Mormon Glenn Beck's 8/28 "Universal god" Rally
at Lincoln Memorial attracts 500,000
The universalist false "gospel" of Glenn Beck is an ecumenical doctrine of devils.
God's First Commandment (Exodus 20:2,3, KJB) of the Ten Commandments given to Moses is:
"I am the LORD thy God, ... Thou shalt have no other gods before me."
However Glenn Beck's false "gospel" message to America is "Turn back to god." Any god. Whether the True God of the Bible, or the false god of Roman Catholicism, or the false god
of Mormonism, or the false god of Judaism, or the false god of Islam, any god.
This is notthe way of deliverance, and healing, and future blessing from The One True
God of the Bible (The Bible with 66 books, not the Apocrypha of Romanism, nor the
Book of Mormon of Glenn Beck's false religion, nor the Old Testament alone without
the New Testament, nor the Koran of Islam).
Beck talks faith in rally coinciding with anniversary of King's speech
August 28, 2010
Washington (CNN) -- In what resembled more a revival than a political rally, conservative talk show host Glenn Beck
urged the large crowds at his "Restoring Honor" event Saturday to "turn back to God [ CCL: sic - god ]" and return America to the values on which it was founded.
"Something beyond imagination is happening," he told participants who packed the National Mall in Washington.
"America today begins to turn back to God [ CCL: sic - god ]. For too long, this country has wandered in darkness."
Christian pastors and elders largely AWOL in America for decades:
[Revision - 9/9/10] - The principal emphasis of this report is the unBiblical nature of the call
of Glenn Beck to faith in a "Universal god." However, before going further, the point must
be made, assuming the sincerity and good-intentions of the man, that Beck has done in
an unBiblical ecumenical way, what should be done by professing Christian pastors in
a Biblical way, locally in our communities, and at the state and national levels - calling the
church and nation back to faith in the One True God of the Bible (not to faith in Beck’s “Universal god”). As has been said before, the Christian church is the problem in America,
as well as the solution ! We have failed to be Salt and Light as Christ commanded us to be, and so we are suffering the judgment of which He warned (Matthew 5:13-16, KJB).
Where are the paid, professional pulpiteers who do so little to "stand in the gate" and preach
truth in the public square and marketplace ? The contrast between the "Black Regiment"
of black-robed preachers of the American Revolutionary period, and the paid professional seminary-graduate class in the pulpit today in America, is enormous. While Bible-believing Christians should have nothing to do with Mormon Glenn Beck's unBiblical, ecumencial call
or movement; on the other hand however, Bible-believing Christian leaders, especially pastors
and elders, should be calling the Bible-believing church, and the nation, to "Turn to Christ" and
to true 1) Repentance, and 2) Biblical-worldview Reform.
Then, we will experience 2 Chronicles 7:14 (KJB) Healing from God, and Lord willing, Revival. Repentance --> Reform --> Healing from God --> Revival.
Where are the Bible-believing Christian pastors and elders in America to “stand in the gate” ?
The Bible says "Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD; and the people whom He hath
chosen for His own inheritance." (Psalm 33:12) That God is the God of the Bible. He is the God
of Bible-believing Christians. It is not any god as Glenn Beck's false counsel would direct us.
Without making a judgment concerning Glenn Beck's sincerity or the goodness of his intentions, it remains true that Christ said, "Judge not according to the appearance, but
judgerighteousjudgment." [ emphasis added ] John 7:24, KJB
The words and deeds of this talented man related to his ecumenical call to turn back to
a universal god are objectively judged as heretical and disobedient to God because these
words and deeds of Beck manifest rejection of the Word of God, beginning with the very
First of God's Ten Commandments given to Moses on Mount Sinai approx. 3400 years ago:
"I am the LORD thy God, ... Thou shalt have no other gods before me." (Exodus 20:2,3, KJB)
As an unsaved man himself [ Christ said, "Ye must be born again." John 3:7, KJB ].
Glenn Beck does not "see" and "cannot enter into the kingdom of God." John 3:3,5, KJB. Christians should not follow his lead.
