At St Cuthbert’s, students have always enjoyed an excellent education in the three disciplines of Biology, Physics and Chemistrytaught separately throughout KS3,4 and 5. This has been reflected constantly in our excellent KS3 and GCSE results, year on year and particularly so in 2010 in which 86.8% of students achieved level 5+ in Key Stage 3 assessments by examination, 95.6% of the entire Year 11 cohort achieved at least 2 GCSEs or the equivalent at A*-C grades. In Quadruple Science, Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Geology, on average, 56.9%% achieved A*-A grades with chemistry achieving an outstanding 73.2%. At advanced level 47% achieved A*/A/B grades 100% achieved A-E grades in Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Geology whilst 100% achieved passes in the BTEC National Vocational qualification. The latter have been involved in project work at the University of Newcastle Upon Tyne.

Since our designation as a ScienceCollege in 2003 we have maintained an excellent quality of learning and teaching (OFSTED report 2012) and have increased the amount of enrichment and breadth of education by introduction of the International GCSE (IGCSE) in Chemistry for our most able students.This begins in year 9 in order to give them effective preparation to begin GCE Advanced level Science and access to greater consideration by the best Universities. We will be following the progress of these students carefully with a view to extending this provision to the other sciences as well.

We are using the specialist scientific knowledge of teachers within the faculty to improve the public understanding of science through parental engagement and helping partner secondary and primary schools within the city to improve the science education they offer. We also have partnerships at the industrial level with Pearson Engineering. We have been asked, by the Reece Foundation, to administer bursaries for 30 students, throughout secondary schools in Newcastle upon Tyne, who are willing to follow STEM courses post-16.There has been a gradual growth in, excitement, engagement and achievement of students, both in public examinations and in creative extra-curricular projects. This has lead to an increased number of nationally recognised awards such as the CREST award scheme (Creativity in Science and Technology) and the Young Engineer’s scheme.

The science faculty comprises twelve modern subject dedicated laboratories: 3 Physics;3 Chemistry; 3 Biology; Geology and 2 BTEC applied science. All are on one corridor. These are served by three preparation facilities which are subject specific (Chemistry, Biology and Physics). Science is also involved in the building of a new STEM facility sponsored by the Reece Foundation, within the school, for creative learning in STEM areas. Building of this is due to begin in July 2013.

Dr T.R. Harbinson

Assistant Principal

Head of Science