About the Practice –
Meet the Staff
Practice Manager –Josie Osborne
Josie ensures the smooth running of the practice. However, if you have any complaints please address these to her.
Receptionists/Administrative staff
Our team of receptionists and administrative staff is headed by Berys Topley, our Senior Receptionist.
Secretarial Staff –Katie Blades , Sheila Davies & Jackie Colvin
Our secretaries will type referral letters and are happy to help with any queries with regard to hospital appointments.
Dispensers – Jane Phillips, Lori Phillips
If you live over one mile from the nearest chemist, we can dispense your medicine. This can be collected from the surgery or can be delivered to Knowl Hill and Waltham St Lawrence on the days of the branch surgeries.
Pharmacist – Abid Pathan
Practice Nurses – Sharon Tanner RGN, NDN. Anne Smith, Emma Winker, Charlotte Bradley and Lesley Wilby.
The Nurses run specialist monitoring clinics for Asthma, Diabetes and Heart disease. Their Travel Clinic provides advice and immunisations. They also care for wounds, give children’s immunisations, and take cervical smears.
Nursing Assistant/Phlebotomist – takes blood for tests organised by the doctors and undertakes some basic medical checks.
Phlebotomist- Linda Weal. HCA – Hongyan Hone
District Nurses
These are senior nurses, working in teams, who are attached to the surgery and will visit your home if required. They can be contacted directly at their base on
0118 949 5083
Health Visitors
Health Visitors are specially trained nurses who provide care and specialist advice for mothers and their children up to the age of five. They can be contacted at their base on 0118 934 6699.
Visiting Health Professionals – Midwife
Our midwife, Cindy , attends the Ante-natal Clinic on Wednesday mornings and, with the doctors, provides care throughout pregnancy.
Other Practice Personnel
We help with the training of medical students, and student nurses. We will always ask permission to involve a student in your consultation and will understand if you say no. Thank you for your help with this important work.
At morning surgeries, we try to give everyone who either comes to the surgery or telephones between 8.00am and 10.00am a 10-minute slot from 8.10 am onwards. Some slots can be reserved up to a week ahead. If the surgery is extremely busy and your problem not urgent, you may be asked to come at another time to avoid very long waits.
The evening surgeries are by appointment only; some appointments may be booked up to one week ahead and some on the day with added short emergency-only slots. Please do not abuse the “emergency” facility.
You may consult any of the doctors available. Appointments can be made at the surgery or on the telephone (0118 940 3939). If you feel particularly unwell or are in pain, tell the receptionist.
Morning surgery: 8.10am to 11.00am -Monday to Friday
Evening surgery: 4.00pm to 6.00pm - Monday to Friday
We have introduced extended hours (7.30am to 8am and 18.30 to19.00) on some weekdays.We also have Saturday Surgeries on 2nd and 4th Saturday’s of each month these appointments are pre-bookable only. These are in addition to normal surgeries.
Knowl Hill surgery – patients should arrive at 12 noon on Wednesday and Friday
Waltham St Lawrence surgery – patients should arrive at 12 noon on Tuesday and Thursday.
It is essential to telephone the main surgery to let us know you will be attending a branch surgery so that your notes will be available.
Our standard consultations are 10 minutes long.
If your illness prevents you from attending the surgery, a home visit can be arranged by telephoning the surgery before 10.30am. Urgent calls will be referred to the duty doctor. You may be advised that the doctor will telephone you to discuss your need for a home visit.
-For advice 24 hours a day call 111
-Nearest A&E Department: The Royal Berkshire Hospital, London Road, Reading. Telephone: 0118 322 5111
-Walk-in centres at: Minor Injuries Clinic, Townlands Hospital, Henley 9am – 7pm every day (01491 637435); Minor Injuries Clinic, St Mark’s Hospital, Maidenhead 9am – 5pm Mon – Fri (01628 632012); Walk-In Centre: Upton Hospital, Slough 7am – 8pm Mon – Fri, 9am – 5pm weekends and bank holidays
(01753 635505)
Information for Patients(continued)
You may arrange to speak to a Doctor by leaving your details with the receptionist. The Doctor will ring you back.
Please telephone for test results after 11am.
You may obtain repeat medication by handing in, faxing, or e-mailing a request for collection of prescriptions 48 hours later, or by sending a written request enclosing a SAE for posting. Also available On-Line ordering please see the website for more details or ask at reception.