Whether intentionally or unintentionally, the bad "fruit" of Glenn Beck's words and deeds work to deceive Americans, Christians and non-Christians, into advancing one of Rome's primary New World Order goals, that of Satan's Vatican-led, counterfeit, One-World Religion. Glenn Beck's website even advertised that at his August 27 Divine [sic] Destiny event,
"... nationally-known religious figures from all faiths will unite ..."
One must wonder, "Is Glenn Beck preparing the way for a Mormon (pro-abort, pro-sodomite) Mitt Romney Republican candidacy for U.S. President in 2012, to be accepted by "Christians" and conservatives ?"
The Christian God of the Bible is not the god of the Book of Mormon, nor the god of Roman Catholicism, nor the god of Judaism, nor the god of Islam, nor the gods of Buddhism, Hinduism, or Freemasonry.
The Christian God of the Bible says:
"I am the LORD, and there is none else, there is no God besides me: ..." Isaiah 45:5 (KJB)
"... there is no God else beside me; a just God and a Saviour; there is none beside me.
Look unto me, and be ye saved, all the ends of the earth: for I am God, and there is none else." Isaiah 45:21,22 (KJB)
The Christ of the Bible is not the false created-christ, spirit brother of Lucifer, of Mormonism; nor the false christ that is re-sacrificed time and time again on the "altar" of the blasphemous "Mass" of Roman Catholicism, and the Christ of the Bible is rejected outright as the Messiah by the false, Christ-denying religions of Judaism and Islam.
"Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me." John 14:6 (KJB)
Those who deny Christ, deny the Father; those who do not know Christ, do not know the Father:
"Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist, that denieth the Father
and the Son. Whosoever denieth the Son, the same hath not the Father: [but] he that acknowledgeth the Son hath the Father also." 1 John 2:22,23 (KJB)
See also: John 5:23, John 8:19, John 14:9, John 15:23, 2 Timothy 2:12 (King James Bible).
Christ is Lord. Messiah is King. (1 Timothy 6:15, KJB)
Steve Lefemine, pro-life missionary
dir., Columbia Christians for Life
Columbia, SC
Glenn Beck's 8/28 Restoring Honor Keynote Speech
[ Video: 1:07:51 ]
Glenn Beck: "This day is a day that we can start the heart of America again.
And it has nothing to do with politics. It has everything to do with God [ CCL: sic - god ].
Everything, turning our face back to the values and the principles that made us great."
Excerpts from Glenn Beck's speech:
There were many good, many excellent points that Glenn Beck made in his approx. hourlong speech.
If Glenn Beck were a Christianinstead of a Mormon false religionist, and if he were calling Americans
tofaith in Christ alone, instead of a universal god; if he were calling Americans back to the inspired
Word of God in the 66 books of the Bible(King James Bible or other Received Text manuscript),
instead of adding confusion, obfuscation, and error to the dialogue by referring even to America's
founding documents as America's "sacred scriptures" [sic]; then this could have been a splendid,
glorious moment in American and Christian Church history. Instead, it was a satanic counterfeit.
The best counterfeit looks like the real thing, but in the end is a fraud. That is what Glenn Beck's
universalist "any god" false "gospel" is, a fraud, a counterfeit, an ecumenical doctrine of devils.
The evidence of the veracity of this charge is found in Glenn Beck's own words, especially in the
last 15-20 minutes or so of his speech, as he brought up on the stage 240 men and women "of all faiths"
to represent his new ecumenical, universalist, "any god" Black Robe Regiment, a gross perversion
and counterfeit of the real, historic Black Regiment of Protestant patriot ministers in the time of the
American Revolution:
Glenn Beck on stage at the end of his 8/28 "Universal god" Rally at the Lincoln Memorial, with 240 men and women of Beck's new ecumenical, universalist, "any god" Black Robe Regiment
Glenn Beck (approx. 45 min into video): "And we must insist that our churches stand for things that we know are true,
because they are universal, and endless in nature. Stand, take a stand. Our churches, our synagogues, our mosques, we must stand for the things that we know are true."
