Name: Hani Mahmoud Saoub
Date of Birth: 1 Feb 1955
Nationality: Jordanian
Marital Status: Married
Present Address: Horticulture and Crop Science
Department –University of Jordan
Faculty of Agriculture- Amman/Jordan
Phone No.: 962-6-5355000-22377
Mobile No.: 962-777-421214
Fax No.: 962-6-5355577
Associate Professor, Department of Horticulture and Crop Science, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Jordan, Amman-Jordan.FIELDS OF SPECIALIZATION
Field and Forage Crops / AgronomyEDUCATION
Ph.D. 1994. Agronomy/Forage crops, University of Western AustraliaMs.C. 1984. Plant Production, University of Jordan, Amman, Jordan.
Bs.C. 1981. Soil and Irrigation, University of Jordan, Amman, Jordan.
Thesis Title: “Persistence of two annual pasture legumes under different rotation and cultivation systems, in a Mediterranean environment”
Date / PositionMarch, 2009 – till now / Chairman /Depart. Horticulture and Crop Science
May, 2005 – till now / Associate Professor, University of Jordan
June, 1995 – May, 2005 / Assistant Professor, University of Jordan
October, 1994 – June,1995 / Full time lecturer, University of Jordan
August,1993 – October,1994 / Part time lecturer, University of Jordan
Since 1994 till now:1. Major advisor or Co-advisor19 students (12 students at the M.Sc. and 7 at the Ph.D. levels).
2. Member/external examiner for more than 50 students.
3. Participating in qualification exams for M.Sc. and Ph.D. students.
1. Evaluation Study for the National Group for Agricultural and Animal Industry/ Qatar. Arab Authority for Agricultural Investment and Development. April, 2000.2. National Consultant – Biodiversity Strategy and Action plan- The General Corporation for the Environmental Protection (GCEP). A joint project with UNDP. April 2001 – October 2001.
3. National Consultant- Jordan Rift Valley Improvement Project (JRVIP) - Project Formulation- Phase B. Ministry of Water and Irrigation/ JordanValley Authority. Incorporation with the World Bank. July 2001.
4- National Consultant. Development of field crops production. Formulation of the programme components of the special programme for food security in Jordan, 2003 (Ministry of Agriculture in collaboration with FAO).
5. Technical supervision for reusing treated wastewater in forage production at Kerbit AlSamra. Kerbit AlSamra Society for Special Needs. Management of Agricultural Water Project, Ministry of Planning. 2003.
6. National consultant- Community based Rehabilitation of Rangeland Project. Implementing agency: Badia Research and Development Program (BRDP) in cooperation with Ministry of Agriculture. Funded by GEF/ NGO-small grants program and USDA. April 2002-April 2005.
7. National consultant- Water Reuse Implementation Activity. Waste Water Reuse Programme-Jordan. Badia Research and Development Program. Project funded from USAID (US Agency for International Development. September 2002 – February, 2004.
8. Agricultural Resources Management: Project – Phase II (ARMP-II). Sustainable Land Management Component. IFAD/GEF Project on Mainstreaming Sustainable Land Management Practices in Jordan: PDF-B phase – September, 2006.
9. Land-Use & Land-Use Change & Forestry Sector Reviewer. Project title "Enabling Activities for the Preparation of Jordan's Second National Communication to the UNFCCC". UNDP. 2008.
Funded Projects1. Comparative study of hay and grain production from barley and oat crops grown under irrigation. A research funded by the Deanship of Scientific Research at the University of Jordan. 1995-1997.
2. Selection of barley genotypes for drought tolerance in low rainfall area in Jordan. A research funded by the Deanship of Scientific Research at the University of Jordan. 1998 – 2000.
3. Studies on the cultivation of milk thistle (Silybummarianum L.G.). A research funded by the Deanship of Scientific Research at the University of Jordan. 1999 – 2001.
