Franklin High School


2011 – 2012

Academic League – Sherri Smith-Richardson

Acceptance for All – Nikki Inzano

African & Islands United – Fran Bardusco

Amnesty International – Julie Tovay-Ryder

Art Club/Teen Arts – Dylan Carroll

Asian-Awareness – Alka Sharma

Brass Ensemble – Dixie Presson

Captain’s Leadership Council – Rebekah Solomon

Class Advisor of 2015 – Katie Mallon

Class Advisor of 2014 – Kris Bedient

Class Advisor of 2013 – Toni McBride

Class Advisor of 2012 – Dan Mayer

Crescent Club – Ted Jones

Dance Troupe – Aaron Ramos

DECA (Distributive Education Club of America) – Kenneth Trout & Nicole Haynes

Drama Club – Jennifer Little

Environmental Club – Ryan Parker

Fall Drama – Betty Demonic

FBLA (Future Business Leaders of America) –

Ron Richter & Dominic Pettinelli

FEA (Future Educators of America) – Linda Horowitz

F.I.R.S.T. Robotics (For Inspiration & Recognition of Science & Technology Robotics) – Jeffrey Goett & Elizabeth Eibling

French Club – Giselle Islambouli

Gospel Choir – Tim Walton

Guitar Ensemble – Roger Spinella

Interact Club – Linda Puglio

J.R.O.T.C - Color Guard Team -MAJ Vazquez & SFC Bobe

J.R.O.T.C. – Drill Team – MAJ Vazquez & SFC Bobe

J.R.O.T.C. – Raider Team – MAJ Vazquez & SFC Bobe

Junior Classical League – Jennifer Jones

Key Club – Karen Trautmann

Library Club – Linda Porter

Literary Journal – Kelly Reddin

Madrigals – Betty DeMonic

Mathematics League – Lauren Phillips

Medical Awareness – Diane Vallone & Patti Brewer

Model Congress – Louis Guglielmo

Model United Nations – Louis Guglielmo & Stephen Foster

National Honor Society – Ronald Richter

Newspaper –Franklin Warrior – Alice Lee

Percussion Club – Fred Oltarzewski

Percussion Ensemble – Dr. Tom Foster

REBEL (Reaching Everyone by Exposing Lies) – Stacy Hale

REEL Video / TV Production – Michael Pinnix

RIME (Raritan’s Introduction of Minorities to Engineering) – Michelle Hauser & Wendy Bordeau

School Store – Ronald Richter

Science League – David Seidorf

Sisters Training for Life – Aja Clark

Spanish Club – Nathaly Bracamonte & Aracelli GilPedreschi

Spring Musical – Betty DeMonic

Stock Market Team – Robert Freedman

String Chamber Orchestra – Marianne Spinella

Student Council/Coordinator – Robert Freedman & Stephen Foster

Ultimate Warriors – Rebekah Solomon

Warrior Nation Fan Club – Daryn Plummer

Yearbook – Howard Gaber


Academic League 1

Acceptance for All 1

African & Islands United 1

Amnesty International 2

Art Club/Teen Arts 2

Asian-Awareness 2

Brass Ensemble 3

Captain’s Leadership Council 3

Class of 2015 4

Class of 2014 4

Class of 2013 4

Class of 2012 5

Crescent Club 5

Dance Troupe 5

DECA (Distributive Education Club of America) 6

Drama Club 7

Environmental Club 7

Fall Drama 7

FBLA (Future Business Leaders of America) 8

FEA (Future Educators of America) 8

F.I.R.S.T. Robotics (For Inspiration & Recognition of Science & Technology Robotics) 8

French Club 9

Gospel Choir 9

Guitar Ensemble 9

Interact Club 10




Junior Classical League 11

Key Club 11

Library Club 12

Literary Journal 12

Madrigals 12

Mathematics League 13

Medical Awareness Club 13

Model Congress 13

Model United Nations 14

National Honor Society 14

Newspaper –The Warrior 14

Percussion Club 15

Percussion Ensemble 15

REBEL (Reaching Everyone by Exposing Lies) 15

REEL Video / TV Production 16

RIME (Raritan’s Introduction of Minorities to Engineering) 16

School Store 16

Science League 17

Sisters Training for Life 17

Spanish Club 18

Spring Musical 18

Stock Market Team 18

String Chamber Orchestra 19

Student Council/Coordinator 19

Ultimate Warriors 19

Warrior Nation Fan Club 20

Yearbook 20

All clubs / activities meet after school unless otherwise noted.

