Connecticut Food AssociationLegislative Report as of 06/06/17
Bill # / Date Modified / Link / An Act: / Description / Committee / Comm. Action / House Action / Senate Action / Gov.’s ActionHB 5130 / 01/09/17 / / AN ACT PROHIBITING PUBLIC ASSISTANCE RECIPIENTS FROM ENGAGING IN ELECTRONIC BENEFIT TRANSFERS AT CERTAIN ESTABLISHMENTS. / To prohibit public assistance recipients from making electronic benefit transfer purchases at certain establishments. / Human Services / 1/4/2017 Referred to Joint Committee on Human Services
HB 5149 / 03/03/17 / / AN ACT CONCERNING CERTAIN MINIMUM FAIR WAGE PROVISIONS. / To amend certain minimum fair wage guidelines. / Labor and Public Employees / 3/3/2017 Referred to Joint Committee on Labor and Public Employees
3/2/2017 Drafted by Committee
2/21/2017 (LAB) Vote to Draft
2/9/2017 Public Hearing 02/16
2/3/2017 Public Hearing 02/09
1/27/2017 (LAB) Reserved for Subject Matter Public Hearing
1/4/2017 Referred to Joint Committee on Labor and Public Employees
HB 5150 / 02/21/17 / / AN ACT PROHIBITING EMPLOYERS FROM REQUIRING DISCLOSURE OF WORKERS' COMPENSATION CLAIMS FILED BY APPLICANTS FOR EMPLOYMENT OR PROSPECTIVE EMPLOYEES. / To prohibit employers from asking applicants for employment or prospective employees certain questions concerning workers' compensation. / Labor and Public Employees / 2/17/2017 Public Hearing 02/21
2/9/2017 Referred to Joint Committee on Labor and Public Employees
2/8/2017 Drafted by Committee
1/27/2017 (LAB) Vote to Draft
1/4/2017 Referred to Joint Committee on Labor and Public Employees
HB 5222 / 02/16/17 / / AN ACT CONCERNING FLUCTUATING WORK WEEK AGREEMENTS. / To allow for a more flexible work week schedule for certain employees. / Labor and Public Employees / 2/15/2017 Change of Reference, Senate to Committee on Labor and Public Employees
2/15/2017 Change of Reference, House to Committee on Labor and Public Employees
2/15/2017 (APP) Change of Reference Labor and Public Employees
1/6/2017 Referred to Joint Committee on Appropriations
HB 5260 / 01/10/17 / / AN ACT AUTHORIZING EXTENDED LIQUOR SALES IN DESIGNATED ENTERTAINMENT ZONES. / To authorize extended alcoholic liquor sales in designated entertainment zones. / General Law / 1/6/2017 Referred to Joint Committee on General Law
HB 5281 / 01/10/17 / / AN ACT CONCERNING THE PAYMENT OF WAGES, SALARY OR OTHER COMPENSATION BY DIRECT DEPOSIT OR PAYROLL CARDS. / To encourage the use of direct deposit and payroll cards by employers. / Labor and Public Employees / 1/6/2017 Referred to Joint Committee on Labor and Public Employees
HB 5284 / 01/26/17 / / AN ACT CONCERNING DRUG AND ALCOHOL TESTING OF AN EMPLOYEE. / To define "reasonable suspicion" required of an employer to test an employee for drug or alcohol use. / Labor and Public Employees / 1/26/2017 Public Hearing 01/31
1/19/2017 (LAB) Reserved for Subject Matter Public Hearing
1/6/2017 Referred to Joint Committee on Labor and Public Employees
HB 5286 / 01/30/17 / / AN ACT CONCERNING OVERTIME PAY EXEMPTIONS FOR HIGHLY COMPENSATED EMPLOYEES. / To enact overtime pay exemptions for certain employees. / Labor and Public Employees / 1/26/2017 Public Hearing 01/31
1/19/2017 (LAB) Reserved for Subject Matter Public Hearing
1/6/2017 Referred to Joint Committee on Labor and Public Employees
HB 5287 / 01/10/17 / / AN ACT INFORMING CERTAIN EMPLOYEES OF THE RIGHT TO OPT OUT OF UNION MEMBERSHIP. / To provide clear notice of an employee's right to choose not to be a member of a union. / Labor and Public Employees / 1/6/2017 Referred to Joint Committee on Labor and Public Employees
HB 5349 / 01/13/17 / / AN ACT COMPENSATING BUSINESSES IN THE STATE FOR COSTS INCURRED TO COLLECT SALES TAX. / To compensate businesses in the state for the cost such businesses incur to collect sales tax. / Finance, Revenue and Bonding / 1/10/2017 Referred to Joint Committee on Finance, Revenue and Bonding
