Quick Reference
Advanced Animal Search Procedure
Updated: 1/2008 d
Before creating a New Animal Record, be sure that you have adequately searched the database for this animal beforehand to avoid creating a duplicate record. Using the Advanced Animal Search can help to ensure that you have not missed an already existing record.
On the Welcome page click the Animal Advanced Search link.
Basic Search / This link will take you back to the Welcome page if you would like to use the Basic Animal Search(See Basic Animal Searchfor help).Go to Animal ID: / If an animal already exists on the system and you have their Animal ID enter it here and click View. This will take you directly to the Edit Animal Details page. The Animal ID is the Shelter Buddy Basic Internal Tracking Number. This is automatically generated when the file is created and never duplicated.
Partial Search: / A check mark will default. Remove the check mark if the information entered is exact.
Shelter Tag Number / Band: / This refers to an ID tag assigned to the animal while they are in your facility. Enter the animal’s shelter tag number, if applicable.
Permanent Identification Tag: / This refers to an ID tag that has been given or sold to the owner of the animal by your facility that the animal wears at all times, similar to a license or name tag. It is simply another form of identification to be worn on the animal’s collar. Enter the PI Tag number, if applicable.
Old Database Record Number: / If this record was transferred from an old shelter system, enter the number here.
Microchip Number: / Enter the animal’s microchip number, if known.
Or / If checked and you have something entered in microchip number and licensenumber then the search will search for all animals that have a microchipnumber that matches OR a license number that matches. If un checked then the search will search for animals thathave a microchip number that matches AND a license number that matches.
License Tag Number: / Enter the animal’s license tag number.
Clinic Software Record #: / This refers to a number that would have been assigned to the animal on the Vet Notes page. If applicable, the number would identify the animal in a separate system that the clinic utilizes.
Other Identification (eg. Tattoo) / Briefly enter additional identification found on the animal. EX: Name tag, tattoo, Info canister, etc.
Rabies Tag No: / Enter the animal’s Rabies tag number.
Search Group: / Click on the down arrow to select the search group.
Source: / Click on the down arrow to select the reason the animal would be in the system. EX: Lost, Found, Surrendered, Adopted, etc.
Name: / Enter the animal’s given name.
Type: / Click on the down arrow to select the type of animal this is. EX: Dog, Puppy, Cat, etc.
Breed/Species: / The breed list is driven by the Type of animal that has been selected. If the animal is a mixed breed, select the breed that the animal primarily looks like. Type in the first one to four letters of the animal's primary breed then click Find Breed/Species or press TAB. This will display a pop up menu that will display all breeds for that type of animal beginning with and containing those one to four letters in the order typed or a breed will automatically default. If the default is incorrect, go back and only type in the first letter of the desired breed to start the pop up menu.
Mixed Breed: / Click on the down arrow to identify if the animal is a mixed breed or not.
Gender: / Click the down arrow to select the animal’s gender.
Primary Color: / The color list is driven by the Type of animal that has been selected. Click on the down arrow to select the animal’s primary color.
Secondary Color: / The color list is driven by the Type of animal that has been selected. Click on the down arrow to select the animal’s secondary color.
All Other Colors: / Enter all additional colors on the animal.
Coat Type: / Click on the down arrow and select the coat type that best describes the animal’s coat.
Coat Length: / Click on the down arrow and select the length that best describes the animal’s coat length.
Tail: / Click on the down arrow and select the tail description that best describes the animal’s tail.
Ear Type: / Click on the down arrow and select the ear type that best describes the animal’s ears.
Collar Type: / Click on the down arrow and select the animal’s collar type. EX: leather, nylon, etc.
Collar Description: / Enter a description of the collar is needed, color, designs, decorations, etc.
Status: / Click the down arrow and select the animal’s status. EX: Available for Adoption, Awaiting Sort, etc.
Date In / Found: / When searching for a lost animal that may have been brought into your shelter as a stray or a member of the public has found the animal and reported it to your facility, click on the Calendar Icon to select the date the animal went missing. This field can also be used if you know the date or an approximate date when an animal was brought into your shelter as a stray, for example.
Date In Shelter: / Click on the Calendar Icon to select the date the animal entered the shelter.
Date Out / Lost: / When searching to see if a found animal has been reported lost to your facility or to list animals that left your shelter on a specific date, click the Calendar Icon to select the date. For found animals use a date at least two weeks prior to the date the animal was actually found.
City: / This pertains to the city the animal was lost from or found at. Type the first one to four letters of the city name then press TAB or click on FINDCITY. This will display a pop up menu that will display ALL cities within the selected state beginning with and containing those one to four letters in the order typed. (*Note: Some cities will show multiple times. Select the one that displays the appropriate state and zip code to the right.) Click on the appropriate city to select it. If the state is incorrect, click on the down arrow to select the correct state initials.
Zip Code: / This will default once you have selected the city. If this zip code is incorrect, go back to the City: field, search and select the correct city that displays the correct zip code.
Logon Region: / This identifies where the record was initially entered into the system, what shelter location the animal originally made contact with.
Physical Location: / If this does not default or the default is incorrect, click the down arrow to select the location the animal is physically located in. EX: The physical location is the city the shelter is in or the name of the shelter.
Shelter Location: / Click the down arrow to select the area within the shelter that you would like to search. EX: Feline Strays
Kennel #: / Enter the kennel number the animal is located in within your shelter.
Declawed only / Place a check mark in the box if the animal was marked declawed.
ACO Record #: / Enter the Animal Control Officer Record number, if applicable.
Cause of Affliction: / This field pertains to Wildlife only. If the animal is injured or sick, click the down arrow to select the cause of their injury or illness.
Tracking Device: / Enter identification of a tracking device if one was found on the animal.
Wildlife ID Type: / Click on the down arrow to select the type of ID that was found on the animal.
ID: / Enter the ID number.
Suitability With Children: / Click on the down arrow to select the age range of quitability.
SEARCH / Click Search.