Academic League


Sherri Smith-Richardson

Philosophy (Mission) Statement:

The Academic League’s mission is to offer students the platform to compete against their peers across Somerset County in a weekly challenge that utilizes their high academic knowledge and ability within a team environment that reflects the Franklin High School Team Spirit.

Goals of the Club:

·  To give students the opportunity to learn from each other

·  Enhance their knowledge

·  Develop the ability to respond effectively in a competitive team environment by learning to trust themselves, their competitive instincts, and their colleagues

Meeting Day: Tuesday

Location: C121

Time: 2:30 – 3:30. Competitions every Thursday from November to February.

Admission Criteria for Students:

Students must attend weekly meetings to get an understanding of the purpose of the Academic League, the rules of the competitions, and to participate in mock competitions in preparation for actual competitions. Students must be willing to work, study, develop and share their knowledge for the benefit of themselves and the team.

Acceptance for All


Nikki Inzano

Philosophy (Mission) Statement:

All members of our community have inherent worth and dignity. We believe in safety and support for all, including the freedom to be, the freedom to talk, and the promise of respect.

Goals of the Club:

·  Intermediate goals, including products and events that will help to educate both AFA members and the school community.

·  Short-term goals, meaning the action steps we need to take in each instance of developing our products and producing events for both AFA members and the school community.

Meeting Day: Wednesday

Location: B123

Times: 2:30-3:45

Admission Criteria for Students:

Students need to come to the meetings with an open-mind and respect for others. Consistent attendance is necessary to stay in the club.

African & Islands United


Fran Bardusco

Philosophy (Mission) Statement:

The mission of AIU, Africa and Islands United, is to promote understanding, cultural awareness and harmony with all people and to encourage interaction and unity among cultures with focus on the contributions and culture of the African Diaspora.

Goals of the Club:

The AIU have many activities which are accomplished during the school year. The Annual Kick-off in October. The annual kickoff features our own original dances and foods for the general student body, Black History Month in February, which may include original assemblies for the student body and other elementary schools, displays and International Film Festivals which feature films from Africa and the Caribbean. Also will fundraise to benefit children in refugee camps in Africa.

Meeting Day: Thursday

Location: C304

Time: 2:45 – 3:40

Admission Criteria for Students:

Only an interest in promoting and recognizing people from Africa, the Caribbean, and North America through dance, assemblies, posters, drama, poetry, and art.

Amnesty International


Julie Tovay-Ryder

Philosophy (Mission) Statement:

To undertake research and action focused on preventing and ending grave abuses of the rights to physical and mental integrity, freedom of conscience and expression, freedom from discrimination in the context of work to promote all human rights, as articulated in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Goals of the Club:

·  Advocate for human rights around the world

·  Motivate people to get involved in participating in global decisions

·  Foster a sense of a global community

·  Care for those unable to access the same rights we do

Meeting Day: Thursday

Location: C104

Time: 2:35 – 3:45

Admission Criteria for Students:

Students should have a strong desire to work on behalf of human rights around the world.

Art Club/Teen Arts


Dylan Carroll

Philosophy (Mission) Statement

Art Club will provide a venue for students to pursue their individual creative expressions and to develop and refine artistic knowledge and techniques while contributing to the school and community.

Goals of the Club:

·  To pursue individual creative expressions and to develop and refine artistic knowledge and techniques.

Meeting Day: Second and last Wednesday of Month

Location: A305

Time: 2:30 – 3:30

Admission Criteria for Students:

All members must bring a sketchbook and must be actively working on individual or group art projects.



Alka Sharma

Philosophy (Mission) Statement:

The mission of our club is to promote and encourage diversity throughout our school, while also being able to exhibit our talents in a unique manner.

Goals of the Club:

·  Encourage students to participate in the school community

·  Gain confidence through leadership work and helping others

·  Showcase their hidden talent in various events held during the school year

Meeting Day: Wednesday

Location: B304

Time: 2:30 – 4:00

Admission Criteria for Students:

Commitment, positive attitude, and love for the community.

Brass Ensemble


Dixie Presson

Philosophy (Mission) Statement

To provide the community for brass players to improve their skills through performance in a group exclusive to brass players.

Goals of the Club:

To provide an opportunity for brass players to play as a group and prepare for winter and spring concert performances.

Meeting Date: Tuesday (May change if needed)

Location: F117

Time: 2:30 – 3:45

Admission Criteria for Students:

Must be a member of the FHS Band Program.