4. A study of the biodiversity of cultivated and wild plant species in Jordan. A co-operative research with Jordan University of Science and Technology. Funded by the Higher Council of Science and Technology. 1995.
5. Improvement of feed resources in Northern Badia of Jordan. Badia Research and Development Program (BRDP). A research funded by the Higher Council of Science and Technology. 1996 - 1999.
6. Using biohumin for increasing the productivity of desert rangelands. A joint project between the Higher Council for Science and Technology and Pareno Project, Ag., Switzerland. 1996-1997.
7. Rangeland Improvement and Soil Seed Bank Evaluation. JAZPP Project (Jordan Arid Zone Productivity Project). Improvement of agricultural productivity in arid and semi-arid zones of Jordan- Project No:SEM/03/628/021. A cooperative project between Ministry of Agriculture and the European Union, implemented by University of Jordan, Faculty of Agriculture.
8. Agro biodiversity in Jordan, Leader of group entitled “Buffer Zones, Corridors, Habitat Strips and Uncultivated Patches to Increase In-Situ Agro biodiversity of Landraces and Wild Relatives of Project Target Crops”. A joint project between UNDP and the NationalCenter for Agricultural Research and Technology Transfer (NCARTT), funded by GEF.
9. Participatory Plant Breeding Improvement of Barley Production. A joint research project (UJ, JUST, NCARTT, and ICARDA) funded by IDRC, Canada. 1999-2003.
10. Collection and Molecular and Morphological Characterization of The Variation of some Landraces and Wild Species of Lentil (Lens culinarisMedik.) Native to Jordan. A research project funded by the Higher Council for Science and Technology, Jordan. 2004-2007.
11. Molecular and Morphological Characterization of the Variation of Some Land races and Wild Species of Vetch (Viciaspp.) Collected from Jordan. A research project funded by the Deanship of Scientific Research at the University of Jordan, started April, 2007 -2010.
12. Assessment and monitoring of desertification in Jordan using remote sensing and bioindicators. Funded by NATO – Science for piece program.2009 – 2012.
13. Bedouin ethnoecology, range science and sustainable pastoralism. A project funded by IALC. In cooperation with University of Arizona and Badia Research and Development Center. 2009 – 2011.
14. Promoting conservation agriculture (CA) in the Arab region: A concerted action in higher education, research and development. A project funded by DAAD. 2010 – 2012.
A- In Journals1- Kafawin, O., Saoub, H.M. and R. Sharaiha. 1998. Effect of first cut and cutting intervals of alfalfa crop on dry matter and protein yield in the JordanValley. Dirasat, Agricultural Sciences. Vol.25 No.2: 189-194.
2- Saoub. H.M. 1999. Hay and grain production from oats and barley grown under irrigation in the Jordan valley. Dirasat, Agricultural Sciences. Vol. 26, No. 3: 348-353.
3- Tadrous, M. and Saoub,H.M..1999. Effect of cutting height and nitrogen fertilization on the productivity of three varieties of sudangrass. Dirasat, Agricultural Sciences. Vol. 26, No.3: 354-363.
4- Akash, M.W. and Saoub, H.M. 2000. Forage yield of three sudangrass varieties as influenced by seeding rate and cutting frequency. Dirasat, Agricultural Sciences. Vol. 27, No. 2: 158-164.
5- Shakhatreh, Y., Kafawin, O., Ceccarelli,S. and Saoub,H. 2001 . Selection of barley lines for drought tolerance in low rainfall areas. J. Agronomy and Crop Science. 186: 119-127.
6- Al-Satari,Y.A., Kafawin, O., Ghawi, I., and Saoub,H.M. 2001. Response of two barley cultivars to three seeding rates under supplemental irrigation. ArabGulf Journal of Scientific Research. 19 (1):7-11.
7- Akash, M.W. and Saoub, H.M. 2002. Grain yield of three sorghum varieties as influenced by seeding rate and cutting frequency. Pakistan Journal of Agronomy. 1 (2-3): 101-104.
