Sierra Nevada Global Change Research Project
Complete Bibliography
Thanks to Nathan Stephenson for submitting this information.
Acevedo, M.F., D.L. Urban, and M. Ablan. 1995. Transition and gap models of forest dynamics. Ecol. Appl.
Anderson, R.S. 1992. Paleoclimatic interpretations of montane meadow sediment, pollen, and macrofossil
stratigraphies from California. Bull. Ecol. Soc. Amer. 73(2):97-98 (abstract).
Anderson, R.S. 1994. Paleohistory of a giant sequoia grove: the record from Log Meadow, Sequoia National Park.
Pages 49-55 in P. S. Aune, ed., Proceedings of the Conference, Giant Sequoias: Their Place in the Ecosystem and
Society. USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. PSW-GTR-151.
Anderson, R.S. 1996. Postglacial biogeography of Sierra lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta var. murrayana) in
California. Ecoscience 3:343-351.
Anderson, R.S., and S.L. Carpenter. 1991. Vegetation change in Yosemite Valley, Yosemite National Park,
California, during the protohistoric period. Madroño 38:1-13.
Anderson, R.S., and S.J. Smith. 1991. Paleoecology within California's Sierra Nevada National Parks: an overview
of the past and prospectus for the future. Pages 329-337 in Proceedings of the Yosemite Centennial Symposium.
Yosemite Association, El Portal, California.
Anderson, R.S. and S.J. Smith. 1994. Paleoclimatic interpretations of meadow sediment and pollen stratigraphies
from California. Geology 22:723-726.
Anderson, R.S., and S.J. Smith. 1997. Sedimentary record of fire in montane meadows, Sierra Nevada, California,
USA: a preliminary assessment. Pages 313-327 in J. S. Clark, H. Cachier, J. G. Goldammer, and B. Stocks (eds.),
Sediment Records of Biomass Burning and Global Change. NATO ASI Series, Vol. I51, Springer-Verlag, Berlin.
Anderson, R.S., and S.J. Smith. In press. Climatic extremes of the last 4000 years as reflected in pollen records
from the southern Sierra Nevada, California. Pages 25-43 in Southern California Climate: Trends and Extremes of the
Last 2000 Years. Science Series No. __, Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County.
Anderson, R.S., S.J. Smith, and P.A. Koehler. 1997. Distributions of sites and radiocarbon dates in the Sierra
Nevada: implications for paleoecological prospecting. Radiocarbon 39:121-137.
Anderson, R.S., C. Wahrhaftig, K.L. Cole, M. Hughes and T. Swetnam. 1992. Field trip guide to "Quaternary
Environments of the West Slope of the Sierra Nevada." Field Trip Guide printed for the 12th Biennial Meeting of the
American Quaternary Association.
Brown, P.M., M.K. Hughes, C.H. Baisan, T.W. Swetnam, and A.C. Caprio. 1992. Giant sequoia ring width
chronologies from the central Sierra Nevada, California. Tree-Ring Bulletin 52:1-14.
Brunelle, A.R. 1997. A post-glacial record of fire and vegetation history from Siesta Lake, Yosemite National Park,
California. M.S. thesis, Northern Arizona University.
Caprio, T. C., and C. Baisan. 1992. Multi-millennial tree-ring chronologies from foxtail pine in the southern Sierra
Nevada of California. Bull. Ecol. Soc. Amer. 73:133 (abstract).
Caprio, T. C., L. S. Mutch, T. W. Swetnam, and C. H. Baisan. 1994. Temporal and spatial patterns of giant
sequoia radial growth response to a high severity fire in A.D. 1297. Contract report to the California Department of
Forestry and Fire Protection, Mountain Home State Forest.
Caprio, A. C., and T. W. Swetnam. 1995. Historic fire regimes along an elevational gradient on the west slope of the
Sierra Nevada, California. Pages 173-179. in J. K. Brown, R. W. Mutch, C. W. Spoon, and R. H. Wakimoto (tech.
coords.) Proceedings: Symposium on Fire in Wilderness and Park Management. USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech.
Rep. INT-GTR-320.
Chang, C. and D. L. Urban. 1998. Climatic gradients, fuel accumulation, and the formation of fire regimes. Abstracts,
Landscape Ecology Symposium, East Lansing.
Chang, C. and D. L. Urban. 1998. Scaling fire regimes. Abstracts, annual meeting of Ecological Society of America,
Baltimore, p. 43.
Clark, J. S., M. Silman, R. A. Kern, E. Macklin, and J. HilleRisLambers. In Press. Seed dispersal near and far:
generalized patterns across temperate and tropical forests. Ecology.
