers Summer Camp. Marine Science summer camp for children in grades 3-10.

Professional Development

Science: Optimizing Academic Returns. Week-long background knowledge and practical laboratory experiences in physical, chemical, and biological sciences for secondary teachers in Leon County, Florida.

FTCE: General Knowledge Math Test Preparation. Test prep course, basic math skills and concepts, delivered using Blackboard Collaborate.