What to expect from InS:PIRE!
InS:PIRE is a NEW multidisciplinary programme aimed at identifying the common physical, psychological and social issues that may have developed as a result of a patient’s stay in Intensive Care. Often these issues are independent of the medical problem that brought the patient to intensive care in the first place. Where appropriate, we also invite the family/caregiver to attendas the consequence of being critically ill extends beyond the patient. The programme aims to promote recovery in all three aspects through a combination of medical, nursing, physiotherapy, psychological, pharmacy and social support. The emphasis is on giving you, the patient and caregiver, the tools to move forward with your lives. We merely provide the stepping stones for you to achieve the goals you want. We don’t want your time in Intensive Care to define who you are, if we can help address any issues!
Each week’s components are summarised below:
Week 1 - 3
Group physiotherapy (at an appropriate level)
Short talk on Goal Setting
One-to-one appointments with the physiotherapist, pharmacist and consultant/nurse to discuss the patient’s ICU experience.
An appointment with medical/nursing staff to discuss a summary (which you get to take home) of what happened to the patient whilst in intensive care, as memories are often lost during this time.
Week 4
Group physiotherapy followed by:
Fatigue Management – pacing, planning and prioritising
Clinical psychology services will provide a group session of information/ advice on common psychological problems following critical illness and guidance will be provided.
Week 5
Group physiotherapy followed by:
Improving physical activity after ICU
Social prescription week – Social work, Citizens advice bureau and other appropriate services will present what they have to offer and will pick up referrals or signpost to services as necessary.
Follow up – one afternoon session will be organised for 3 and 12 months post InS:PIRE to monitor progress and any referrals made during the programme.
Each week we encourage chatting over tea and coffee with other patients and familiesas we have found common problems are experienced by more than one individual. They indeed might provide some of the answers! We try and provide a relaxed sociable settingand please feel free to speak freely. At all times we maintain the confidentiality of each patient’s story but please feel free to share with others if you feel comfortable to do so.
InS:PIRE Leaflet 1
Office:01563 825238
Mobile: 07495 148990
Out of Hours:01563 827741
Anaesthetic Office
University Hospital Crosshouse