Living Learning Community Syllabus



ASHES (Alcohol & Substance-free Housing for Elon Students) Living LearningCommunity

Moffitt Hall, Colonnades Neighborhood

LLC Advisor: Dr. Terry Tomasek, Associate Professor in the School of Education, Director of the Elon Academy and Faculty Director in the Colonnades Neighborhood, . I live in the Harper Building Faculty apartment. My ‘regular’ office is Mooney 302E (336-278-5854) but you can also always find me in the T-room (Staley 100) on Tuesday afternoons (2 to 4PM) and Thursday nights (8 to 10PM).

LLC RA: Dyamond Howell,

ASHES CAN Ambassador: TBD

ASHES Living Learning Community Description

The purpose of the ASHES LLC is to provide a living environment free of alcohol, tobacco, or the inappropriate use of drugs. ASHES is made up of students committed to living substance free. Students may choose to abstain from alcohol and/or drugs for personal, religious, or health reasons. Our goal is to encourage and support each other in this life decision. This commitment is taken very seriously. If an individual does not keep this commitment, Residence Hall staff members will seek to bring about a resolution which will serve to maintain the integrity of the community lifestyle which could result in the Administrative removal from the Substance-free Community. For the 2017-2018 academic year a statement of commitment will be considered by residents.

Overall Living Learning Communities Goals

  1. Living Learning Communities provide students with a sense of belonging in a community of their peers united by a common interest.
  2. LLCs support students’ intellectual, personal, and social growth by providing them with opportunities to learn in a collaborative, engaging environment.
  3. Living Learning Communities work to integrate students’ academic, social, and residential experiences, providing a seamless learning environment in which students develop “connected knowing” outside of the classroom on disciplinary and interdisciplinary projects.
  4. Living Learning Communities challenge students to test their skills/knowledge through applications, experiences, reflection and synthesis outside the classroom. Examples of this include intellectual discussions, trips, projects, speakers and events.
  5. Living Learning Communities provide opportunity for faculty and staff to engage in university service and student mentoring in intentional mentorship with students outside of the classroom in their field of interest or discipline.

ASHES Learning/developmental outcomes

Students living in ASHES will:

  • Make healthy life choices when it comes to alcohol, tobacco or drug use.
  • Collaborate with their peers to support their intellectual, personal and social growth.
  • Participate in various activities that will assist in personal reflection and exploration of substance-free living.

LLC Traditions


Questions to Talk About as We Develop this Community

  • What programs/events/initiatives on campus are of interest and encourage a healthy life style?
  • Who else on campus would we like to invite to be a non-residential friend of our community? (Faculty, staff)
  • What type of activities would you like to take part in?
  • Shall we get together at Colonnades for dinner one evening?

Important LLC/Neighborhood Events

  • Tuesday, August 29th,LLC Kick-off event from 6:30-7:45p.m. (doors open at 6PM0, McKinnon Hall (Moseley building). There will be a time for just our LLC to meet.
  • August 30th: Danieley and Colonnades Welcome Back Dinner, sponsored by Elon Dining (no meal swipe needed, just tap in so that we can count how many people ate), in the yard between Staley and Harper Halls.
  • August 30th: Summer News Update, 7-8:30 in McKinnon (Council on Civic Engagement)
  • September 6th: It’s Fun Until…. A program to raise awareness of the risks of co-ingesting alcohol and stimulants, 7:00 PM - 8:00, Turner Theatre; 8:15 – 9:15 PM -Meet and greet with presenters at The Oak House following the event. Free coffee for students.
  • September 16th: Colonnades & Danieley Tailgate & Elon Football
  • September 20th: Baird Lecture: Dr. Siddhartha Mukherjee, 7:30PM, McCrary Theatre
  • October 21st: Story & Moffitt Halls Building Brunch & Birthday Celebration
  • November 1st - 18th: Can-struction Food Drive

LLC Assessment


Draft LLC Commitment (for discussion and consideration)




The ASHES Substance Free Community is designed to provide students with a living environment that promotes a healthy lifestyle and is free of the use of alcohol, tobacco, illegal drugs, or prescription drugs which were not prescribed. The environment is intended to support residents who want to adopt such a lifestyle. This program requires that all members of the community sign a Community Living Agreement as an addendum to the Student Housing contract and to abide by the conditions below. Failure to do so may result in relocation to a different residence hall room not in the Substance Free Community or removal from Student Housing.

As conditions of my residency in the Substance Free Community, I understand and agree to abide by the following:

  • I understand that the possession and/or use of alcohol, tobacco, and illegal drugs is not permitted in the community (rooms, hallways, common areas) even if you are 21 years old.
  • Although my activities off-campus are not governed by this agreement, I understand that if I choose to use alcohol, tobacco, or other drugs off campus, my behavior must not be disruptive to or negatively impact the community when I return to my room.
  • I understand that any guests I invite to the community must comply with the conditions of this agreement. I also understand that I can be held responsible for the actions of my guests should they be disruptive or violate the conditions of living in the community.
  • I understand that residents and staff share joint responsibility within the community for complying with and enforcing the expectations of this agreement. This includes expressing concerns to fellow students, Resident Assistants, Cristina Vega or Dr. Tomasek about residents who may be violating the substance free community standards.
  • I understand that under the terms of the contract I signed with Student Housing, I may be relocated from the Substance Free Community to a different residence hall community if I fail to abide by Student Housing policy and the conditions outlined in this agreement.

I understand that this agreement shall remain in effect throughout my residency in the ASHES community. I may terminate my participation in this agreement by moving to other University housing. If no other space is available, I agree to abide by this agreement and these guidelines until such time as I can locate and move to an open space in another area. My signature below indicates that I have read and understand all of these guidelines and agree to live by these standards.

Name______Student I.D. #______

______Date ______



Signature of Parent, if under 18 years of age




The ASHES Substance Free Community is designed to provide students with a living environment that promotes a healthy lifestyle and is free of the use of alcohol, tobacco, illegal drugs, or prescription drugs which were not prescribed. The environment is intended to support residents who want to adopt such a lifestyle. This program requires that all members of the community sign a Community Living Agreement as an addendum to the Student Housing contract.

Although you have not chosen to be a part of the Substance Free Community, ASHES, you are living in close proximity to this group of students. This acknowledgement document is just meant to make you aware of the agreed upon norms of this community. As fellow residents in the building, we hope that you will respect and acknowledge their commitment as a choice that enriches the overall community in Colonnades. We ask that you NOT bring the effects of drugs, alcohol, tobacco, etc. into ASHES residents’ spaces which includes all of the First Floor in Moffitt.

Name______Student I.D. #______

______Date ______