Dickinson, R. E., R. Bryant, and L. J. Graumlich. In press. Interactive canopies for a climate model. Journal of
Finney, M. A. 1994. Modeling the spread and behavior of prescribed natural fires. Pages 138-143 in J. D. Cohen, J.
M. Saveland, and D. D. Wade (eds.), Proceedings of the 12th Conference on Fire and Forest Meteorology. Soc.
Amer. Foresters, Bethesda, MD.
Finney, M. A. 1995. FARSITE fire area simulator. Systems for Environmental Management, Missoula, MT.
Finney, M. A. 1995. Fire growth modeling in the Sierra Nevada of California. Pages 189-191 in J. K. Brown, R. W.
Mutch, C. W. Spoon, and R. H. Wakimoto (tech. coords.), Proceedings: Symposium on fire in wilderness and park
management. USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. INT-GTR-320.
Finney, M. A., and K. C. Ryan. 1995. Use of the FARSITE fire growth model for fire prediction in the U. S.
national parks. Pages __ in J. D. Sullivan, J. L. Wybo, and L. Buisson (eds.), International Emergency Management
and Engineering Conference. International Emergency Management and Engineering Society, Paris, France.
Fullmer, D. G., R. R. Rogers, J. D. Manley, and N. L. Stephenson. 1996. Restoration as a component of
ecosystem management for giant sequoia groves in California. Pages 109-115 in D. L. Peterson and C. V. Klimas
(eds.), The Role of Restoration in Ecosystem Management. Society for Ecological Restoration, Madison, Wisconsin.
Garfin, G. M. 1998. Relationships between winter atmospheric circulation patterns and extreme tree growth
anomalies in the Sierra Nevada. International Journal of Climatology 18:725-740.
Garfin, G. M. 1998. Winter atmospheric circulation and tree growth in the Sierra Nevada. Pages 95-105 in R. C.
Wilson and V. L. Tharp (eds.), Proceedings of the 14th Annual Pacific Climate (PACLIM) Workshop, April 6-9,
1997, Interagency Ecological Program, Technical Report 57. California Department of Water Resources.
Garfin, G. M. 1998. Sierra Nevada tree rings and atmospheric circulation. Ph.D. dissertation, University of Arizona,
Graumlich, L. J. 1991. Subalpine tree growth, climate, and increasing CO2: an assessment of recent growth trends.
Ecology 72(1):1-11.
Graumlich, L. J. 1993. A 1000-year record of temperature and precipitation in the Sierra Nevada. Quaternary
Research 39:249-255.
Graumlich, L. J. 1994. Long-term vegetation change in mountain environments: Paleoecological insights into modern
vegetation dynamics. Pages 167-179 in M. Beniston (ed.), Mountain Environments in Changing Climates. Routledge,
Graumlich, L. J. and L. B. Brubaker. 1995. Long-term records of growth and distribution of conifers: integration of
paleoecology and physiological ecology. Pages 37-62 in W. K. Smith and T. M. Hinckley (eds.), Ecophysiology of
Coniferous Forests. Academic Press, New York.
Graumlich, L. J., and M. Ingram. In press. Drought in the context of the last 1000+ years: some surprising
implications. Drought. Routledge Press, New York.
Graumlich, L. J., and A. H. Lloyd. 1996. Dendroclimatic, ecological and geomorphological evidence for long-term
climatic change in the Sierra Nevada, U.S.A. Pages 51-59 in J. S. Dean, D. M. Meko, and T. W. Swetnam (eds.),
Tree Rings, Environment, and Humanity. Proceedings of the International Conference. Radiocarbon, Department of
Geosciences, The University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona.
Grulke, N. E., and P. R. Miller. 1994. Changes in gas exchange characteristics during the life span of giant sequoia:
implications for response to current and future concentrations of atmospheric ozone. Tree Physiol. 14:659-668.
Grulke, N. E., P. R. Miller, and D. Scioli. 1996. Response of giant sequoia canopy foliage to elevated
concentrations of atmospheric ozone. Tree Physiol. 16:575-581.
Halpin, P. N. 1995. A cross-scale analysis of environmental gradients and forest pattern in the giant sequoia - mixed
conifer forest of the Sierra Nevada. Ph.D. dissertation. Duke University, Durham, NC.
Hughes, M. K., and P. M. Brown. 1992. Drought frequency in central California since 101 B.C. recorded in giant
sequoia tree rings. Climate Dynamics 6:161-167.
Hughes, M. K., and H. R. Diaz. 1994. Was there a Medieval Warm Period, and if so, where and when? Climatic
Change 26:109-142.