HB 5365 / 01/13/17 / / AN ACT PROHIBITING THE USE OF ELECTRONIC BENEFIT TRANSFER CARDS OUTSIDE THE UNITED STATES. / To prohibit improper use of electronic benefit transfer cards outside the United States. / Human Services / 1/10/2017 Referred to Joint Committee on Human Services
HB 5384 / 05/15/17 / / AN ACT RAISING THE LEGAL AGE FOR PURCHASE AND USE OF TOBACCO PRODUCTS. / To raise the legal age for purchase and use of tobacco products. / Finance, Revenue and Bonding / 3/22/2017 Favorable Report, Tabled for the Calendar, House
3/22/2017 (LCO) Reported Out of Legislative Commissioners' Office
3/16/2017 (LCO) Referred to Office of Legislative Research and Office of Fiscal Analysis 03/21/17 5:00 PM
3/7/2017 (LCO) Filed with Legislative Commissioners' Office
3/6/2017 (PH) Joint Favorable
3/1/2017 Referred to Joint Committee on Public Health
2/28/2017 Drafted by Committee
2/15/2017 (PH) Vote to Draft
2/3/2017 Public Hearing 02/10
1/25/2017 (PH) Reserved for Subject Matter Public Hearing
1/10/2017 Referred to Joint Committee on Public Health / 5/9/2017 (LCO) File Number 730
5/9/2017 Tabled for the Calendar, House
5/9/2017 New File by Committee on Finance, Revenue and Bonding
5/9/2017 (LCO) Reported Out of Legislative Commissioners' Office
5/3/2017 (LCO) Referred to Office of Legislative Research and Office of Fiscal Analysis 05/08/17 5:00 PM
4/28/2017 (LCO) Filed with Legislative Commissioners' Office
4/27/2017 (FIN) Joint Favorable Substitute
3/28/2017 Referred by House to Committee on Finance, Revenue and Bonding
3/22/2017 (LCO) File Number 112
3/22/2017 House Calendar Number 107
HB 5444 / 01/13/17 / / AN ACT CONCERNING ELIGIBILITY FOR UNEMPLOYMENT COMPENSATION BENEFITS. / To require that employees be employed for a period of thirty days before becoming eligible to file a claim for unemployment benefits. / Labor and Public Employees / 1/11/2017 Referred to Joint Committee on Labor and Public Employees
HB 5522 / 01/13/17 / / AN ACT PROHIBITING RETAILERS FROM USING FACIAL RECOGNITION SOFTWARE FOR MARKETING PURPOSES. / To prohibit retailers from using facial recognition software for marketing purposes. / General Law / 1/12/2017 Referred to Joint Committee on General Law
HB 5591 / 04/17/17 / / AN ACT CONCERNING PAY EQUITY IN THE WORKFORCE. / To help ensure pay equity in the workforce by requiring employers to provide equal pay to employees in the same workplace. / Labor and Public Employees / 3/16/2017 Favorable Report, Tabled for the Calendar, House
3/16/2017 (LCO) Reported Out of Legislative Commissioners' Office
3/10/2017 (LCO) Referred to Office of Legislative Research and Office of Fiscal Analysis 03/15/17 5:00 PM
3/7/2017 (LCO) Filed with Legislative Commissioners' Office
3/2/2017 (LAB) Joint Favorable
2/27/2017 Referred to Joint Committee on Labor and Public Employees
2/24/2017 Drafted by Committee
2/21/2017 (LAB) Vote to Draft
2/9/2017 Public Hearing 02/16
2/3/2017 Public Hearing 02/09
1/27/2017 (LAB) Reserved for Subject Matter Public Hearing
1/12/2017 Referred to Joint Committee on Labor and Public Employees / 4/17/2017 Favorable Report, Tabled for the Calendar, Senate
4/12/2017 House Passed as Amended by House Amendment Schedule A
4/12/2017 House Adopted House Amendment Schedule A 6157
3/16/2017 (LCO) File Number 66
3/16/2017 House Calendar Number 78 / 4/17/2017 (LCO) File Number 626
4/17/2017 Senate Calendar Number 346
HB 5618 / 04/10/17 / / AN ACT CONCERNING AN INCREASE IN THE HANDLING FEE FOR BOTTLE REDEMPTION CENTERS. / To promote recycling and the continued employment of workers in the bottle redemption industry. / Environment / 4/4/2017 Favorable Report, Tabled for the Calendar, House
4/4/2017 (LCO) Reported Out of Legislative Commissioners' Office
3/29/2017 (LCO) Referred to Office of Legislative Research and Office of Fiscal Analysis 04/03/17 5:00 PM
