The Candle
West Bend & Mallard
United Methodist Church
Newsletter for
October 2012
Church E-mail address:
Church office – 515-887-4422
Worship Times:
Mallard – 9:00 am
West Bend – 10:30 am
Pastor Evelyn Lewiston
P.O. Box 27
West Bend, Iowa
515-230-0100 (cell)
Web page:
To: West Bend United Methodist Church
I would like to thank you for your contribution to my college education. It is greatly appreciated. I look forward to seeing members of the church in the future. It’s great to come back and see old friends and be reminded of all the people who have been a part of my life and continue to pray for my guidance. This year should continue to be busy as I am getting closer to obtaining my degree in Communication and a minor in Business and Human Resources at Iowa. Along with my busy school schedule I hope to work full-time at Lowes and still maintain a social life. Hope all is well. ~Sincerely, Ross Bruns~
Thanks to everyone for the prayers, cards, visits and food I received during my recent recovery from knee surgery. I certainly appreciated these acts of kindness. ~Janice Budd~
Thank you to all who participated in the Palo Alto Packing Event on September 22nd. The West Bend and Mallard communities were well represented and through the organization called “Then Feed Just One” we were able to pack 119,016 nutritious meals with 4 ½ hours that will be delivered to Honduras. A special thank you to Sidewalk Sunday School for the mission giving they designated for this project. The total cost for this event was $19,042.56 and we collected $15,719.00. Donations to help cover the shortfall will still be accepted and can be directed to: TFJO, Emmetsburg UMC, 801 Broadway, Emmetsburg, Iowa 50536.
In attendance: Pastor Evelyn, Amy C., Diane D., Ron P., Donna B., Scott S., Rita T.
Meeting opened with prayer. Minutes of the August meeting were read and approved.
Treasurer’s report: August receipts: $8881.99, Expenses: $7623.57. Balance August 31: $14,576.27.
The cost for Jack Pearson at the Back-to-School Bash was $400 plus mileage. $250 was taken from Stover COM. The other $150 and the $211 for mileage were taken from Evangelism.
Noisy Offering in August totaled $146.60. This will go toward postage for Mission Kits.
Motion by Ron, seconded by Scott to approve the report. Carried.
Committee Reports:
Missions: Reminder of “Then Feed Just One” packing event at the Palo Alto County Fairgrounds on Sept. 22. A Blanket Sunday will be held sometime this fall.
Trustees: Bought a new water heater for the church.
Stover Committee on Community Involvement: Scott presented the committee report. They received 5 applications: WBM Early Childhood Development, WB Summer Recreation, WB Friends of Ice Skating, WB Ambulance, and WB Historical Museum. The Committee recommended that each group receive $136.92. Seconded by Rita. Carried.
Worship –There will be a lunch to raise money for Kit Postage on September 23, with Work Group 1 preparing the meal.
UMW - October 14 will be UMW Sunday and Pastor Appreciation Sunday.
Pastor’s Report:
- A thank you for the college scholarship from Ross Bruns was read.
- Charge Conference will be Tuesday, October 30 in Pocahontas at 7:00 p.m.
- WOW will start on September 26. Michelle Hall and Darcie Dahlhauser will lead the younger students. Mark and Becky Collins will lead the 7-8th graders. Their meetings will alternate weeks with confirmation classes. High School youth started meeting September 5. Their leaders are Mike and Diane Thatcher.
- Pastor will hold a confirmation meeting on September 12. She told about a Young Christian’s Weekend in Branson, MO, April 5-7. Council approved her presenting information about this weekend to the young people.
- Office Needs:
- The phone system needs upgrading. The secretary will get price estimates.
- A shredder is needed in the secretary’s office.
- A monitor from an old computer is needed for electronic equipment in the office.
- SPRC will meet Sept. 23 to set the salary for the pastor and to fill out forms for Charge Conference. To prepare for that, we discussed the Mission and Ministry Plan and answered the questions which will be used by the SPRC.
Adjournment 8:24 p.m.
Donna Bonnstetter, Secretary
Next meeting: October 3, 2012
UMW SUNDAY - October 14, 2012
What a blessing it is to have so many willing to share their talents for a special Lay Led Sunday in October. It is a blessing to be able to come and worship. Let’s all make the effort to come and support those who are leading the worship on Sunday, October 14th!
October 6 – Conference Annual Meeting – Ankeny, Iowa
October 10 – 7:30 pm – Plan UMW Sunday
Setting goals
Program: Rita Thatcher
Hostess: Jane Banwart
October 19-21 – Mission Education Event – Marshalltown, Iowa
Psalm 24:1-2 – God claims earth and everything in it; God claims world and all who live on it.
Ray & Linda Brown
Luke & Heather Brown
Doug & Karen Schwartzkopf
October 7 – Sis Bargman
October 14 - Denny & Linda Barber
October 21 - Gene & Diane Dahlhauser
October 28 - Bob & Mary Jo Meyer
October 7 – Ron & Kim Hutchison & family.
October 14 – Ann Hurley
October 21 – Dorla White
October 28 – Lisa Dvorak
Eve Circle
The Mallard United Methodist Church Council met at the Church Annex at 7:00 P.M. on September19, 2012 with 5 members present. Reverend Evelyn called the meeting to order. Prayers of Joys and for Concerns were offered.
The Secretary’s report was approved as read. Motion made by Barb Zech, 2nd by Ann Hurley. Motion passed.
The Treasurer’s Report was approved as read. Motion by Marilyn Schutz, 2nd by Dorla White. Motion passed.
