STANSBURY RALLY REPORT: 16th – 20th March 2017

Reporter: Hazel

Day 1. We left for Stansbury in very pleasant weather, stopping for a snack in Port Wakefield at the 'Salt of the Earth' cafe and gallery; well worth a visit if you pass that way (open Thursday to Sunday). We arrived at the Stansbury Foreshore Park along with 2 other caravans with our friendly Caravaneers to find most of our group had arrived a day early and were already established. Some had already had the previous evening fishing for crabs, with great success.

It is a lovely Caravan Park right on the sea's edge and it appeared to be fully booked; it is so very popular. (See picture below, courtesy of Hazel). Good toilets and camp kitchen. One of our members thought he needed two spaces, so had to be found to move his vehicle before we could settle in. This was soon sorted and everyone was ready for the first Happy Hour, where we all caught up on how our lives had been going since we last met. Chris mentioned the need for a Defibrillator and wanted member’s input on this suggestion. One lady knocked over her wine and, as usual, the skills of our Culinary Queen were greatly appreciated.

After a discussion about ‘Hats’ we found that some had forgotten to bring theirs and had to beg, borrow, buy or go without, also shapes and size (of hats) was mentioned. One van was parked on a slope so the occupants had trouble sleeping and the water wouldn’t go down the sink. Others had wonky awnings. Next day these problems were sorted. One prospective member was caught answering his door in a state of disarray??? Some members spend a pleasant time inspecting each other’s vans and making notes on good ideas.

Day 2. After a leisurely start to this beautiful day most of our group drove to 'Bublacowie Military Museum' where we spent several hours amazed by the vast array of military treasures and personal collections of the owner, Chris. Two of our group got lost finding this museum (even though they had a map) but soon caught up. Chris told us his life story and informed us where from and why he had so many wonderful things; he even showed us around his own home. He had made us all a wonderful lunch with a choice of lamb, chicken, sausages with mixed vegetables and mashed potatoes. Great. Everyone enjoyed the trip; one member bought himself a present from the gift shop.

Happy Hour went well with a St Patrick’s Day theme with some people dressed up in green. That evening we took over the camp kitchen (joined by a few young holidaymakers). Almost all of our group got into the spirit of St Patrick and dressed up so there was an abundance of green. (See picture below, courtesy Hazel) The prizes for best dressed went jointly to Cathy and Alan and also to Viv in her becoming socks. Donna and Leon organised a Pictionary game so we had a few laughs at the efforts at drawing (with an Irish theme). We finished the evening with Karaoke and a Singalong. Prospective members Tony and Alan did a marvellous job entertaining us and a good job was had by all. Today we were joined by members who came for just one day or maybe two.

Day 3. This morning was a leisurely time, we members doing our own thing or seeing a bit of the local area. We took a trip with two others to Yorktown where I can recommend another coffee shop 'Marie’s Delights', wonderful cakes and pies. Later at 2:00 pm was Disc Bowls on a lovely piece of grass just outside the park gate. The game was won by Donna and Don after which was a fun game with strange rules made up by the scorer man. We all had a laugh and the setting was great with a backdrop of dolphins playing in the sea a few metres away. Happy Hour was in the same space as was the BBQ with shared salads. When darkness fell two experts and one apprentice waded into the sea to spend a couple of hours crabbing. This was a great success and they cooked and ate their catch later that night and the next day for lunch it was chilli crabs.

Day 4. This morning about eight of us met for a walk along the beach and on dirt / gravel paths along the coast. We saw plenty of birdlife, finishing at the local cemetery. Others enjoyed the sunshine and caught up with their reading. One member was supposed to show us the graves of his ancestors but he didn’t and we couldn’t find them for ourselves. The weather was beautiful; hot and sunny as it had been each day we were at Stansbury. Some people played ‘Kupp’ a recently acquired game and are now beginning to understand the rules. This was at the same grassy area as yesterday, as was Happy Hour and also in the evening the club supplied burgers and all the trimmings. Very tasty too. Thanks to all who helped. There was another group nearby, and one of our members got to meet up with someone he hadn’t seen for years.

Day 5. Most people were up and about early ready for the journey home. One kind person came around the vans delivering things that had been left or lost (towels, plates, crockery etc.) much to the relief of the wives. Overall, a great rally with like-minded friends.