Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
National and International Conferences/ symposiums/ workshops attended by the Faculty members:
S.No. / Name of the Faculty Member / Conference, FDP, Seminar and Workshop details / Place / Date
From / To
1 / Dr.KR.Santha / International Seminar on Utilization of Non-Conventional Energy sources for Sustainable Development of Rural areas / Parthivi College of Engineering and Management, Sirsakala, Bhilai,
Chattisgarh. / 21/03/2015 / 22/03/2015
2 / Dr.N.K.Mohanty / NSDC Workshop on Curriculum alignment of TamilNadu Open University Vocational Education Programmes with qualification pack / School of Continuing Education, Chennai / 13/11/2014 / 14/11/2014
Workshop on Building Capacity in Education Leadership / Deakin University / 11/08/2014 / 12/08/2014
National Instruments / Academic Conclave / 20/08/2014 / ---
National Conference on Power, Energy and Control / DRIEMS, Cuttack, Odisha / 03/02/2014 / ---
Simulation Capabilities of COMSOL Multiphysics / SVCE / 07/02/2014 / ---
3 / Dr.R.Karthikeyan / Curriculum Alignment of Tamil Nadu Open University Vocational Education Programmes with qualification pack / Tamil Nadu open University / 13/11/2014 / 14/11/2015
One day workshop on Research Methodology / Anna University / 15/12/2014 / ---
One day National Seminar on Research Challenges in Automation of Substation / VIT , Chennai / 17/05/2014 / ---
4 / Dr.Sudhakar K Bharatan / International Workshop on Electronics Materials Technology / Anna University, Chennai / 13/03/2014 / 15/03/2014
5 / C.Venkatesan / Workshop on Power Conversion in Smart Grids / SSN College of Engineering, Chennai / 18/07/2014 / 19/07/2014
National Workshop on Challenges in Power System Monitoring and Control / VIT University, Vellore / 25/04/2014 / ---
6 / T.Annamalai / Challenges in Integration of Renewable Energy Resources / PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore. / 22/08/2014 / ---
EE6302-Electromagnetic Theory / Tagore Engineering College / 23/06/2014 / 30/06/2014
7 / S.Arulmozhi / Research Methodology / Anna University, Chennai / 15/12/2014 / ---
Model Based Design of Embedded Ssystem with Vis-Sim. / PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore. / 20/06/2014 / 21/06/2014
8 / D.Amudhavalli / Electrical Drives for Defence Applications / SSN College of Engineering, Chennai / 23/01/2015 / ---
Workshop on Power Conversion in Smart Grids / SSN College of Engineering, Chennai / 18/07/2014 / ---
9 / S.Kumaravel / National Conference on Advances in Electrical and Electronics Engineering (NCAEEE-2015) / SVCE / 17/04/2015 / 18/04/2015
One Day Workshop on Research Methodology / Anna University / 15/12/2014 / ---
National Workshop on Power Conversion for Smart Grids / SSN College, Kalavakkam. / 18/07/2014 / 19/07/2014
Solar Photovoltaic System organized by Institute for Energy Studies / Anna University, Chennai / 23/06/2014 / 26/06/2014
10 / N.Shanmugavadivu / Model Based Design of Embedded System with Vis-Sim. / PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore. / 20/06/2014 / 21/06/2014
11 / K.Suganthi / Solar Photovoltaic system / Institute for Energy Studies, Anna University. / 23/06/2014 / 26/06/2014
A.Tamizhselvan / One day National Seminar on Wind Energy Conversion systems :Opportunities and challenges / VIT Chennai / 14/03/2015 / ---
Design and implementation of advanced controllers for Renewable energy systems using MATLAB and DSPACE / Kongu Engg. College. / 12/03/2015 / 13/03/2015
12 / FPGA based VLSI design / Kongu Engg. College. / 14/02/2015 / -
Potential research avenues and future opportunities in Electrical and Instrumentation Engg. / Karpagam college of Engg, Coimbatore / 05/02/2015 / 06/02/2015
Electrical Drives for Defence Applications / SSN College of Engineering, Chennai / 23/01/2015 / ---
Research Methodology / Anna University, Chennai / 16/12/2014 / ---
Challenges in integration of Renewable energy resources / PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore. / 22/08/2014 / 23/08/2014
Role of Power Electronics converters for Renewable energy sources / Karunya University / 07/08/2014 / 08/08/2014
FPGA Programming for Beginners / VIT University, vellore / 25/07/2014 / 26/07/2014
Workshop on “Power Conversion in Smart Grids” / SSN College of Engineering, Chennai / 18/07/2014 / 19/07/2014
Challenges and issues in solar energy technology / PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore. / 12/07/14 / ---
Model based design of Embedded system with Vis-Sim. / PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore. / 20/06/2014 / 21/06/2014
Energy Optimization and Auditing / Sona College of Technology / 14/06/2014 / ---
Intelligent Controller in Renewable Energy System / Alagappa Chettiar College of Engineering and Technology / 28/05/2014 / 03/06/2014
Research Challenges in Automation of Substation-SCADA & Relay coordination / VIT ,Chennai / 17/05/2014 / ---
2 day national workshop on challenges in power system monitoring and control / VIT, Vellore / 25/4/2014 / 26/4/2014
Matlab XILINX interface / SSN College of Engg, / 22/03/2013 / ---
Renewable Energy Micro -grids / VIT, Chennai / 09/03/2013 / ---
13 / S.Sudarsanam / MEMS and NEMS using Intellisuite Software / VIT Vellore / 07/05/15 / 08/05/15
Computational Analysis of Electrical Machines / VIT University, Chennai / 30/8/2014 / 31/08/2014
Labview for Electrical Engineers / Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Saththi. / 09/08/14 / -
Intelligent Controller in Renewable Energy System / Alagappa Chettiar College of Engineering and Technology / 28/05/2014 / 03/06/2014
14 / S.Lavanya / Matlab Application to Electrical Engineering / SVCE / 26/09/2014 / 29/09/2014
15 / M.Ranjith Kumar / Intelligent Controller in Renewable Energy System / Alagappa Chettiar College of Engineering and Technology / 28/05/2014 / ---
16 / D.S.Purushothaman / National Conference on Advances in Electrical and Electronics Engineering / SVCE / 17/02/2014 / 18/02/2014
17 / I.Venkatraman / FDP on Discrete Time Systems & Signal Processing / Prathyusha Institute of Tech &
Management / 08/12/2014 / 14/12/2014
FDP on Discrete Time Systems & Signal Processing / Tagore Engineering College / 23/6/2014 / 30/6/2014
18 / SV. Sreeraj / FDP on Discrete Time Systems & Signal processing / Prathyusha Institute of Tech&
Management / 08/12/2014 / 14/12/2014
19 / Chaya Kulkarni / EE6403- Discrete Time Systems and Signal Processing / SVCE / 03/12/2014 / 09/12/2014
Two Weeks ISTE Workshop on Analog Electronics / IIT Kharagpur / 04/06/2014 / 14/06/2014
20 / R.Srinidhi / National Workshop on Power Conversion for Smart Grids / SSN College of Engineering, Kalavakkam, Chennai / 18/7/2014 / 19/7/2014