8- Saoub, H.M. 2002. Response of six Medicagosativa cultivars to NaCl concentrations in irrigation water. Pakistan Journal of Agronomy. 1 (4): 107-109.
9- El-Shatnawi, M.K., Turk, M. and Saoub, H.M. 2003. Effects of sowing rate on growth and protein contents of wall barley grown under Mediterranean conditions. African Journal of Range and Forage Science. 20(1):53-57.
10- Saoub, H.M. 2003. Germination of two Vicia species as influenced by temperature and water stress. Dirasat, Agricultural Sciences. 30 (1): 123-131.
11- Zaid, N., Kafawin, O, Halila, H., and Saoub, H. 2003. Genotype by Environmental Interaction, Growth Rate and Correlation for Some Lentil (Lensculinaris) Genotypes Grown Under Arid Conditions in Jordan. Dirasat, Agricultural Sciences. Vol. 30, No.3: 374-383.
12- El-Shatnawi, M.K.J., Saoub,H.M., and Haddad, N.I. 2004. Growth and Chemical Composition of Wild Oat (Avenafatua) Under Mediterranean Conditions. Grass and Forage Sciences, 59, 100-103. Research Note.
13-El-Shatnawi, M.K.J., Al-Qurran, L.Z.,Ereifej, K.I. and Saoub, H.M. 2004. Management Optimization of Dual-Purpose Barley (Hordeumspontaneum C. Koch) for Forage and Seed Yield. J. Range Management, 57: 197- 202.
14- Sharaiha, R.K., Saoub, H.M. and Kafawin, O. 2004. Varietal Response of Potato, Bean, and Corn to Intercropping. Dirasat. Agricultural Sciences. Vol.31 No.1: 1-11.
15- Ammari, T.G., Saoub, H.M., and Hattar, B. 2004. Growth of Common Vetch (Viciasativa L.) in Soil Amended With Dry Sewage Sludge. Dirasat. Agricultural Sciences. Vol. 31 No.3: 339-346.
16-Selassie, Y.S., Kafawin, O.M., Hadidi, N., and Saoub, H. 2004. Study of
supply system of barley seed to farmers in North and Central Ethiopia.
Mu’tah Lil-Buhuth Wad-Dirasat, Vol.19.No.1: 37-51.
17- Selassie, Y.S., Kafawin, O.M., Hadidi, N., and Saoub, H. 2004. Study of
barley seed quality used by Northern and Central Ethiopian farmers.
Dirasat. Agricultural Sciences. Vol. 31 No.3: 355-362.
18- Saoub, H.M., El-Shatnawi, M.K.J., Makhadmeh, I.M. and Haddad, N.I. 2005. Clipping of Avenasterilis under sub-humid Mediterranean condition. Crop Research. Vol. 29. No. 1: 77-86.
19- Al-Nashash, A., Migdadi, H., Saoub, H., and Masoud, S. 2005. Evaluation
of Jordanian barley (Hordeumvulgare L.) landraces collected from
diverse environments. Dirasat. Agricultural Sciences.
Vol. 32 No.2: 163-171.
20- Kafawin, O., Saoub, H., Ceccarelli, S., Shakhatreh, Y., Yasin, A.,
Grando, S., Bwaliez, A-R., and Khazaleh, A. 2005. Participatory barley breeding for improving production in stress environments. Dirasat. Agricultural Sciences. Vol. 32 No.1: 57-63.
21- Kafawin, O., Saoub,H., Ceccarelli,S., Shakhatreh,Y., Yasin, A.,
Grando, S., Bwaliez,A-R and Khazaleh, A. 2005. Selection methodology for participatory barley breeding in low rainfall areas. Mu’tah Lil-Buhuth wad-Dirasat. Vol.20 No2: 69-87.
