Dear Vendor:
The Fort Leavenworth Spouses’ Club (FLSC) cordially invites you to participate in the Annual Super Sign up event to be heldTuesday August 23, 2016at the Frontier Conference Center on Fort Leavenworth. Open hours are10 a.m. until 1:00 p.m.onTuesday August 23, withVendor Set up starting at 9am.
Fort Leavenworth is the second most visited military installation in the U.S. Army. In fact, while other installations are downsizing and relocating, Fort Leavenworth’s population is very consistent and has much turnover. This means a greatly expanded customer base for those select vendors who are invited to attend this event. We have been very selective with our invitations, you have been chosen as a preferred vendor.
We are offering a 6’x6’ booth space for $40.00. There are a limited number of booth slots and they will be filled on a first come, first served basis. Payment in full is required in order to reserve a booth space. Additional tables can be requested for an additional $5.00 per table charge. Requests for additional tables and electrical support; must be made prior to the event.
Lunch will be available for purchase from the Solarium Buffet located downstairs in the Frontier Conference Center (FCC). However, a hospitality table with a selection of water, coffee, and light snacks will be available for vendors.
We are also asking that each vendor donate an item to be included in our opportunity drawing.
All proceeds from this event will support the FLSC mission of community assistance and college scholarships.
Due to the high demand for booths at this event, we ask that you return the enclosed reservation form no later thanAugust 15th, 2016to confirm your participation in the Fort Leavenworth Spouses’ Club Annual Super Sign-up event. Remember spaces are limited and your space is not confirmed until all fees are paid.
Attached is the Vendor Agreement and Flyer. Please return the Vender Agreement and Super Sign-Up flyer along with payment to the address listed on the Super Sign-up flyer. Should you have any questions please feel free to contact me at .
We hope to see you soon!
LauraL. Gentile
1st Vice President
Fort Leavenworth Spouses Club
Vendor Policy2016-2017
Vendors for fundraising events will be invited no later than 6 weeks prior to a fundraising event. All vendors who indicate on the Vendor Agreement that they would like to participate in a particular fundraising event will be invited.
In order to participate in a fundraising event, a returned signed event agreement with check or money order payable to FLSC must be received by the stated event deadline for the complete amount of the space requested.
If a vendor needs to cancel, the Vendor Coordinator must be notified 2 weeks before the day of the event. This will allow for other arrangements in filling vendor spaces to be made. If proper notification is not received, the event fees apply and must be paid before the next event. Failure to do so will forfeit future reservations.
Monthly Luncheons:
Vendors for monthly luncheons will be invited 3 weeks prior to the event. All vendors who indicate on the Vendor Agreement that they would like to participate in monthly luncheons will be invited.Vendor Fee is $35.00 which includes lunch. We ask that you supply an item to donate to the hospitality table raffle, which proceeds go towards scholarships and grants.
All reservation must be submitted via email to the Vendor Coordinator () no later than 1 week prior to the luncheon. No reservations will be accepted after the deadline.
If a vendor needs to cancel, the Vendor Coordinator must be notified 1 week before the day of the event. This will allow for other arrangements in filling vendor tables to be made. If proper notification is not received, the event fees apply and must be paid before the next event. Failure to do so will forfeit future reservations.
Dates include: September 21st, October 12th, November 9th, December 14th, 2016 and January 11th, February 8th, March 5th, April 19th, May 10th, 2017
FLSC will list all vendors who fulfill the vendor requirements for an event by the stated deadline on the FLSC website, the FLSC Facebook page, and in the online FLSC eNewsletter.
FLSC Responsibilities:
FLSC agrees to provide logistical support and requirements, and to provide requested tables, chairs, and electrical support. FLSC will not be liable for vendors violating franchise agreements.
Vendor Agreement
To participate as a vendor, i.e., representing a home-based business or other sales-oriented business, please complete and return the following form:
I, ______, have read, understand, and agree to comply with the 2016-2017 Fort Leavenworth Spouses Club Vendor Policy and all Fort Leavenworth Post Regulations.
