Welcome to Offline E-Courseware for UG Level


e-Courseware on Agricultural Education

Under Learning and Capacity Building program of NAIP, several UG level interactive & multimedia e-Courseware contents in seven disciplines viz. Agricultural Science; Fisheries Science; Dairy Science; Veterinary and Animal Husbandary; Horticulture; Home Science and Agricultural Engineering have been developed by subject matter specialists of the respective discipline at SAUs and other organisations. This portal provides 24/7 services for online access of the UG level courseware to all the Teachers and Students Learners in the field of Agricultural Education.

For remote area institutions/ faculty/ students, free download facility is provided for using the e-Courseware contents offline. The downloaded file content folder could be independently extended from desktop and used to teaching / learning exactly in the same manner as any CD / DVD contents are used for offline


Steps to Free Download

The following instructions may be followed to Download e-course contents.

  1. On the Home Page Click on the desired UG level online e-course like

( B.Sc. (Horticulture) link. The following page will appear.

Incase you are an already registered user , the following step number 2 &3

will be ignored by the system and directly the webpage containing link of

e-courses to download will appear. Then proceed from step number 4.

  1. For the first time, new user will have to register by submitting his/her brief identity details

  1. On submitting of the brief details, a new page will appear containing links of

different e-courses of your selected discipline.

The following instructions may be followed to download e-course content files and its offline usage from the computer.

  1. Download the desired e-course contents and save it on your desktop. The downloaded file is in Winrar format.
  2. Please close your mozilla firefox browser.
  3. Extract the downloaded e-course content file using Winrar software on the desktop.
  4. Incase, Winrar software does not exist on your system, use the followinglink to download Winrar software. Download the flash plugins or flash player to open the flash visuals.Ignore if Flash Software is already installed in the system.
  5. Look for extracted file folder and double-click the same.
  6. Double-click the "Startportableapps" application file.
  7. You will find a new window popping up.
  8. Click "Moodle start".
  9. You will find " and various courses being listed.
  10. Click a particular lecture you want to browse and enjoy offline e-learning.
  11. It may ask for Username and Password. You need to enter Username as "admin" and password as " admin” (please mind the lowercase as the login is case sensitive)
  12. Do not close the browser window until you complete your reading; otherwise you have to start from step 6 / or sometimes step 5.
  13. Enjoy reading the course

Thank You.

For any suggestions feel free to write to:

Dr. R. C. Goyal at