College Faculty Advisory Council
May 14, 2013
1:30-2:30, 507 Erickson
(Approved as circulated by email, May 21, 2013)
Attendance: Brendan Cantwell,Dorinda Carter, Patrick Dickson (chair), Dan Gould, Don Heller, FlorianKager, Mike Leahy,BetsAnn Smith
Guests (Incoming representatives for 2013-2104 Academic Year): John Powell and SaraWitmer
The minutes of April 2, 2013 were approved without revisions.
Dean’s Comments
- Dean Heller indicated that theSpringcommencement ceremonies went well. One problem was noted with the COE doctoral hooding ceremony, however. Some individuals wanted to participate in the doctoral ceremony at the last minute. This caused problems because of limited additional guest passes forseating in the Kiva were available.One response was to stream the Kiva ceremony to 252 Erickson. The Deanindicated this issue would be discussedwith the faculty,department chairs and CFAC in the fall, including the question of whether students should have successfully defended their dissertation before being allowed to participate in the hooding ceremony. The idea of video streaming the ceremonyon the Web so friends and family members anywhere could view it was also discussed.
- The Dean reported that the College had a very successful faculty recruiting effort this year. He was pleased with quality and diversity of the pools and felt we made a number of good hires. He mentioned that there had been good cooperation between academic units on campus with regard to spousal hires.
Old Business
- The CFAChad discussed the value of holding meetings with representatives on University Standing Committees and the College Retention, Promotion and Tenure committee meeting this year. It was decided that these meetings would best be held relatively early in fall semester. The idea of asking representatives on these other committees, including the Curriculum committees, to keep CFAC informed of issues under discussion would help the CFAC stay better informed of what is going on around the university and in the College.
New Business
- John Powell suggested that the FAC look at the college curriculum approval process, looking at ways to streamline and make it more efficient.
- Election/selection of department representatives to College Committees will be made at the department level.
- It was agreed that next year the CFAC should continue to meet about once a month instead of every two weeks. The committee will continue to meet at 1:30 time on Tuesdays. The Chair of CFAC will work with Angel Boshea to set dates for next year's CFAC meetings that take into account the Dean's schedule.
- Ideas for content for the 2013 Fall Faculty Retreat (August 21) were discussed. Suggestions included:
- An update on the 60/50 celebration update to occur in 2013-2014 (Michael
Sedlack and Chris Renn are the representatives on this committee)
- Any college-wide initiatives
- Doctoral program evaluation results
- Highlights of creative works of students and colleagues
- The need for new space/space reallocation - The past year’s committee efforts were reviewed. One priority issue for CFAC in 2013-14 should be identifying ways to highlight creative works of students and faculty. This will allow the faculty to keep in touch with what colleagues are doing and give visibility to the impressive achievements of students in the College.
- A social event for departing and newCFAC members will be held in early September.
Respectfully submitted,
Dan Gould