
By Mike Bales

Dec 12, 2007 5:14 PM |

My comment is to Terry. We do have land slobs in NH and I am not from NH, but from Illinois. Mesa County is doing a great job trying to clear the issue of junk collectors. No place is perfect. What brought you to GJ? Call me if you want to visit. I live in Pemroke. My point is the mentality of the Campbells is not even reasonable with ignorant threats.

By Ducky

Dec 12, 2007 7:29 AM |

Logic says that the chain of owners that have kept the property taxes paid over the years would be the True and Lawful Owners, but then again...
We are in Mesa County, and there is a recent case in Boulder that sets a recent precedent.
This is a case for a FULLY INFORMED JURY that understands THE TRUE POWER OF THE PEOPLE.


Dec 11, 2007 9:12 PM |

Outrageous! Using the documentation from the abstract research and title insurance that no doubt accompanied Mr. Heberle's purchase of the property, this ought to be an issue quickly resolved. Any manifest destiny "land grab" that is being perpetrated seems to fly in the face of reason and good governance and justly should be squelched. Damned New Yorkers, wanting to come out and improve this fine country, pay taxes into the local coffers, and contribute to the great community of Grand Junction... What nerve! May justice prevail.

By Terry

Dec 11, 2007 7:43 PM |

Mr. Bales should do a little research NH does have the same law as well as several other states. I am also from NH and there are just as many land slobs/junk collectors there the only difference trees hide alot.

By mark

Dec 11, 2007 7:40 PM |

Good for the Heberle's! I as a tax paying citizen respect and admire those trying to build a life and it's unfortunate that others try to scrimp and weasel their way to obtain things that are not theirs. As far as covenents go they work, otherwise you would have your family or neighborhood kids playing in toxic waste sites.
If you want your property to turn into a piece of filth, grab fifty acres in the middle of nowhere. Have fun just dont pollute your neighbors, their quality of life, or the enviormnet we share with your garbage.

By Mike Bales

Dec 11, 2007 3:57 PM |

I lived in GJ from 1982 to 2001. I now live in New Hampshire, and we don't seem to have this mentality in New England. Sounds like GJ has really gone in the toilet. Miss the weather, but that is about it.

By elkhunter

Dec 11, 2007 3:25 PM |

Same old Mesa County, isn't it... Here we have a "good old boy" local still living with his mommy. "He just hasn't quite grown up yet", and neither has his dear mother. Piles of trash here and there around their own place, and heck, "Why don't we just toss some over there on a piece of dirt we don't even own." Inbreeding is such a tragedy!
So they rustle up some "Bottom of the class" attorney, who then digs up some statute justifiably dusted over that perhaps argues that if you toss your trash on a piece of land long enough, you can claim the property as yours. What a great country! Boy, I'll bet the character of the characters who drew up that piece of legislation was just as admirable as the trespassing trash collectors who are at the center of this controversy. Imagine that! "Locals" making New Yorkers look good by comparison! Geez! Get a life and clean up your trash, and good Lord, grow up!