Dear Parent/Carer 5 January 2017
Happy New Year! We hope you have enjoyed making some pleasant memories with your family.
Thank you for all your support last term with the many events which have taken place. Our Christmas Fayre was an enormous success and it was so wonderful to see our students make such a contribution to the community.
Update on the school’s conversion to Academy Status
As you are aware,we have been looking at how we can develop our partnerships with other schools to ensure that we can provide the best provision for children. We consulted with you about the criteria we would be using to consider these partnerships. We are now in the process of having formal discussions with Newquay Education Trust (NET) and the Department for Education about the potential of joining NET as an Academy. We believe this presents exciting opportunities for Brannel School as we continue our journey for improvement. We will write to you with further details as they become available.
Ms Byrne, Deputy Headteacher
I am very sorry to share with you the news that Ms Byrne has been diagnosed with cancer and is currently not able to work due to being poorly. I am sure that you would like to join me in wishing Ms Byrne and her family all the best and a very speedy recovery.
Parents Questionnaire Feedback
In September 2016, we asked parents/carers for feedback in a number of areas about what we are doing well and what we can do to improve. We have now published the feedback we received and our responses to your suggestions. We apologise that this has taken a while to share with you.
Parents Expo
We are delighted to announce that we, along with our Cluster primary schools, will be hosting a Parents Expo on Saturday 25 February 2017. The event is aimed at providing parents with access to information and workshops which will help your child. Refreshments will be provided and a special guest will be attending. More details will follow in the near future.
Thank you for all that you do. Please do not hesitate to contact the school if you have any questions about anything that is on your mind about school. You may contact me in person by emailing , I would be more than happy to meet with you.
Yours sincerely
Mr A Edmonds