ANQ Congress 2011 Ho chi Minh City Full Paper Template

Title of Paper [Title case, Times New Roman 16, bold, centered]

Sub-Title [Title case, Times New Roman 12, bold, centered, optional]

Author1*, Author2, … [name(s) of author(s); [Times New Roman 12, bold, centered]

1. Affiliation, ANQ Organization (Country) [Times New Roman, 12, regular, centered]

[one line per number/affiliation; for corresponding author, indicated with *, also include first author’s email address]

Summary [Sentence case, Times New Roman 12, bold, aligned left]

[Text: Times New Roman 12, regular, justified; indentation: 4 spaces; line spacing: single; paragraph spacing: one line between §.]

[The summary shall not exceed 100 words.]

Keywords [Sentence case, Times New Roman 12, bold, aligned left]

Keyword 1, Keyword 2, etc. [Times New Roman 12, regular; justified]

[Three to five keywords are allowed. Concept expressions like "Total Qua1ity Management" or “Quality Management System” counts like оnе keyword and should always bе written in full.]

Section Title [Title case, Times New Roman 12, bold, aligned left]

[Text: Times New Roman 12 regular; justified; indentation: 4 spaces; line spacing: single; page setup: paper size A4, margins top 2.5 cm, bottom 2.5 cm, left 2.5 cm, right 2.5 cm; paragraph spacing: one line between §.]

Section sub-title [Title case, Times New Roman 12, bold, aligned left]

[Text as above]

Acknowledgement(s) [Sentence case, Times New Roman 12, bold, aligned left]

[Text as above]

References [Sentence case, Times New Roman 12, bold, aligned left]

[Text: as defined above, but Paragraph Spacing: Before 6 pts except for first]

[1]Munechika, M. Et al (1999), “A guideline for Selection of Evaluation Words used in Questionnaire of Kansei Quality, ” Quality, Vol.30, No.4, pp. 96-108.

[2]Shewhart, W. A.(1931) : The Economic Control of Quality of a Manufactured Product, p.41-46, D.Van Nostrand Co., New York.

[3]Akita, M., Kano, N., (2001), “A Case Study based on an theoretical framework of analyzing access log data on customers’ visiting route and looking around route for shopping in an Internet Shopping Mall”, The 15th Asia Quality Symposium 2001 Korea, p.p.202-205.

Appendix [Sentence case, Times New Roman 12 bold, aligned left]

[Text as above]

Placement of figures and tables in text:

[Text as above]

[Figure, centered]

Figure 1 - Title of figure [Sentence case, Times New Roman 12, bold, centered, below the figure)]


Table 1 - Title of table [Sentence case, Times New Roman 12, bold, centered, above the table]

[Table, centered]

General Note

(1) The full paper should be between 6 to 10 A4 pages.

(2) Page setup

paper size A4, margins top 2.5 cm, bottom 2.5 cm, left 2.5 cm, right 2.5 cm; paragraph spacing: one line between §.

(3) White lines as indicated in template, as follows:

- two before title (16)

- none between title and sub-title

- two between title or sub-title, and authors (14)

- none between authors and affiliations

- two between text and (sub-)title

- one between (sub-)title and other sub-title

- one between (sub-)title and text

- one between paragraph of text and the next paragraph, but none between references

- two before figure

- one between figure and figure caption

- two after figure caption

- two before table caption

- one between table caption and table - two after table

(4)Title case and sentence case

Title case: The first letter of each word is capitalized, the rest are small letters. Short articles, prepositions, and conjunctions are not capitalized.

(e.g., Model for a Quality Management System in Healthcare)

Sentence case: Sentence case describes the way that capitalization is used within a sentence. First letter of the sentence is capitalized and all others are small letters.

(e.g., Model for a quality management system in healthcare)

(5) Description of “ANQ Organization (country)” in the title section

Use the description in the table below as the name of “ANQ Organization (country)” in the title section of full paper and abstract. If you are from non-ANQ members, write just country name.

(See the sample full paper and the sample abstract)

BSTQM(Bangladesh) / JSQC(Japan)
CAQ(China) / KSQM(Korea)
CSQ(Chinese Taipei) / NQPCN(Nepal)
DQG(Dubai) / QPSQ(Pakistan)
HKSQ(Hong Kong) / ROQ(Russia)
IAQMA(Kazakhstan) / SQI(Singapore)
ISQ(India) / SQAT(Thailand)
IQMA(Indonesia) / NZOQ(New Zealand)
ISQM(Iran) / VQAH(Vietnam)