22- Al-Nashash, A., Migdadi, H., Shatnawi, M.,Saoub, H., and Masoud, S. 2007. Assessment of phenotypic diversity among Jordanian barley landraces (Hordeumvulgare L.). Biotechnology, 6 (2):232-238.
23- Haddad, N.I., Saoub, H.M., Sader, M., and Syouf, M. 2007. Diversity status of lentil (Lensculinaris Medic.) landraces collected from Jordan. Crop Res. 34(1):103-109.
24- Al-Nashash, A., Migdadi, H., Shatnawi, M.,Saoub, H., and Masoud, S. 2007. Assessment of genetic variation among Jordanian barley landraces (Hordeumvulgare L.) as reveled by molecular markers. American-Eurasian J. Agric. & Environ. Sci. 2 (1):68-74.
25-Ammari, T.G., Tahboub, A.B., Saoub, H.M., Hattar, B.I. and Al-Zu’bi, Y.A. 2008. Salt removal efficiency as influenced by phyto-amelioration of salt-affected soils. J. Food, Agriculture and Environment, 6 (3&4): 456-460.
26- Al-Tabini, R.J., Saoub, H.M., and AlKhalidi, K.M. 2008. Jordan's arid Badia: deeping our understanding. (Ed. Dutton, R.W., and Shahbaz, M.I.). Community-based rangeland rehabilitation projects: the Tall ar-Rimah case study in north-east Jordan. Published by: Smith-Gordon and company. Great Britain.
27- Akash, M.W., Al-Abdallat, A.M., Saoub, H.M., Ayad, J.Y. 2009. Molecular and field comparison of selected barley cultivars for drought tolerance. L. New Seeds, 10:98-111.
28- Saoub, H.M., Haddad, N.I., Sadder, M.T., Syouf, M. 2010. Morphological and molecular characterization of wild lentil collected from Jordan. Crop Research. Vol. 39 (1, 2&3):50-61.
29- Ayad, J.Y., Talhouni, M.N., Saoub, H. 2010. Variayion in growth and water uptake of Atriplex halimus and Atiplex nummularia plants in relation of water deficit. Dirasat- Agricultural Science, 37(2):91-100.
30- Ayad, J.Y., Saoub, H., Ajjour, R. 2010. Influence of salinity and nitrogen application on dry matter and ion accumulation in Kochia scoparia L. Crop Res. 40(1,2&3): 40-52.
31- Ayad, J.Y.,AL-Abdallat, A.M., Saoub, H.M. 2010. Variation in root water and nitrogen uptake and their interactive effects on growth and yield of spring Wheat and Barley genotypes. International Journal of Botany.6(4):404-413.
32- Abu-Amer, J.M., Saoub, H.M., Akash,M.W., AL-Abdallat, A.M.2011. Genetic and phenotypic variation among Faba Bean landraces and cultivars. International Journal of Vegetable Science. 17(1):45-59.
33- Saoub, H.M., Al Tabini, R., Al Khalidi, K., Ayad, J.Y. 2011. Effect of three water harvesting techniques on forage shrub and natural vegetation in the Badia of Jordan. International Journal of Botany. 7 (3): 230-236.
34- Saoub, H.M., Akash, M.W. 2012. Variations among two vetch landrace species in Jordan. Accepted for publication. International Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment. Jan 2012.
35- Saoub, H.M., Akash, M.W., Ayad, J.Y. 2012. Agronomic potential of vetch landraces from Jordan. Research on Crops. Accepted for publication. Vol 13. No. 1 (April), 2012.
B- In Conferences
1- Saoub, H.M., Revell, C.K., Taylor, G.B. and W.R. Stern. 1992. Effect of burial on longevity of seeds of Medicagopolymorpha and Trifoliumsubterraneum. Proceedings of 6th Australian Society of Agronomy Conference, Armidale, N.S.W.
