Working Bibliography
Adler, David. Heroes of the Revolution. New York: Scholastic, 2003. Print. Informational Text
Allman, Melinda, ed. The Thirteen Colonies Primary Sources. San Diego: Lucent Books, 2002. Print. Primary source
Anderson, Laurie Halse. Chains. New York: Athenium, 2011. Print. Novel
- - -. Forge. NewYork: Thorndike Press, 2010. Print. Novel
Avi. Sophia's War. New York: Beach Lane Books, 2012. Print. Novel
Brown, Don. Henry and the Cannons: An Extraordinary True Story of the American Revolution. NY: Roaring Book Press, 2013. Print. Informational Text
Burgan, Michael. African Americans in the Thirteen Colonies. New York: Children's Press, 2013. Print. Informational Text
Caney, Steven. "What's in a Name?" Cobblestone Nov. 1980: 38-40. Print. Informational Text
Carbone, Elisa. Blood on the River: James Town 1607. New York: Puffin, 2007. Print. Novel
Catel, Patrick. Why We Fought Key People of the Revolutioinary War. Chicago: Heinemann, 2011. Print. Informational Text
Cook, Peter. You Wouldn't Want to Be at the Boston Tea Party. New York: Franklin Watts, 2006. Print. Informational Text
Cooper, Sarah. Making History Mine : Meaningful Connections for Grades 5 - 9. Portland: Stenhouse, 2009. Print. Text Book
Delano, Marfe Ferguson. Master George's People: George Washington, His Slaves, and His Revolutionary Transformation. Illus. Lori Epstein (photographer). Washington D.C: National Geographic, 2013. Print. Informational Text
Deloria, Claire, et al. Teaching Literacy Through History. Williamsburg: Colonial Williamsburg Foundation, 1998. Print. Textbook
Eyewitness to History. Copyright © 1997 - 2014, Ibis Communications, Inc., n.d. Web. 7 July 2014. < Website
Fleischman, Paul. The Matchbook Diary. Somerville: Candlewick Press, 2013. Print. Picture Book
Freedman, Russell. The Boston Tea Party. New York: Holiday House, 2012. Print. Picture Book
Hall, Brianna. Great Women of the American Revolution. Mankato: Capstone Press, 2013. Print. Informational Text
History, Channel, comp. AMERICA the Story of Us. New York: A&E Television Network, 2010. Print. Video
Hughes, Pat Raccio. Five 4ths of July. New York: Viking, 2011. Print. Novel
Liberty Kids. N.p., n.d. Web. 7 July 2014. < Video
Library of Congress. Library of Congress, n.d. Web. 7 July 2014. < Website
Matthaei, Gay, and Jewel Grutman. The Ledgerbook of Thomas Blue Eagle. New York: Lickle, 1994. Print. Informational Text
Miller, Brandon Marie. Growing Up in Revolutions and the New Nation. Minneapolis: Lerner, 2003. Print. Informational Text
Mochizuki, Ken. Baseball Saved Us. New York: Lee & Low, 1993. Print. Picture Book
Moss, Marissa. Amelia's 5th Grade Notebook. New York: Simon and Schuster, 2003. Print. Picture Book
- - -. Amelia Writes Again. Middleton: Pleasant Company, 1996. Print. Picture Book
- - -. Emma's Journal: The Story of a Colonial Girl. New York: HMH, 2001. Print. Picture Book
- - -. Rachel's Journal. 1998: Silver Whistle, n.d. Print. Picture Book
Nardo, Don. Daily Life in Colonial America. Detroit: Lucent Books, 20101. Print. informational Text
Nobleman, Marc Tyler. Boys of Steel The Creators of Superman. New York: Random House, 2008. Print. Picture Book
Osborne, Mary Pope. The Magic Tree House Research Guide American Revolution. New York: Random House, 2004. Print. informational Text
Paulsen, Gary. Wood Runner. New York: Random, 2010. Print. Novel
Penner, Lucille Recht. The Liberty Tree - The Beginning of the American Revolution. New York: Random House, 1998. Print. Informational Text
Polacco, Patricia. Just in Time, Abraham Lincoln. New York: G. P. Putnam, 2011. Print. Picture Book
Roop, Peter, and Connie Roop. Button for General Washington. Minneapolis: Carolrhoda Books, 1986. Print. Novel
Rosalyn, Schanzer. George vs George. Washington D.C: National Geographic, 2004. Print. Informational Text
Sheinkin, Steve. King George What Was His Problem. New York: Roaring Brook Press, 2008. Print. Informational Text
Silvey, Anita. Henry Knox Bookseller, Soldier, Patriot. Boston: Clarion, 2010. Print. Picture Book
Smagorinsky, Peter, et al. Teaching Students to Write: Fictional Narratives (Dynamics of Writing Instruction). Portsmouth: Heinemann, 2012. Print. Professional Development
- - -. Teaching Students to Write: Personal Narrative(Dynamics of Writing Instruction). Portsmouth: Heinemann, 2012. Print. Professional Development
Smagorinsky, Peter Smagorinsky, et al. Teaching Students to Write Argument (Dynamics of Writing Instruction). Portsmouth: Heinemann, 2011. Print. Professional Development
Social Studies for Kids. David White : 2002 - 2014, n.d. Web. 7 July 2014. < Website
Wade, Linda. Events Leading to the American Revolution. Edina: Abdo, 2001. Print. Informational Text
Williams, Marcia. Archie's War. Boston: Candlewick, 2007. Print. Picture Book
Wilmore, Kathy. A Day in the Life of a Colonial Blacksmith. New York: Power Kids, 2000. Print. Informational Text : The library of living and working in Colonial times
- - -. A Day in the Life of a Colonial Innkeeper. New York: Power Kids, 2000. Print. Informational Text : The library of living and working in Colonial times
- - -. A Day in the Life of a Colonial Printer. New York: Power Kids, 2000. Print. Informational Text : The library of living and working in Colonial times
- - -. A Day in the Life of a Colonial Schoolteacher. New York: Power Kids, 2000. Print. Informational Text : The library of living and working in Colonial times
- - -. A Day in the Life of a Colonial Silversmith. New York: Power Kids, 2000. Print. Nonfiction : The library of working and living in Colonial times
Woodson, Jacqueline. Each Kindness. New York: Nancy Paulsen, 2012. Print. Picture Book
Yomtov, Nel. Revolutionary War Spies. Mankato: Capstone Press, 2014. Print. Informational Text