Chester United Methodist Church Preschool

Dear Parents:

Welcome to a fantastic and memorable year of learning and fun at Chester United Methodist Preschool. We are thrilled to be a part of your child’s most important foundational years of schooling. These developmental years are extremely exciting for children and parents.

The teachers and staff strive to provide a loving and nurturing environment where CORE knowledge skills are used with personalized teacher creativity applied to each lesson. Our school-wide Christian character building program is an important element of our school~ our CUMC (Children United in Modeling Character) emphasizes respect, responsibility, honesty, and being a good friend.

Our CUMCPS website will be a helpful way to keep up to date on any news or current activities within our school and church. Open communication is a crucial part of a wonderful school year!

Should you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to call! I look forward to getting to know you and your family!

Many blessings,

Jen Barnes


Office # 748-2275 E-Mail: Website:


We, the members of Chester United Methodist Church, believe that each child is a child of God and should have every opportunity to develop physically, intellectually, emotionally, socially and spiritually to their fullest potential. Chester United Methodist Church is called to a ministry, caring for children, showing concern for families, and providing support and nurture for its own congregation and for the surrounding community. A weekday program is one way for the Church to live out the message of God’s love expressed through Jesus Christ. Children and parents in the congregation, and in the community, need this program and need support for their lives. The Church has the facilities needed for a weekday program and wants to be a good steward of the space. Members of Chester United Methodist Church see this weekday ministry as a way to live out the Gospel in the community.

History of the Program

In September 1989 several Church members began a “playgroup” for two and three year olds. The program was expanded in 1992 to a preschool for four year olds and was officially named the Chester United Methodist Church Preschool (“CUMCPS”). In the last four years we have grown from 40 children to 92, adding a Junior Kindergarten Readiness and a Junior Kindergarten program and are well known throughout the schools of Chester as one of the finest preschools available.

Fees and Fee Schedule

CUMCPS requires a non-refundable, annual registration fee of $75.00 per child and a yearly $25 Art and Activity Fee.

The annual tuition fee may be paid in nine (9) equal monthly installments. Advance payment of tuition fees is, of course, welcome. The preschool staff salaries are paid strictly from tuition payments. Therefore, there will be no prorated months due to holidays, illnesses, weather, etc. Tuition installments are due by the first (1st) of each month with the exception of September’s tuition which is due the first day of school. All tuition paid after the 3rd of each month will be considered late. The CUMCPS Board reserves the right to assess a 10% late fee on each child registered if tuition is not paid by the due date. Tuition and registration payments should be made by personal check, cashier’s check or money order, please make payment out to CUMCPS. NO CASH will be accepted. By using these suggested methods of payment you are assured of a receipt for your records. Please place your tuition check in your child's Communication Folder.

The fees are:

Two days per week (Toddler Class) / $1,260.00/year or $140.00/month
Three days per week (3’s) / $1,665.00/year or $185.00/month
Junior Kindergarten Readiness (3's) / $1,890.00/ year or $210.00/month
Four days per week (4‘s) / $2,160.00/year or $240.00/month
Junior Kindergarten (5’s) / $2, 430.00/year or $270.00/month

When one family enrolls two or more children with CUMCPS during the same school year, a 10% discount on the lowest tuition amount is allowed. If you “refer a friend” and they enroll in our program, you will receive a one-time $20.00 credit to your tuition.

Objectives of the Program

1.  Become aware that each person is worthy of God’s love and the love of other human beings.

2.  Learn how to become responsible for self and others.

3.  Learn how to communicate effectively with teachers and classmates, to hear and imitate sounds used to form words and to understand and follow simple instructions.

4.  Develop understanding attitudes and skills appropriate for a child’s particular age.

5.  Learn more about self and others through informal role play.

6.  Have opportunities to use arts and crafts material to develop appreciation for form, color and texture.

7.  Have opportunities to develop music appreciation through sound and rhythm and to listen to and participate in some form of musical expression.

8.  Keep physically active by using the playground for free play and attending Movement classes.

9.  Understand that God has something to say to each person in every situation that will ever be encountered.

10.  Learn about God’s love through daily Bible lessons and Bible stories during weekly chapel.

Building Facilities

CUMCPS is housed within the most recently constructed wing of Chester United Methodist Church located at the corner of Percival and School Streets in Chester. The Davis Fellowship Hall, located downstairs, is used for weekly Art lessons, Movement classes, Music, and group events, such as parent/student luncheons, Graduation Ceremonies for the four year old classes and the JK. It also serves as an indoor recreation area during inclement weather. Whenever possible, staff and students enjoy time outdoors each day. A fenced in play area provides a safe place for our students to run and utilize activity equipment each day.

Snacks for Toddlers and 3's

Each teacher will determine if they will have snack and a snack signup sheet will be available on back to school night. Parents are asked to volunteer to provide enough snacks for the week for their child’s class. If your child has food allergies or special dietary needs, please bring this to the attention of the Director or your child’s teacher. If you wish to bring food for a special celebration, please ask your child’s teacher before doing so. There are no peanut butter or peanut products containing tree nuts or peanuts allowed in the classroom at any time. Several students have had such severe allergies to peanuts/ tree nuts that the mere smell of them could result in a major medical emergency. In order to keep all children safe, we are asking to avoid all use of peanut products in the classroom.

Insurance Coverage

CUMCPS is covered under Chester United Methodist Church’s liability insurance policy. This policy exceeds the insurance coverage requirement for child care facilities in the State of Virginia.