Signature of Vendor: ______Date: ______
Name of Business: ______
Telephone Number: ______
Email Address: ______
Address: ______
City, State, ZIP Code: ______
Please check all events you would be interested in attending as a vendor:
_____ Super Sign Up (August)_____ Monthly Luncheons
(2nd Wednesday of each month)
_____ Holiday Bazaar (October/November)_____ Advertising Opportunities
_____ Spring Fundraiser (March)
Vendor’s Responsibilities:
Vendors agree to comply with the general FLSC vendor policies and procedures, as well as the event specific requirements and deadline. Vendors agree to arrive on-time to events, to provide their own promotional material, and to remove all materials at the conclusion of the event. Vendors, under franchise, are welcome to sell their products as long as sales are in accordance with franchise guidelines. FLSC will not be liable for vendors violating franchise agreements.
No two vendors selling the same product will be permitted. If multiple vendors selling the same product apply for the same event, the first reservation received will get first preference for the event. Other applicants will be placed on a waiting list and will be notified in the event of a cancellation.
Vendors will be accepted in the order they are received. Vendors will be notified by email on their status as a vendor.
Home-based and commercial businesses are permitted to be vendors only if they have an approved Solicitation Request Form on file with FLSC and FMWR.
Vendors cannot sell alcohol products per post policy.
The vendor shall in no way hold FLSC responsible for broken, lost, stolen or damaged items due to fire, water, or any other causes.
No party shall be responsible for events that are unforeseeable and beyond their reasonable control such as acts of God, weather delays, government restrictions, or unforeseen commercial delays. If the event is postponed due to inclement weather or other conditions beyond FLSC’s control, they may be rescheduled for another time. FLSC agrees to give all vendors all of the rights set forth herein.
Failure to comply with the above guidelines may result in loss of opportunity to participate as a vendor at FLSC events.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this agreement to be executed.
Vendor Signature: ______
Vendor Coordinator, FLSC Signature: ______
All concerns or questions regarding FLSC vendor policy, or management of issue are to be addressed to the Vendor Coordinator who is to respond in a timely manner to all correspondence.
Vendor Reservation Policy
Reservation Policy
The deadline for all reservations or cancellations will be stated in the Vendor Information Packet for each event. All reservations and cancellations will be confirmed by email from the Vendor Coordinator to the vendor. Vendors cancelling after the deadline will be charged the full price of the event. No further reservations will be accepted until the amount in arrears is paid.
Please initial next to the following:
_____ I understand that a “yes” response to an event invitation incurs a non-refundable payment.
_____ I understand that if I invite an additional person to assist me as a vendor, I am responsible for that guest’s payment if one is required.
_____ I understand that if I cancel my reservation after the stated deadline, I am still responsible for that payment.
____ I understand that if I have an outstanding payment of more than 1 month, and have not made arrangements for payment, I will not be invited to participate in future Fort Leavenworth Spouses Club events as a vendor.
_____ I understand that the Fort Leavenworth Spouses Club may take any measures available to them to collect any debt I owe them.
_____I understand that if I am selling a food product, I must adhere to the requirements provided by Fort Leavenworth Veterinary and Preventive Medicine Units and obtain a Memorandum of Approval to submit with my application before I can be approved to vend food items.
I, ______on ______
have read and understand the Fort Leavenworth Spouses Club Reservation Policy and I will abide by the policy.
Solicitation Request Form
Name of Vendor: ______Date: ______
Name of Business: ______
Address: ______
City: ______State: ______ZIP: ______
Telephone Number: ______
Email Address: ______
Check what applies: ____ Brick & Mortar ______Direct Sales ______Crafter
Brief Description of Items Being Sold:
This form will be submitted to Fort Leavenworth Family Moral Welfare and Recreation (FMWR) in order to receive permission to participate as a vendor in FLSC events. All vendors, even those who have already obtained an on-post solicitation permit, must submit this form. This form entitles you to participate in FLSC events ONLY and will not be accepted as an on-post solicitation permit for other events on Fort Leavenworth.
Annual Super Sign-Up
August 23, 2016 10:00 am-1:00 pm (9:00 am Vendor Set Up)
rontier Conference Center
Fort Leavenworth, KS
Booth SpacePriceNumber RequestedTotal
A) General Vendor$40.00______
Additional Tables$5.00(ea)______
B) Non-ProfitFREE______
One table and two chairs will be provided per booth.
Additional booths are available.
Booth requests and full payment must be received NO LATER THAN JULY 29, 2016. Make check or money order to FLSC for the total cost due for booth space.
Please mail booth request and payment to:
ATTN: Vendor Coordinator (Super Sign-Up)
P.O. Box 3004
Fort Leavenworth, KS 66027