[ CCL: Christ Himself said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by Me." (John 14:6)
How can followers of Judaism and Islam know "truth", when the beliefs of these false religions, intentionally, willfully, doctrinally, and purposely DENY THE DIVINITY AND MESSIAHSHIP OF CHRIST ? CHRIST IS NOT ONLY THE AUTHOR OF TRUTH, HE IS TRUTH. Glenn Beck's false religion of Mormonism, like Judaism, and Islam, Deny the True Christ. ]
Glenn Beck: "240 years ago, there was what was called the Black Robe Regiment." [ CCL: The actual historical Black Regiment was made up of Christian Protestant patriot-preachers. ] "England hated the preachers. When they came, the British, they had a real hard time with the preachers. In fact, if you were a preacher ... , you were most likely to be killed during the America Revolution. Why ? Because it was first the preacher that said, all men are created equal, that rights come from God. No government, no king." [ CCL: ? ]
[ CCL: There was a rallying cry of the American Revolutionary period that said, "No King but King Jesus" - Mormon
Glenn Beck did not mention that bit of American history. ]
Glenn Beck: "Well, we have fallen asleep as a nation, and our churches have fallen asleep. This isn't about one church or one faith over another. It is about the eternal principles of God."
[ CCL: As found where ?, in the 66 books of the Bible ?, in the Roman Catholic Apocrypha ?, in the Book of Mormon considered sacred scripture [sic] by those of Glenn Beck's false religion ? in the Koran of Islam ? ]
Glenn Beck: "For 240 years they have been absent from the American landscape, the Black Robe Regiment is back again today." [ crowd applause ]
[ CCL: As the men and women of Glenn Beck's Black Robe Regiment started to walk onto the platform area, and line up behind Glenn Beck, linking arms. ]
Glenn Beck (approx. 47 min): "These 240 men and women [ CCL: It is unbiblical for women to be preachers, teachers of men, elders - 1 Timothy 2:11-12; 1 Timothy 3:1-7; Titus 1:5-9 ] of all faiths[ CCL: Including anti-Christ false religions ] are standing here today." [ crowd applause ]
Glenn Beck: "America, it is time to start the heart of this nation again, and put it where it belongs: our heart with God
[ CCL: sic - god ]." [ crowd applause ] [ CCL: Any universal, ecumenical, true or false God / god - including
the false gods of Roman Catholicism, Judaism, Mormonism and Islam. ] "Go to your churches,your
synagogues, your mosque, anyone [ CCL: Hindu, Shinto, Buddhist, Confucian, Wiccan, ... ? ]
that is not preaching hate and division." [ CCL: Christ said, "Think not that I am come to send peace
on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword." (Matthew 10:34, KJB) It is better to be divided by Truth,
than to be united in error. ] "Anyone that is not teaching to kill another man." "But you go to those that are
teaching the lasting principles. These 240 men and women from all faith represent thousands of clergy
that we couldn't fit into this area that are amongst you now. Thousands that have come here to the Mall to
stand with America and [ CCL: sic - god]." [ crowd applause ] "And those thousands that are here, represent
180 million people." [ crowd applause ] "There are thousands that are willing to do the right thing, but we must
not have fear, and we must not get lost in politics."
[ CCL: Does Beck consider child-murder-by-"abortion" to be just "politics" - why did he never mention America's greatest moral crime on Saturday, August 28 ? - Isn't child-murder-by"abortion" a violation of the principle in the Declaration of Independence of the Creator-endowed unalienable right to life ? Why is it that Glenn Beck preached a good deal on 8/28 about the Declaration of Independence, but never once in an hour or so of speaking ever mentioned the egregious violation of the very first right, the right to life, without which any other rights are meaningless ? This is also the great void of the Tea Party movement, the absence of this common-sense defense
of the right to life. ]
Is Glenn Beck, whether intentionally or unintentionally, in effect preparing the way for a
Mormon (pro-abort, pro-sodomite) Mitt Romney Republican candidacy for US president in 2012 ?