For safety reasons, we accept requests for repeat prescriptions over the phone only in exceptional circumstances. If you live over 1.6 KM (as the crow flies) from your nearest chemist we can dispense your medicines. These can be collected from the main surgery or delivered to Knowl Hill and Waltham St Lawrence on the days of the outreach clinics.
If you have any queries about your prescription, contact the dispensers (if you have your medicine dispensed in the practice) or the receptionist (if you get your medicine from an outside pharmacist) on 0118 940 3939.
The doctors can only provide a free (National Insurance) sick note for patients they have seen, who are off work for a week or more. For periods of less than 7 days your employer should provide you with the form for “Self Certification” of sickness or they are available from reception. A fee will be charged for certificates for less than seven days and for non-NI certificates.
Please tell the receptionist if you wish to see a particular doctor, otherwise you will be offered the first available consultation with any one of the doctors. We will always try to accommodate your preference, but please understand the sometimes it may be necessary to wait longer for an appointment with a particular doctor.
You may register with the Practice if you live within our catchment area, please ask at reception for registration forms. It helps if you can bring details of your previous doctor with you. New patients will be asked to make an initial appointment with our nurse for a health check.
Please see the website () for advice.
Other Information
Disabled Access
Our clinical services, together with patient toilet facilities, are located on the ground floor and are accessible to wheelchair users. There is a loop hearing facility available on request for patients who are hard of hearing.
Access to Patient Information
Your medical records are confidential. You have the right to access them in accordance with the Access to Medical Records Act 1990. We will need your signed consent to disclose information to third parties. The only exceptions are the provision of information when making a referral to another doctor, or disclosure required by statute.
Primary Medical Services
Details of Primary Medical Services may be obtained from: West Berkshire PCT, 57-59 Bath Road, Reading RG30 2BA.
Telephone: 0118 949 5000
Comments and Complaints
The practice has a complaints procedure. This does not deal with matters of legal liability or compensation. It does not affect your right to make a formal complaint. Any comment or complaint should be addressed to our Practice Manager, Josie Osborne, who will ensure that it is investigated thoroughly and speedily. If you feel your complaint has not been handled appropriately by the practice you have the right to go to the CQC or Health Ombudsman.
There is also a Patient Advice & Liaison Service (PALS) at
57-59 Bath Road, Reading RG30 2BA.
Telephone: 0118 982 2829
Violent and Abusive Patients
Like the rest of the NHS, we operate a “zero tolerance” policy and will remove from the list any patient who is physically or verbally abusive or threatening towards any team member or other patients.
Your Rights
You have the right to timely, appropriate and professional care for your medical needs, and to be treated with respect.
Your Responsibilities
NHS resources are precious and it is in everyone’s interest to use them in a responsible manner. Please:
- Only use the emergency service in a genuine emergency.
- Treat all the members of the team with respect and courtesy at all
- Reduce delays by remembering appointments are for one person
- Keep your appointment and always let us know if you wish to
cancel or change. Notice helps, but even knowing at the last
minute when a genuine problem prevents you from coming can
help us fit someone else in.
Local Area
How to get to us
The Wargrave Surgery
Victoria Road, Wargrave RG10 8BP
Telephone: 0118 940 3939
Fax: 0118 940 1357
Outreach surgeries:
14 The Terrace, Knowl Hill
(next to the village hall)
Neville Hall, Waltham St. Lawrence
(opposite ‘The Bell’ pub)
A map of the practice area, which includes
RG10 and other outlying postcodes, is
displayed in the surgery.
Dr Julia Thurston
Dr Mark Puddy
MA, MB, BCh Oxford 1985 DRCOG, DCH,
Dr James Kennedy
Dr Daniel Alton
MBChB (Birmingham 2008 Hons), BMedSci,
Salaried GP: Dr J Moncur
MRCGP, DFFP, MBC4B Birmingham 2000, BSC
Salaried GP: Dr Aimee Stocks
MBBS (King’s College, London 2010), MRCGP, DFRSH, BA
Tel: 0118 940 3939( 8.00am to 6.30pm –Monday to Friday). Or, when the surgery is closed, you can call 111 for help and advice.
The Wargrave Surgery –
Open Monday – Friday 8.00am to 6.30pm