Mrs. Janet Aguilar – Room 51
World History-7th Grade
Curriculum Letter
Course Description: Students in the 7thgrade will expand their understanding of the human story by studying some major western and non-western ancient civilizations. This includes geographic, political, economic, religious and social structures in Europe, Africa, the Middle East, and the Americasduring the Middle Ages through the Scientific Revolution.
State Standards:
Standard Set 1: Fall of the Roman Empire.
Standard Set 2: Islam in the Middle Ages
Standard Set 3: China in the Middle Ages
Standard Set 4: Ghana and Mali in Medieval Africa
Standard Set 5: Medieval Japan
Standard Set 6: Medieval Europe
Standard Set 7: Meso-America and Andean Civilizations
Standard Set 8: The Renaissance.
Standard Set 9: Developments of the Reformation
Standard Set 10: The Scientific Revolution
Standard Set 11: Age of Exploration
Textbook: World History: Medieval and Early Modern Times.
Each student will be issued a textbook. Students are responsible for the condition of the book and will be charged for any damages to the textbook.
Methods: Assessment count 60% (Tests and Projects)of total grade and Classwork/Homework is 40% of total grade.
Lectures, discussions, class activities, projects, reports, oral presentations, tests, quizzes, and homework (general rule is two days to complete)
- Classroom Rules: Respect others and their property. Keep hands and feet and other objects to yourself. Be on time and prepared. Stay in your seat. Keep personal belongings in your backpack. Eating, drinking, chewing gum, applying makeup in class is not allowed.
- Grades: Grades are based on the entire semester’s work and will be calculated into a percentage and a letter grade is given as follows:
- 100-90% A
- 89-80% B
- 79-70% C
- 69-60% D
- Late Work: Due dates are posted clearly and often students are given class time to work on projects. Late work will be accepted, however, at a cost of one grade for each day past due. If you are absent you have one day for every day missed to make up the assignments. Assignments are to be written in your planner each day and are also posted on Engrade. If you are absent, it is your responsibility to find out what you missed.
- Presentation Expectations: Papers should not be mutilated, folded or ripped. This includes tearing papers out of spiral notebook. Have pride in your work.
- Preparation: Always be on time, have a blue or black pen, colored pencils, scissors, a glue stick and index cards.
- Class Participation: Students are expected to raise their hand and wait to be called upon to speak.
- Homework: Homework is assigned in all classes and is extremely important to your success in all academic classes.
- Tests: Cheating will not be tolerated and a zero will be awarded to both parties. Follow all directions given by the teacher when taking a test or quiz.
- Projects/Reports: Projects and reports will be assigned periodically and must be turned in on time.
- Extra Credit: Extra credit will be offered periodically. It will not be assigned in order for you to make up missed work. Wise students take advantage of all EC opportunities.
Contact Information: Preferred method of contact is via email.
Address: School Phone Number: 818-773-4700
My child and I have read and understand the requirements for
Mrs. Aguilar’s History Class
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