Examples of Eligible LCC Grants

Below is a list of funded projects by LCCs. These examples meet the state criteria and eligibility requirements and provide a public benefit within their communities.

  • A visual artist givesa slide presentationof a retrospective of his work at the library.$250
  • Daily drop-in visual arts instruction program forchildren ages 6 to 12 at local arts center, duringschool vacation.$300
  • Oral history project involving interviews ofolder residents by teens from journalism class.Interviews were taped and transcribed forpublication in town newspaper and filed forpermanent record.$350
  • Project to search out and document, throughphotographs and writing, women artistsassociated with the town. Collection to bedisplayed in town and at International WomenArtists Archives.$400
  • Collaborative project between a nature sanctuaryand the local Girl Scout troop to encourage girlsto participate in science and to increase theirawareness about environmental issues.$400
  • Production of a radio broadcast on a network forthe sight-impaired featuring taped descriptions oflocal arts festivals, visual and performing artsexhibits, and events.$500
  • Support for a community chorus composed ofmore than100 citizens to rehearse with a professionaldirector, and then present a concert for the public.$510
  • Create an accessible nature trail to serveindividuals who have physical or visualdisabilities.$600
  • Elementary school enrichment program involvingan outside artist with a discussion of the artist Miro’s work.Creation ofart work for exhibit and a dance performance thattranslates the artist’s work into costumes anddance.$725
  • Materials and artist fee to create a three-dimensionaldisplay for the River Festival illustrating elementsimpacting water quality and wildlife of the localriver and its watershed.$900
  • For an intergenerational project in whichelementary school children work with a visual artist to illustrate storiestold to them by elder volunteers. $1,077
  • Series of three public lectures on Shakespeare;will also be videotaped and shown on local cableTV narrated by a teen theater ensemble.$1,200
  • Fees for professional theater director to helpproduce a show by talented seniors at the Councilon Aging. The show will tour area nursing homesand senior citizen centers.$1,500
  • A summer installation of giant outdoorsculptures made from recycled metals created byhigh school students with an artist-in-residence.$1,960
  • Discount ticket program for low-income familiesto attend the symphony orchestra’s summer popsconcert series.$2,625