Captain’s Leadership Council


Rebekah Solomon

Philosophy (Mission) Statement:

The founding mission is:

·  To help captains develop the skills necessary to lead and provide the support needed to build spirit and sportsmanship on our teams.

·  To foster and promote program wide spirit and encourage camaraderie across specific team lines.

·  To develop effective avenues of communication between the various sectors of the school community.

·  To develop clear lines between appropriate and inappropriate conduct within the sports programs. (In accordance with the Athletic Philosophy and our Department Policy).


·  To provide the Athletic Administration with a vehicle to determine the opinion and position of our student athletes on a wide variety of topics effecting the Department of Athletics

·  Goals of the Club:

·  Serve as an advisory group to the Director of Athletics

·  Members are responsible for communicating with their own teams and with the captains of all teams to ensure impute form students at all levels

Meeting Day: September 19 Period 6

October 17 Period 7

November 14 Period 8

December 19 Period 5

January 23 Period 4

February 13 Period 3

March 12 Period 2

April 23 Period 8

May 21 Period 7

Location: Rockwall in Gym

Admission Criteria for Students:

The Captain’s Leadership Council will be composed of the varsity captains from each of the fall interscholastic sports teams and will expand to include winter and spring captains as well. Each captain is nominated by their coach and team members.

Class of 2015


Katie Mallon

Philosophy (Mission) Statement:

The mission of the freshman class council is to promote student involvement in the greater school community. We also strive to provide positive behavior and academic success.

Goals of the Club:

·  Raise funds for the Class of 2015 by developing fundraisers

·  Encourage leadership through service

·  Stimulate and develop good citizenship and democracy amount students

·  Encourage social development

Meeting Day: First and third Thursday of the month

Location: B302

Time: 2:30 – 3:30

Admission Criteria for Students:

The criteria for admission is to have passing grades in all subjects and a positive student behavior.

Class of 2014


Kris Bedient

The class of 2014 Student Council will work with the administration and student body to coordinate and encourage student activities, to fundraise for class events, stimulate and develop good citizenship and democracy among students, and encourage social development through participation.

Goals of the Club:

·  Raise funds for the Class of 2014 by developing fundraisers

·  Encourage leadership through service

·  Stimulate and develop good citizenship and democracy amount students

·  Encourage social development

Meeting Day: Tuesday

Location: C228

Time: 2:45 – 3:30

Admission Criteria for Students:

Students must maintain and practice good citizenship and be role models for their peers

Class of 2013


Toni McBride

The class of 2013 Student Council will work with the administration and student body to coordinate and encourage student activities, to fundraise for class events, stimulate and develop good citizenship and democracy among students, and encourage social development through participation.

Goals of the Club:

·  Raise funds for the Class of 2013 for an outstanding and unforgettable Senior year by developing fundraisers

·  Encourage leadership through service

·  Stimulate and develop good citizenship and democracy amount students

·  Encourage social development

Meeting Day: Wednesday

Location: C119

Time: 2:40 – 3:10

Admission Criteria for Students:

Students must maintain and practice good citizenship and be role models for their peers

Class of 2012


Dan Mayer

Philosophy (Mission) Statement

To help lead and advise the officers in order to have a low cost, fun, safe and memorable senior year of high school.

Goals of the Club:

·  Raise funds for the Class of 2012 to ensure a cost efficient senior year

·  Encourage leadership through service

·  Stimulate and develop good citizenship and democracy amount students

·  Encourage social development

Meeting Day: Tuesday

Location: C100

Time: 2:50 – 3:35

Admission Criteria for Students:

Students must be a senior, practice good citizenship and be role models for their peers.

Crescent Club


Ted Jones

Philosophy (Mission) Statement:

Help the community and the school understand and become aware of the customs, beliefs, and traditions of the Islamic Religion.

Goals of the Club:

·  To dispel myths and misconceptions about Islam

·  To do charity work for various local and Islamic Organizations

·  To provide an opportunity for Muslims and those interested in Islam to meet and share ideas.

Meeting Day: Tuesday

Location: B319

Time: 2:30 – 3:45

Admission Criteria for Students:

An interest in learning about Islam

Dance Troupe


Aaron Ramos & Marybeth Dugan

Philosophy (Mission) Statement:

To provide a fun, safe, and challenging environment for the students to learn and enjoy dance, while building self-confidence and self-esteem, and establishing camaraderie through team-building skills.

Goals of the Club:

·  To bring out the students’ creative side through choreography