Monday, March 27, 2017 (From 03.20)

3:30to 4:30 p.m.

IPMA-HR Central Region Officers (2016 - 2017)

President – Charles Bernardy

/ Present

President Elect – Lori Briggs

/ Absent

Treasurer – Alexis McGrail



Secretary – Tamra Schaller

/ Absent
Past President – Lawrence Miskel /


Executive Council Representative – Becky Salter /


Agenda Items

  1. Approval of 2.27 Board Meeting Minutes – All

Lawrence moved to accept the Minutes (as amended and posted on DropBox); seconded by Becky. Minutes were unanimously approved.

  1. Treasurer’s Report – Alexis (Five Minutes)

Alexis reported that deposits made between February 27 and March 27, 2017 totaled $15,607.75. Checking account balance is $52,500.17; savings is $6,709.44. Alexis requested and received payment in the amount of $908, which will show as a pass through, representing the flex credit associated with the CR credit card. It has been posted as a credit against credit card charges. In essence, this covered the cost of flights for Alexis and Lori for the site visit. Because she continues to use the card to pay conference hotel charges in advance, the account will continue to build flex credits.

  1. 2017 IPMA-HR Central Region Conference (Up to 20 Minutes)
  2. Registrations and Sponsorships through March 20 (Chuck, Alexis) Chuck advised there are 118 full conference registrations and over $33,000 in conference sponsorships.
  3. Given registrations do we want to consider extending the early bird rate? (Yes/No?)After discussion, the Board agreed to extend the Early Bird registration through April 14. Chuck will reach out to ensure an e-blast is created to announce the extension and to encourage participation in the competencies class.
  4. June 6 President’s Reception
  5. Will be held at the Bakken Museumfrom 6:30 to 10:00 p.m.Minnesota Chapter will pay for any budget overages($40.00 per person). The Board discussed the proposal from the Minnesota Chapter and after referring to anticipated expenditures identified in the conference budget unanimously agreed to authorize payment of the deposit to hold the Bakken Museum. Additionally, the Board unanimously agreed to accept the Minnesota’s offer to cover all charges for the President’s Reception at the Bakken Museum that exceed $4,000 (including the deposit).
  6. Competency Course– (Fagan Stackhouse instructor, eight people registered as of 3.20) We will continue to keep an eye on registrations, understanding that some may have registered for the event, made flight and hotel arrangements solely based on attending the competency course. After discussion, we remain hopeful that local attendees will bolster enrollment in the course.
  7. Promotion and Marketing – Discuss content and timing of next general eblast Chuck will coordinate the next eblast to go out in the next two weeks, focusing on extension of the Early Bird Discount and touting the competency course.
  8. What needs to be accomplished by the end of April?
  9. Host Planning Committee meeting is 4.18. Dr. Sullivan (Closing keynote speaker) will be attending.
  10. Other items needing discussion Chuck reminded the Board that all members are invited to attend the teleconference on April 18 at 3:00 to enhance communication related to the conference. Chuck previously sent the appointment, so it should be on everyone’s calendars.
  1. 123 Signup – All (Up to 5 Minutes)
  2. History
  3. System Access
  4. Two Levels of Administrator Access Full and Read Only
  5. Based on information from 123Signup, Lori is the only Board member with full access. Alexis currently has read only access. Need to expand access so we can develop internal backups going forward. Propose a minimum of two Board members have full access.

Chuck advised that he contacted 123SignUp and confirmed that Lori has administrative access and Alexis has read only access. Alexis advised that this provides her the opportunity to generate and run reports, but she is unable to:

  • Enter or post transactions
  • Create Invoices

This is a challenge because her email and contact information is on the marketing material because she is Treasurer. When she is contacted by potential sponsors, she is unable to generate an invoice (and is likewise unable to immediately see when invoices are paid). She must send the information to Lori to generate, and this is the case with both registrations received and sponsorships. Becky shared that in other organizations she had been in that when she was responsible for a system such as this, she wanted control because she was accountable for it. Alexis thought that likely there would be an audit trail in 123SignUp that could track who did what.

Lawrence shared that it sounded like when the Treasurer responsibilities were transferred to Alexis that Lori retained 123SignUp and perhaps it should routinely be transferred along with the rest of the Treasurer responsibilities in the future. Alexis shared that it is not that anyone distrusts Lori or that she is not keeping up with sharing information, but that it would be more efficient to have two people with administrator access. Lawrence shared that in the past both he and Shawna Marsh shared administrator rights and that it worked fine. The Board discussed the pros and cons of having more than one administrator and, after discussion, the Board approved (3-1) to grant administrator rights to Alexis as well as Lori.

  1. Bylaw Changes (Drop Box) (10 Minutes) Chuck encouraged the Board members to review the recommended changes in DropBox and indicated this item would be discussed at the next Board meeting.Because Becky had to leave the meeting at 4:00, which meant no further business could be conducted because a quorum was not present.
  2. Changes
  3. Updates
  4. Pursuing Non-Profit Status – Chuck (FYI)
  5. No activity since last meeting on 2.27.17 where we decided to work with Emily Robertson, attorney in Minneapolis who provided a proposalon February 2.
  6. 2017-2018 (Five Minutes)
  7. Any new ideas and updates on next steps for 2018 Central Region Conference Site?
  8. President Elect and Secretary Openings (Announced on website)
  1. Other Business, Updates and Future Topics (Up to 10 Minutes)
  2. Committees (Nominating, Awards, Membership, etc.)
  3. Updates to website have been made including new forms and applications
  4. Executive Committee Nomination Form is live (Deadline 4.14.17)
  5. Next teleconferences w/CR Chapter Presidents is on5.4.17 @ 3:00 p.m.
  6. Social Media (Twitter site now live), Communication and Marketing (Alexis)
  7. IPMA-HR Central Region Website Management (Future Service Provider)
  8. Leadership Conference will be first weekend in August. Site:Cleveland, Ohio
  9. Next Scheduled Board Meeting –April 17 @ 3:30 p.m.
  10. Next Scheduled Conference Planning Committee Meeting – April 18 @ 3:00 p.m.
  11. Adjourn