Steve Lefemine, dir. CCL: Is FOX News TV host, Mormon Glenn Beck masterfully pulling off a conservative version of
an "Obama in 2008" deception ? - masterfully speaking in pious platitudes and generalities
which Christians, Catholics, Mormons, and conservatives can embrace, and create the image
of Glenn Beck's message in their own minds, and the practical application of his words, which
is most suitable and favorable to their own way of thinking ? Is what Obama pulled off on blacks
and liberals in 2008, now what Glenn Beck is masterfully doing to conservative religious people
in 2010 ? Is Glenn Beck actually preparing the way for "Christians" to accept Mormon (pro-abort,
pro-sodomite) Mitt Romney as the Republican Party candidate for U.S. President in 2012 ?
Real revival includes repentance and reform from sin. Glenn Beck did not even mention America's
abominable sin of baby-killing-in-the-womb [ Dr. Alveda King did ]. The gospel of Glenn Beck is
an ecumenical, Universal-god-worshipping, doctrine of devils. Rome, the Vatican, and the Jesuit
General are no doubt well-pleased with the ecumenical message of Jesuit-ruled, CFR-member,
Papal Knight, FOX News owner, Rupert Murdoch's popular TV host, Mormon Glenn Beck.
MSM Media Reports on Beck's 8/28 Rally at Lincoln Memorial, Washington, DC
Beck talks faith in rally coinciding with anniversary of King's speech
August 28, 2010 [ with video segments ]
Washington (CNN) -- In what resembled more a revival than a political rally, conservative talk show host Glenn Beck
urged the large crowds at his "Restoring Honor" event Saturday to "turn back to God" and return America to the values
on which it was founded.
"Something beyond imagination is happening," he told participants who packed the National Mall in Washington.
"America today begins to turn back to God. For too long, this country has wandered in darkness."
CNN© 2010 Cable News Network. Turner Broadcasting System, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
At rally, Beck positions himself as new leader for Christian conservatives
August 28th, 2010
[ excerpts, emphasis and internet links added ]
Among those surprised by all of conservative TV host Glenn Beck's recent religious talk - including at Saturday's Washington rally, where Beck said that "America today begins to turn back to God [ CCL: sic - god ]," - is the Rev. [ CCL: sic - Psalm 111:9, KJB ] [ CCL:CFR-member, ecumenical ]Richard Land, a Southern Baptist
[ CCL: Judas-Goat, false ] leader [ CCL: Isa. 3:12, Isa. 9:16, KJB ].
"I've been stunned," said Land, who directs public policy for the Southern Baptist Convention and who attended the Saturday rally at Beck's invitation.
"This guy's on secular radio and television," Land said Saturday, "but his shows sound like you're listening to the Trinity Broadcasting Network, only it's more orthodox and there's no appeal for money ... and today he sounded like
[ CCL: Judas-Goat-in-Chief, NWO enabler, apostate, reported 33rd Degree Freemason, ecumenical compromiser, and supporter of the Pope and Rome ] Billy Graham."
On Friday night, Beck held a religion-focused event at the Kennedy Center that was billed as Glenn Beck's
Divine [ CCL: sic ] Destiny.
Beck's speech Saturday also evoked the feel of a religious revival.
Beck has also begun organizing top conservative religious leaders - mostly evangelicals - into a fledgling group called the Black Robed Regiment.
The organization, whose charter members convened in Washington this weekend, takes its name from American clergy sympathetic to the Revolution during the 1700s.
Beck's emerging role as a national leader for Christian conservatives is surprising not only because he has until recently stressed a libertarian ideology that is sometimes at odds with so-called family values conservatism, but also because Beck is a Mormon.
Many of the evangelicals who Beck is speaking to and organizing, including Land, don't believe he is a Christian.
Mormons, who are members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, call themselves Christian.
"There's a long history of tensions between Mormons and evangelicals and some of that is flat-out theology," says John C. Green, an expert on religion and politics at the University of Akron. "Mormons have additional sacred texts (to the Bible) and a different conception of God."