Hughes, M. K. and L. J. Graumlich. 1996. Multimillennial dendroclimatic records from the western United States.
Pages 109-124 in R. S. Bradley, P. D. Jones, and J. Jouzel (eds.), Climatic Variations and Forcing Mechanisms of the
last 2000 Years. NATO Advanced Studies Workshop Series. Springer-Verlag, New York.
Hughes, M. K., R. Touchan, and P. A. Brown. 1996. A multimillennial network of giant sequoia chronologies for
dendroclimatology. Pages 225-234 in J. Dean, D. Meko, and T. Swetnam (eds.), Tree Rings, Environment and
Humanity. Radiocarbon.
Keifer, M. 1992. Long-term dynamics of the southern Sierra Nevada subalpine forest: the role of fire disturbance and
climate. Bull. Ecol. Soc. Am. 73(2):228 (abstract).
Kern, R. A. 1995. The effect of light and water availability on the leaf water potential, growth, and survival of Sierran
conifer seedlings. Bull. Ecol. Soc. Am. 76(6):85 (abstract).
Kern, R. A. 1996. A comparative field study of growth and survival of Sierran conifer seedlings. Ph.D. dissertation.
Duke University, Durham NC.
Kern, R. A. 1996. The effects of light, elevation, and soil moisture on seedling growth and survival in Sierran conifer
seedlings. In: A Forum for Integrating Multidisciplinary Research to Advance the Science of Global Change. Graduate
Fellowships for Global Change Fellows' Conference, U.S. Department Of Energy (abstract).
Kern, R. A. 1997. Seedling establishment patterns of some Sierran conifers. Bull. Ecol. Soc. Amer. 78(4):268
Kern, R. A. 1997. The effect of elevation and light availability on survival and growth of Sierran conifer seedlings. In:
The Pace and Pattern of Landscape Change, 12th Annual Symposium of the U.S. International Association for
Landscape Ecology (abstract).
Kern, R. A. In Review. The effects of soil moisture and light availability on survival and growth of Sierran conifer
seedlings. Submitted to Canadian Journal of Forest Research.
Kern, R. A., V. H. Dale, and J. J. Beauchamp. 1994. The effect of elevation, light and water availability on the
growth of Sierran conifer seedlings. Bull. Ecol. Soc. Am. 75(2):109 (abstract).
Kern, R. A., V. H. Dale, and J. J. Beauchamp. In Review. Shade- and drought-tolerance trade-offs: the effect of
elevation and light availability on survival and growth of Sierran conifer seedlings. Submitted to Canadian Journal of
Forest Research.
Kern, R. A., R. Zimmermann, and R. Oren. 1996. Canopy transpiration in a giant sequoia - mixed conifer forest,
Sequoia National Park, California. Bull. Ecol. Soc. Am. 77(3):231 (abstract).
King, J. C., and L. J. Graumlich. In review. Stem-layering and genet longevity in whitebark pine (Pinus albicaulis).
Submitted to Ecoscience.
Kitzberger, T., T. W. Swetnam, and T. T. Veblen. 1998. A comparison of fire histories and climatic change in the
southwestern United States and Patagonia, Argentina. Abstracts, Pole-Equator-Pole Conference, Merida, Venezulea,
Mar. 16-20, 1998.
Koehler, P. A. 1993. The paleoecology and stratigraphy of Nichols Meadow, Sierra National Forest, California.
M.S. thesis, Northern Arizona University. 59 pages.
Koehler, P. A., and R. S. Anderson. 1994. The paleoecology and stratigraphy of Nichols Meadow, Sierra National
Forest, California, USA. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 112:1-17.
Lauenroth, W. K., D. L. Urban, D. P. Coffin, W. J. Parton, H. H. Shugart, T. B. Kirchner, and T. M. Smith.
1993. Modeling vegetation structure - ecosystem process interactions across sites and biomes. Ecol. Model.
Levine, E. R., K. J. Ranson, J. A. Smith, D. L. Williams, R. G. Knox, H. H. Shugart, D. L. Urban, and W. T.
Lawrence. 1993. Forest ecosystem dynamics: linking forest models, soil processes, and radiation models. Ecol.
Model. 65:199-220.
Lloyd, A. H. 1996. Patterns and processes of treeline forest response to late Holocene climate change in the Sierra
Nevada, California. Ph.D. dissertation. University of Arizona, Tucson.
Lloyd, A. H. 1996. Controls over foxtail pine seedling growth at treeline in the Sierra Nevada. Bull. Ecol. Soc. Amer.
77(3):269 (abstract).
Lloyd, A. H. 1997. Response of tree-line populations of foxtail pine (Pinus balfouriana) to climate variation over the
last 1,000 years. Can. J. For. Res. 27:936-942.
