Tasmanian Equestrian Centre
Casual User Membership Form for the period 1st July 2017 to 30th June 2018
This form must be completed and emailed to , or posted to PO Box 42 Lauderdale TAS 7021, with cheque, money order or evidence of payment of fees.
NameETas Membership Number[1]
Mobile Phone
Alternative Phone
Registration Number of
Horse Float
Main Riding Discipline/s
Riding Club Affiliations[2]
Emergency Contact Name and Phone Number
Fees may be deposited in the account of Tasmanian Equestrian Centre: BSB 067 102 Account 10217810 or
Cheques or money orders can be posted to PO Box 42 Lauderdale TAS 7021.
Annual fees are due by June 30, 2017 to pay for 12 months membership from July.
Membership Options / Please tick option/s that are applicableMember Fee[3] (full year) $180
Member Fee (purchased after December 31st) $100
Child u18 of primary keyholder $20
Key Deposit (refundable) $25
I agree to abide by the rules and guidelines for use of the Tasmanian Equestrian Centre (see overleaf)
Signature ______Date ______
Rules and Guidelines
1. Membership may be revoked by the TEC Management Committee without refund if a member is found to be breaching these rules and guidelines.
2. Financial Casual Users are permitted to ride at the TEC at any time, but not interfere with any competition.
3. Only financial members can use TEC. Any riders using the grounds without a current membership will be banned for 2 years.
4. Casual Users must be members of Equestrian Tasmania so that they have appropriate insurance for horse riding. They must abide by current EA safety rules, including use of approved riding helmets and boots.
5. Keys must be returned when membership lapses. The key deposit will be refunded when the key is returned.
6. Casual Users are expected to participate in a working bee at least once a year. If you are a regular User, then you are expected to participate in all working bees associated with either a riding association or pony club. This isn’t regulated but it is noted!
7. Casual Users are not required to pay the ground fee when being individually coached unless they are being coached on the XC course. However, if participating in a clinic that has booked the TEC then riders must pay the ground fee to cover the clinic cost.
8. Casual Users are not to ride in competition areas during events, including Pony Club, and are to obey any instruction given to them by an event official.
9. Casual Users are advised to keep out of line of sight of the dressage area, cross country and jumping arena during competitions and when riders are being coached.
10. All manure is to be picked up from the dressage arenas before leaving the TEC
11. Yards are to be left tidy, the chains up and free of hay.
12. Manure from yards and around floats is to be placed in the manure pile at the southern end of the yards.
13. Lunging is permitted in the lunge yard or designated area only. Lunging is not permitted on the dressage arenas at any time. Membership will be instantly revoked if you do!
14. DOGS are permitted at the TEC, but must remain under control at all times. User groups may deem dogs are not permitted during their competition or training days.
15. Please supervise children closely at all times. Children under 16 are not permitted to ride at TEC without a parent or responsible adult present.
16. The gate must be locked when you leave the TEC. Gates must be closed at all times.
17. Casual Users are permitted to ride in any part of the TEC. However, the cross country course jumps are closed at all times unless the Casual User has an approved coach with them and booked in.
18. The dressage arenas can be used at any time unless they have a ‘closed’ sign on them. Please remove manure promptly and rake out any deep hoof marks after use.
19. The TEC is in a natural swamp area. At times of heavy rain the TEC may be closed to every user. An email advice will be posted for closure and then when the grounds are reopened.
20. Unless participating in a clinic (e.g. foal handling), horses under the age of two should not be at TEC.
21. Restrictions apply to riding in the buffer zone around the archery area when archers are present (they require a 50m buffer around the range on the hillside). Archers presence may not always be apparent so riding in this area should generally be avoided.
[1] You must be a financial member of EQUESTRIAN TASMANIA before your membership can be processed
[2] Please list other riding clubs that you are affiliated with – eg. Hobart and District Pony Club, Dressage Association Tasmania
[3] Primary key holder