Every year CUMCPS meets all Department of Social Services requirements were for certification as a religious exempt institution. Our facility is inspected routinely by the Dept. of Health and the Fire Department.


CUMCPS administrative/teaching staff consists of a full-time Director, Treasurer, 7 lead teachers, 7 assistants and a degreed Art Teacher and Movement Teacher. Minimum requirements for any staff member are a high school diploma with a college degree and/or preschool teaching experience. Our Junior Kindergarten is taught by an experienced teacher. Each staff member, prospective staff member, or permanent substitute is required to submit to a criminal history record check. All staff members are certified each year by a practicing physician to be free from any disability or disease which would prevent them from caring for children.

Non-Discriminatory Policy

Chester United Methodist Church Preschool admits students of any race, color and national or ethnic origin.

Days and Times of Operation

Toddler Class Monday and Wednesday 9:05am to 12:15pm
Toddler Class Tuesday and Thursday 9:05am to 12:15pm
3 year old students Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday 9:05am to 12:15pm
Junior Kindergarten Readiness Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday 9:05am to 1:30pm
4 year old students Monday through Thursday 9:05am to 1:30pm
Junior Kindergarten Monday through Thursday 9:05am to 1:30pm

The preschool publishes its calendar each year. A monthly version will be posted on the website for you to print at home. Please put your calendar in a safe place so your family is aware of scheduled holidays and school closings. The preschool will make every effort to remind parents of vacations and closings.

Preschool begins each day at 9:05 a.m. and concludes at either 12:15 or 1:30 p.m. (with the exception of the Tuesday, Extended Day Program for 3 year olds, which ends at 1:30 p.m.) The time before 9:05 a.m. is used to ready the classroom for the day and the time after 12:15 and 1:30 p.m. is used to clean up after a busy day of learning. If a child needs to arrive earlier, or stay later, prior arrangements must be made with the individual teacher. Your cooperation in this matter is greatly appreciated.

The Preschool Board has the right to charge a fee for late pick-up of children. A fee of $5.00 for children picked up 10 minutes late, $10.00 for children picked up between 20 minute late and $20.00 for children picked up 30 minutes late will apply. One warning letter will be sent prior to this charge being activated.

3’s Extended Day Enrichment Information

CUMC Preschool offers a special Extended Day program for our 3 year olds. This program is designed to give our children additional instruction and enrichment time, added time to practice socialization skills and most importantly, more time to spend with their peers. Registration will be semester commitment from January to May. Every Tuesday the children will bring their lunch and stay until 1:30pm. During this time they will participate in hands-on learning, writing, story time and a craft. Having the children stay for this extra time will better prepare them for the longer day of the 4 year old or JK class by assisting them to focus, follow directions and finish tasks for a full day. Our extended day program fee is an additional $35 per month, bringing your tuition total to $220 per month beginning in January. If you are interested in having your child participate in this program, please indicate such in the appropriate slot on the registration form. This class is filled on a first come first serve basis. Contact the Director at 748-2275, if you have any questions.

Inclement Weather/School Closings

In the event of inclement weather, please listen to the local television and/or radio stations between the hours of 6:00 a.m. and 8:30 a.m. for school closing announcements. When Chesterfield County Schools are closed, CUMCPS will also be closed. When Chesterfield County Schools open one hour late, CUMCPS will open one hour late. If Chesterfield County has a two hour delay, all classes will come two hours late (11:05 Drop off), and leave an hour later. Toddlers and 3’s will leave at 1:15, JKR, 4’s, and JK will leave at 2:30. If CUMCPS should miss a full week of school, 15 minutes will be added to the end of each day the following month. If Chesterfield County Schools close early due to weather, CUMCPS will close accordingly. We ask that you come immediately to pick up your child to allow our teachers time to get home to be there for their children.

Student Drop Off and Pick Up

We utilize a daily drive-up student drop-off and pick up system. The drop-off will be from 9:05 a.m. to 9:15 a.m. Each student will be escorted between their vehicle and classroom by a teacher or assistant. Students arriving after 9:15 a.m. will have to be walked in and then wait for the teacher/assistant to come and get the student. Parents are asked to proceed from Harrowgate Road to Old Hundred Road (in front of Commonwealth Photography) to Percival Street. Once you are in front of the sanctuary, you will turn right on Lafon St. and come into the rear parking lot where the line will form on the curb by the double preschool doors. It is imperative that we NOT use School Street as cars may back up on Harrowgate Road and we will also interfere with traffic flow for the preschool at Chester Baptist! For pick up, two large cards with a number will be given to you. Please place the card (number side out) hanging from rear view mirror, or on your front dash for easy visibility. Your child will have a smaller card that matches that they will hold until it is their time to be placed in the vehicle.

Fire Drills

Chesterfield County Fire Department requires the school to conduct monthly fire drills throughout the school year. Teachers will discuss this with your child prior to the first drill. It is important that you promote this vital drill at home. If your family does not have a fire evacuation plan for your home, now is the time to discuss, plan and practice this drill in your own home.


If a student is to be withdrawn, a minimum of two weeks’ written notice should be submitted to the director. Failure to do so will result in your paying the next month’s tuition.

Daily Schedules

Each classroom teacher has their own way of setting up the classroom. The following schedule is a basic example of what your child will be doing while at preschool. This is a SAMPLE schedule. There may be variances depending on the day and the age of the children. Each teacher will post a class schedule for their classroom. Please encourage your child to talk about what they did in class each day.