Lloyd, A. H. 1998. Elevational controls over foxtail pine seedling growth at treeline in the Sierra Nevada. EcoScience.
5: 250-257.
Lloyd, A. H. and L. J. Graumlich. 1993. Late Holocene treeline fluctuations in the southern Sierra Nevada. Bull.
Ecol. Soc. Amer. 74(2):334 (abstract).
Lloyd, A. H. and L. J. Graumlich. 1995. Spatial and temporal patterns of change at treeline in the Sierra Nevada
Mountains, CA. Bull. Ecol. Soc. Amer. 76(2):176 (abstract).
Lloyd, A. H., and L. J. Graumlich. 1997. Holocene dynamics of treeline forests in the Sierra Nevada. Ecology
Mann, M. E., R. S. Bradley, and M. K. Hughes. 1998. Global-scale temperature patterns and climate forcing over
the past six centuries. Nature 392:779-787.
McKelvey, K. S., C. N. Skinner, C.-r. Chang, D. C. Erman, S. J. Husari, D. J. Parsons, J. W. van
Wagtendonk, and C. P. Weatherspoon. 1996. An overview of fire in the Sierra Nevada. Pages 1033-1040 in
Sierra Nevada Ecosystem Project: Final Report to Congress, vol. II, Assessments and Scientific Basis for
Management Options. Centers for Water and Wildland Resources, University of California, Davis.
Miller, C. 1994. A model of the interactions among climate, fire and forest pattern in the Sierra Nevada. M.S. thesis,
Colorado State University, Fort Collins.
Miller, C. 1998. Forest pattern, surface fire regimes, and climatic change in the Sierra Nevada, California. Ph.D.
dissertation, Colorado State University, Fort Collins.
Miller, C., and D. L. Urban. 1995. A model of the interactions among climate, fire, and forest pattern in the Sierra
Nevada. Bull. Ecol. Soc. Am. 76(2):184 (abstract).
Miller, C., and D. L. Urban. 1997. Responses of forest pattern to the suppression and reintroduction of surface fires.
Bull. Ecol. Soc. Am. 78(3): (abstract).
Miller, C., and D. L. Urban. 1997. Response of forest pattern to the suppression and reintroduction of surface fires.
Abstracts, 12th Annual Landscape Ecology Symposium, Durham, North Carolina, p. 91.
Miller, C., and D. L. Urban. In press. Fire, climate, and forest pattern in the Sierra Nevada. Ecol. Model.
Miller, C., and D. L. Urban. In review. Interactions between forest heterogeneity and surface fire regimes. Submitted
to Can. J. For. Res.
Miller, C., and D. L. Urban. In review. Forest pattern, fire, and climatic change. Submitted to Ecosystems.
Miller, C., and D. L. Urban. In review. The effect of fire management on forest pattern. Submitted to Ecol. Appl.
Miller, C., and D. L. Urban. In review. Connectivity of forest fuels and surface fire regimes. Submitted to Landscape
Miller, C., D. L. Urban, and R. H. Gardner. 1996. The response of landscape structure to surface fire regimes in
the Sierra Nevada, California. Bull. Ecol. Soc. Am. 77(3):307 (abstract).
Miller, C., D. L. Urban, and R. H. Gardner. 1996. Landscape connectivity and fire frequency. Abstracts, 11th
Annual Landscape Ecology Symposium, Galveston, Texas, p. 72.
Munro, M. A. R., P. M. Brown, M. K. Hughes, and E. M. Garcia. 1996. Image analysis of tracheid dimensions
for dendrochronological use. Pages 843-852 in J. Dean, D. Meko, and T. Swetnam (eds.), Tree Rings, Environment
and Humanity. Radiocarbon.
Mutch, L. S. 1994. Growth responses of giant sequoia to fire and climate in Sequoia and Kings Canyon National
Parks, California. M.S. thesis, University of Arizona, Tucson.
Mutch, L. S., and D. J. Parsons. 1998. Mixed conifer forest mortality and establishment before and after prescribed
fire in Sequoia National Park, California. Forest Science 44:341-355.
Mutch, L. S., and T. W. Swetnam. 1995. Effects of fire severity and climate on ring-width growth of giant sequoia
after burning. Pages 241-246 in J. K. Brown, R. W. Mutch, C. W. Spoon, and R. H. Wakimoto (tech. coords.),
Proceedings: Symposium on fire in wilderness and park management. USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep.
Parsons, D. J. 1991. Preparing the Sierran parks for global issues of the 21st century. Pages 150-155 in Proceedings
of the Yosemite Centennial Symposium. Yosemite Association, El Portal, CA.