2- Saoub, H.M., Revell, C.K., Taylor, G.B. and W.R. Stern. 1992. Effect of summer rainfall on seed losses of two forage legumes, in the wheatbelt of western Australia. Proceedings of 6th Australian Society of Agronomy Conference, Armidale, N.S.W.
3- Ceccarelli, S., Kafawin, O., Saoub, H., Grando, S.,Halila, H., Ababneh, M., Shakatreh, Y. and Bailey, E. 2000. Increasing the relevance of breeding to small farmers – Farmer participation and local knowledge in breeding barley of specific adaptation to dry areas of Jordan. Proceedings of the international symposium on PPB. Poknara, Nepal, 1-5, May 2000.
4- Saoub, H. M., and Hattar, B.I. 2002. Vetch Establishment Under Supplementary Irrigation. Ryan, J.(ed.). Desert and Dry land Development: Challenges and Potential in the New Millennium. Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on the Development of Dry Lands, 22-27 August 1999, Cairo, Egypt. ICARDA, Aleppo, Syria, xiv+655pp.
5- Shakhatreh, Y., Kafawin, O., and Saoub, H. 2002. Selecting Barley for Drought Tolerance in Jordan’s low Rainfall Areas. Ryan, J.(ed.). Desert and Dry land Development: Challenges and Potential in the New Millennium. Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on the Development of Dry Lands, 22-27 August 1999, Cairo, Egypt. ICARDA, Aleppo, Syria, xiv+655pp.
6- Alshawahneh, N., Saoub, H., Oweis,Th., Haddad, N. 2010. Impact of micro-catchment water harvesting on plant diversity in Jordan Badia rangelands. Tenth International Conference on Development of Drylands. Meeting the Challenge of Sustainable Development in Drylands under Changing Cliamte – Moving from Global to Local. 12 15 December, 2010, Cairo , Egypt. Proceedings
7- Woods, S.R., AlTabini, R., Saoub, H.M., and Finan, T.J. 2011. Marginal dryland agriculture in Jordan: forage banking for pastoralists. Development on the margin. University of Bonn, Germany.5 – 7 October, 2011.
1. Kafawin, O., and Saoub, H. 2002. Plant genetic resources in Jordan. (In Arabic). A regional study. Arab Organization for Agricultural Development.
1. The Second National workshop on “Plant Genetic Resources and Biodiversity”. A workshop held by the Genetic Resources Unit / NCARTT. Dana, Jordan, 19-20, September, 2001.2. Rangelands Strategy in Jordan. Workshop held by Ministry of Agriculture/ CIDA, July, 2001. Amman.
3. National Strategy for Agricultural Development. Workshop held by Ministry of Agriculture, 26-27, November, 2002. Amman, Jordan.
4. The role of local community in the development and sustainability of rangelands. A workshop "Rehabilitation of communities affected by drought in Jordan". CARE-Jordan, June, 2002.
5. Annual Symposium. “Water Reuse for the future: Use it again, America”. September, 8-11, 2002, Orlando, Florida, USA. Water Reuse Association, USA.
6. A workshop about "Agro biodiversity legislations". Amman-Jordan. 29 June, 2004.
7. Scientific research and its role in combating desertification and stabilizing sand dunes. Federation of Arab Scientific Research Councils. Masqat, Oman. April, 2-4, 2005.
8. Workshop on “ Forages in Jordan – Actual situation, challenges and solutions”. 26/12/2007. Coordinator and lecturer.
9. Training course on desertification monitoring using remote sensing. Guelph University – Canada. 25/7/2009 - 8/8/2009.
10. FirstInternational Summer School programme(Promoting conservation agriculture in the Arab region) University of Applied science Weihenstephan- Trisdorf.Germany, from 20 Sep. to 4 Oct. 2010.
11. TenthInternational Conference on Development of Dry land. Meeting the Challenge of SustainableDevelopment in Drylands under Changing Climate- Moving from Global to Local. 12-15 dec.2010 Cairo- Egypt. The presentation was entitled “ Impact of micro-catchments water harvesting on plant diversity in Jordan Badia rangelands.
