Our Ref: JTH/DMB 31 January 2018

Dear Parent/Guardian

‘The Big Bang Fair’

Saturday 17 March 2018

The Science Department are organising a trip to ‘The Big Bang Fair’ at Birmingham NEC on Saturday 17 March 2018. The Big Bang Fair is an award-winning combination of exciting theatre shows, interactive workshops and exhibits as well as careers information, all aimed at young people. More information can be found by following this link:

This trip is being offered to all Year 8 and 9 students.We will leave school at 8:10am on Saturday 17 March 2018, meeting by the minibus on the top playground at 8:00am and expect to return by 7:30pm (please enter school site via St Peters driveway). Students should bring a packed lunch and tea and/or money to buy a meal/snacks at the Fair. Sensible footwear must be worn as students will walk around the NEC for several hours. There will be opportunities to pick up free gifts and literature and so a small rucksack is a good idea.

The cost of the trip is £15.00 and payment will be due by Friday 2 March 2018. As we are limited in the number of students that we can take, I would like parents to submit an application but not send in any monies at present. Register of interest slips must be handed in to the Finance Office by Thursday 22 February 2018. If the activity is oversubscribed, a transparent draw will take place on Friday 23 February 2018. Notification as to whether your child has a place will be will be communicated by Monday 26 February 2018 by email. The remainder will be put on a reserve list in the order they are drawn from the ballot.

As this trip is deemed to be an enhancement to the curriculum, the school normally is unable to offer financial assistance and therefore the full cost of the activity must be borne by yourselves. Payments and accompanying paperwork must be handed in on or before the deadline date specified. Please do not send post-dated cheques. Should your child withdraw from the activity please be aware that payments are non-refundable unless the withdrawal is for an insurable reason. If there are significant changes to the cost of the trip, these may have to be passed on to the student. Be assured that we will try to keep such costs to a minimum.

We would advise that students do not to take valuables out on school activities however, should they be taken parents should ensure personal possessions are adequately insured. It is the parent’s/guardian’s responsibility to update the school should there be any changes to the medical information about their child. Please communicate these to Mrs Brettell, Business Support Manager.

Please complete and return the register of interest form to the Finance Office by Thursday 22 February 2018. Our preferred method of payment is online. Alternatively, you can pay by cash or cheque (made payable to Oaklands Catholic School).

Yours sincerely

Mrs J Hardaker

Science Teacher



‘The Big Bang Fair’

Saturday 17th March 2018

Student Name: …………………………………………………….…. Form: ………………

I would like to submit an application for my child to participate in the visit to ‘The Big Bang Fair’, Saturday 17th March 2018

He/she is in good health and I consent to him/her taking part in the programme detailed in your letter. Should my child secure a place on this trip, I will ensure paymentis made according to the payment schedule as outlined in the trip letter.

I will make future payments on line

I understand and accept that it is my responsibility to update the school should there be any changes to the medical information about my child. Please communicate these to Mrs Brettell, Business Support Manager.

Parent/ Carer Signature: ………………………………………..…….Date: ……….……..

Email address: ………………………………………………………………………………..