Parsons, D. J. 1991. Planning for climate change in national parks and other natural areas. Northwest Env. J.
Parsons, D. J. 1991. Global change: an opportunity for the 1990s. The George Wright Forum 7(3):40-42.
Parsons, D. J. 1994. Objects or ecosystems? Giant sequoia management in national parks. Pages 109-115 in P. S.
Aune (tech. coord.), Proceedings of the Symposium on Giant Sequoias: their place in the ecosystem and society.
USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. PSW-151.
Parsons, D. J. 1995. Restoring fire to giant sequoia groves: what have we learned in 25 years? Pages 256-258 in J.
K. Brown, R. W. Mutch, C. W. Spoon, and R. H. Wakimoto (tech. coords.), Proceedings: Symposium on fire in
wilderness and park management. USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. INT-GTR-320.
Parsons, D. J., D. M. Graber, and N. L. Stephenson. 1990. Planning for global climate change research -- an
example from Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks. The George Wright Forum 6(4):1-9.
Parsons, D. J., A. C. Workinger, and A. M. Esperanza. 1992. Composition, structure, and physical and
pathological characteristics of nine forest stands in Sequoia National Park. USDI National Park Service Tech. Report
NPS/WRUC/NRTR-92/50. 195 pages.
Parsons, D. J., N. L. Stephenson, D. M. Graber, and A. M. Esperanza. 1993. Understanding the effects of
climatic change on the ecosystems of the Sierra Nevada. Bull. Ecol. Soc. Am. 74:384-385 (abstract).
Parsons, D. J., and J. W. van Wagtendonk. 1996. Fire research and management in the Sierra Nevada national
parks. Pages 25-48 in W. L. Halvorson and G. E. Davis (eds.), Science and Ecosystem Management in the National
Parks. University of Arizona Press, Tucson.
Power, M. J. 1997. Paleoecology and paleolimnology of East Lake, Sierra National Forest, California. M.S. thesis,
Northern Arizona University.
Sheppard, P. R. and L. J. Graumlich. 1996. A reflected-light video imaging system for tree-ring analysis of conifers.
In J. S. Dean, D. M. Meko, and T. W. Swetnam (eds.), Tree Rings, Environment, and Humanity. Proceedings of the
International Conference. Radiocarbon, Department of Geosciences, The University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona.
Smith, S. J., and R. S. Anderson. 1992. Late Wisconsin paleoecologic record from Swamp Lake, Yosemite
National Park, California. Quat. Res. 38:91-102.
Smith, S. J., and R. S. Anderson. 1995. A method for impregnating soft sediment cores for thin-section microscopy.
J. Sedimentary Res. 65:576-577.
Stephens, S. L. 1995. Effects of prescribed and simulated fire and forest history of giant sequoia (Sequoiadendron
giganteum [Lindley] Buchholz) - mixed conifer ecosystems of the Sierra Nevada, California. Ph.D. dissertation,
University of California, Berkeley.
Stephenson, N. L. 1992. What do "wet" and "dry" really mean to vegetation? Bull. Ecol. Soc. Am. 73(2):355-356
Stephenson, N. L. 1994. Effects of two millennia of changing climate and fire regimes on giant sequoia populations.
Page 63 in Ecosystem Management and Restoration for the 21st Century, 21st annual Natural Areas Conference,
Palm Beach Gardens, Florida (abstract).
Stephenson, N. L. 1994. Long-term dynamics of sequoia populations: implications for managing a pioneer species.
Pages 56-63 in P. S. Aune, ed., Proceedings of the Conference, Giant Sequoias: Their Place in the Ecosystem and
Society. USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. PSW-GTR-151.
Stephenson, N. L. 1996. Ecology and management of giant sequoia groves. Pages 1431-1467 in Sierra Nevada
Ecosystem Project: Final Report to Congress, vol. II, Assessments and Scientific Basis for Management Options.
Centers for Water and Wildland Resources, University of California, Davis.
Stephenson, N. L. In press. Actual evapotranspiration and deficit: biologically meaningful correlates of vegetation
distribution across spatial scales. J. Biogeogr.
Stephenson, N. L. In press. Fire meets the forest: using reference conditions in giant sequoia management. Ecological
Stephenson, N. L. In review. Climate, vegetation, and implications for restoration. Chapter 3 in E. B. Allen and Z.
Naveh (eds.), Principles of Restoration Ecology: an Integrated Approach. Springer-Verlag, New York.
Stephenson, N. L., and A. Demetry. 1995. Estimating ages of giant sequoias. Can. J. For. Res. 25:223-233.