12. Climatic Change and Agriculture Vulnerability in Jordan (highlands/ Jordan valley), and possible response, ( Assessing impact and decide on potential and existing agricultural activities. 6-7 oct.2010.
13. Aworkshop on water-related security threats. Climate change and adaptation options for the Jordan River Basin, Jordan, ( threats and challenges for agriculture in the upland of Jordan River Basin). 9-10 April 2011.
14.Workshop entitled “Integrate conservation agriculture as a holistic into higher education programs”. American University of Biuret, Lebanon. 18-24 April 2011.
15. Second International Summer School programme (Promoting conservation agriculture in the Arab region). AREC, American University of Buiret, Lebanon..5 Sep. to 16 Sep. 2010.
15.Workshop entitled “ Improving food security and adaptation to climate change in Iraq and Jordan. Amman, Jordan. May 16 – 2011. .16/5/2011- عمان
16. Workshop on “ Establishment of long term trials on conservation agriculture” Amman – Jordan. University of Jordan. 25 – 28 July, 2011. DAAD Project
17. Workshop on “ Gender barriers towards employment impact”. Amman – Jordan. University of Jordan. 31 November – 4 December 2011. DAAD Project
1- Member of the national committee for the development of irrigated agriculture in the highlands of Jordan, 2001. The Royal Agricultural Committee for the Development and Formulation of the National Strategy for the Development of Agriculture in Jordan (2002 – 2010).a- Team leader. Reuse of treated waste water for forage production.
b- Team member. Production of industrial crops.
2- Member of the national committee for the development of rangelands and livestock sector in Jordan, 2001. The Royal Agricultural Committee for the Development and Formulation of the National Strategy for the Development of Agriculture in Jordan (2002 – 2010).
a- Team leader. Growing cactus as a fence crop for livestock.
b- Team leader. Using water harvesting techniques for improving forage production in the dry areas.
3- Member of several committees at the department or faculty levels, such as the Committee for the development of undergraduate and graduate Curriculum, and the higher studies committee..4gfg
4- Member of a special team to prepare a draft legal frame for”Intellectual Property Rights for Genetic Resources and Local Utilization for the Natural Plants in the Badia of Jordan”. 2010.
5- Member of the National Committee for Plant Biodiversity. Ministry of Environment. 2011.
6- Member of the technical committee –Scientific Research Support Fund– Ministry of Higher Education. Amman – Jordan. 2011.
Lecturer in the following training courses:1-Saoub, H.M. 1994. Hay and forages. A lecture submitted to the provisional program on “Sheep Nutrition and Management Course", organized by ICARDA 12-21 April, Amman, Jordan.
2- Saoub, H.M. 2001. “Chemical composition of forage crops irrigated by saline water”. Part of the activities for the training course entitled "Sustainable Management of Crops and Soils Irrigated with Brackish and Treated Waters". 4-15 November, 2001. Water Studies and ResearchCenter. University of Jordan.
3- Saoub, H.M. 2007. Watershed as a Natural System. Tenth International Training WorkshopOnWadi Hydrology:Watershed Management. 22 – 27 July 2007. Amman-Jordan
4- Saoub, H, M, 2008. Vegetation Cover and Land Management. Training Workshop on Sustainable Land Management (SLM) in the Dry Environment. 3-13 June 2008. West Asia Regional Program. Amman-Jordan
5. Production of irrigated forage crops in the north eastern of the Jordanian Badia, Badia Ecosystem Restoration Program.Ministryof Environment. Amman, Jordan, 2009. Member of the steering Committee and leader of team for preparing a study for the possibility of forage production under irrigation in the Badia.
6. National Study: Towards a strategic plan to produce wheat. Badia Research and Development Center, in co-operation National Defense Authority/ Jordanian Army. 2008.