Balance as of 9/1/2012 $ 6,808.01
Income 3,176.00
Expenses 4,979.80
Account Balance $ 9,949.01
General Fund Use $ 2,822.75
Motion made by Marilyn Schutz and 2nd by Dorla White to pay an apportionment at the discretion of the Treasurer. Motion passed
The Lasagna Dinner is September 30, 2012. All plans for this are going forward.
In regards to Children/Youth Updates:
*CELEBRATE will start October 7 @ 10: am. Postcards will be going out to area Children.
*Regarding Confirmation, Mallard Church will have 3 kids taking classes.
*SOS to start soon
*Youth Christians Weekend: Branson Mo, April 5-7, 2013 in Silver Dollar City, more info on this later.
Charge Conference:
We worked on Form A- Charge Conference is October 30th in Pocahontas.
SPRC Meeting is Sunday Sept 23rd
Other Business:
UMW Sunday is October 14, 2012
Blanket Sunday is October 28, 2012.
Next Council meeting will be October 17, 2012 at 7PM. With no other business the meeting adjourned.
Marilyn Schutz, Church Secretary
Communion for Sunday, October 7, 2012
Mallard – Marilyn MoreyWest Bend – Pat Alberts
NEWSLETTER DEADLINE IS October 25, 2012. Please have your information to the office by then. Thank you!
Mallard UMW will NOT MEET at the Mallard Country Club for the October meeting on Oct. 2nd. We will need volunteers for serving for the UMW meeting on Oct. 2nd. Our meeting will be at the church at 9 a.m.
Lesson: World Thank Offering
Lesson by: Marilyn Darling & Coletta Rouse
October Iowa UMW Conference Annual Meeting.
Rebecca Circle: Eve Circle:
October 9th – 2:00 pmOctober 9th – 5:00 pm
Hostess: Jean CarmichaelHostess: Norma Larson
Lesson: Jean CarmichaelLesson: Darlene Goodchild
Scripture Readings for October
October 7thOctober 14th
Job 1:1: 2:1-10Job 23:1-9, 16-17
Psalm 26 or Psalm 25Psalm 22:1-15
Hebrews 1:1-4: 2:5-12Hebrews 4:12-16
Mark 10:2-16Mark 10:17-31
October 21stOctober 28th
Job 38:1-7 (34-41)Job 42:1-6, 10-17
Psalm 104:1-9, 24, 35cPsalm 34:1-8 (19-22)
Hebrews 5:1-10Hebrews 7:23-28
Mark 10:35-45Mark 10:46-52
The West Bend Care Center will be having their annual fall bazaar on October 11, 2012 from 3:30 pm to 7:00 pm. If you would like to donate any baked goods or volunteer in anyway please contact Amanda Wittkopf at 515-887-4071. Proceeds go towards the residence’s activity fund.
The seasons are changing, the world around us is taking on a different look as leaves begin to fall, crops come out of the field, and animals and birds are on the move.
As I write this I think of the Mallard kids as they Celebrate Creation each Sunday morning in October. We are blessed to be in Iowa where we can experience the rhythms of the days and seasons. What an opportunity to experience creation as we move through each day.
When I think of the wonder of God’s creation I find my thoughts turned to the Psalms. In Psalm 104 it reminds over and over of God’s creation: “You have made the moon to mark the seasons; the sun knows it’s time for setting.(19) O Lord, how manifold are your works! In wisdom you have made them all; the earth is full of your creatures.(24)
Take the time in your daily activities to observe the wonder of being. Find that moment and sit in silence and observe the great and glorious world that surrounds us. Give thanks for the goodness of creation.
Thanks for Listening,
Pastor Evelyn
What great opportunities we have in the United Methodist Church to reach out beyond our walls to help others. Our churches have many occasions to be in mission and while each person cannot do each project you are encouraged to find ways to share with others. Below are several opportunities that are coming your way. Thank you for sharing in whatever way you can!
World Communion Sunday is one of the six church wide Special Sundays of The United Methodist Church. World Communion Sunday provides scholarships for U.S. racial- and ethnic-minority students and international students, on both undergraduate and graduate levels. World Communion Sunday is celebrated on the first Sunday in October.
Stork’s Closet at Upper Des Moines Opportunity in Emmetsburg is collecting items through October 8th. Donations will be received at both churches for disposable diapers, baby wipes, baby clothes, blankets, soap, baby bottles, etc. A box will be available at each church for any donations received.
West Bend UMC is collecting items for Layette Kits for Ingathering: Receiving blankets, small size undershirt or onsie, diaper pins, baby wash cloth, cloth diapers, lightweight gown or sleeper.
Blanket Sunday will be held in Mallard on Sunday October 28th. Help us fill our Church World Service Blanket with love as each gift of $5.00 helps buy a blanket that will help someone in need.
West Bend will be blanketing the sanctuary with “fall leaves” to help provide Church World Service Blankets around the world. Each $5.00 gift may be presented in honor or in memory of someone and we would like to “blanket” our sanctuary with leaves as we help those who are in need of a warm blanket!
Leaves of Love for Church World Service
Given in honor of______
Or in memory of______
A gift of $______
Given by______
Calling all Kids
Beginning Sunday, October 7th at 10:00 am the Mallard United Methodist Church will have “Celebrate” for all kids from Preschool through 5th grade. Come join us as we “celebrate” creation through stories, music, crafts, and movies. “Celebrate” will be meeting in the church basement. Come in the east doors of the church & the basement is to your immediate left. Plan to Come! Bring a Friend! Questions? Contact Pastor Evelyn Lewiston at 515-230-0100 or .