3/23/2017 (LCO) Filed with Legislative Commissioners' Office
3/22/2017 (ENV) Joint Favorable
3/9/2017 Public Hearing 03/13
3/8/2017 Referred to Joint Committee on Environment
3/7/2017 Drafted by Committee
2/8/2017 (ENV) Vote to Draft
1/13/2017 Referred to Joint Committee on Environment / 4/4/2017 (LCO) File Number 383
4/4/2017 House Calendar Number 278
HB 5748 / 01/19/17 / / AN ACT CONCERNING DRUG TESTING OF SEASONAL EMPLOYEES. / To promote safety in the workplace by allowing seasonal employers to drug test seasonal employees that are rehired each year. / Labor and Public Employees / 1/17/2017 Referred to Joint Committee on Labor and Public Employees
HB 5765 / 03/03/17 / / AN ACT CONCERNING THE CONSOLIDATION OF DISTRICT DEPARTMENTS OF HEALTH AND MUNICIPAL HEALTH AUTHORITIES. / To allow for the existing health district structure to be maintained. / Public Health / 3/2/2017 Public Hearing 03/07
2/6/2017 (PH) Reserved for Subject Matter Public Hearing
1/17/2017 Referred to Joint Committee on Public Health
HB 5802 / 01/19/17 / / AN ACT CONCERNING MANDATORY COMBINED REPORTING. / To repeal mandatory combined reporting under the corporate income tax. / Finance, Revenue and Bonding / 1/18/2017 Referred to Joint Committee on Finance, Revenue and Bonding
HB 5857 / 06/06/17 / / AN ACT REQUIRING CERTAIN RETAIL FOOD ESTABLISHMENTS TO HAVE RECYCLING BINS ON THE PREMISES. / To increase recycling of bottled and canned beverages at retail food establishments, increase the overall waste diversion in the state and decrease the cost of waste management for towns. / Environment / 3/13/2017 Favorable Report, Tabled for the Calendar, House
3/13/2017 (LCO) Reported Out of Legislative Commissioners' Office
3/9/2017 (LCO) Referred to Office of Legislative Research and Office of Fiscal Analysis 03/14/17 5:00 PM
3/2/2017 (LCO) Filed with Legislative Commissioners' Office
3/1/2017 (ENV) Joint Favorable Substitute
1/30/2017 Public Hearing 02/03
1/27/2017 Referred to Joint Committee on Environment
1/26/2017 Drafted by Committee
1/23/2017 (ENV) Vote to Draft
1/19/2017 Referred to Joint Committee on Environment / 6/2/2017 House Recommitted to Environment
3/13/2017 (LCO) File Number 52
3/13/2017 House Calendar Number 68
HB 5859 / 01/23/17 / / AN ACT REQUIRING A MINIMUM RECYCLED GLASS CONTENT FOR GLASS CONTAINERS. / To improve the market for scrap glass and increase recycling rates for glass containers. / Environment / 1/19/2017 Referred to Joint Committee on Environment
HB 5870 / 01/23/17 / / AN ACT STUDYING THE FEASIBILITY OF PHASING OUT THE BOTTLE BILL. / To study the feasibility of phasing out the bottle bill. / Environment / 1/19/2017 Referred to Joint Committee on Environment
HB 5877 / 01/23/17 / / AN ACT EXPANDING CONNECTICUT'S BOTTLE BILL. / To increase recycling rates. / Environment / 1/19/2017 Referred to Joint Committee on Environment
HB 5880 / 01/23/17 / / AN ACT INCREASING THE AMOUNT OF THE BOTTLE DEPOSIT AND INCLUDING WINE BOTTLES UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF THE BOTTLE BILL. / To increase the amount of the bottle deposit to fifteen cents and to apply the bottle deposit to wine bottles. / Environment / 1/19/2017 Referred to Joint Committee on Environment
HB 5912 / 01/23/17 / / AN ACT IMPOSING AN EXCISE TAX ON BEVERAGES THAT CONTAIN ADDED SUGAR. / To combat diabetes and obesity rates in the state by imposing a one cent per ounce excise tax on beverages that contain added sugar. / Finance, Revenue and Bonding / 1/19/2017 Referred to Joint Committee on Finance, Revenue and Bonding
HB 5921 / 01/23/17 / / AN ACT AUTHORIZING A LOCAL OPTION TAX ON SUGAR-SWEETENED BEVERAGES. / To provide towns with populations greater than fifty thousand the authority to impose, at their discretion, a tax on sugar-sweetened beverages. / Finance, Revenue and Bonding / 1/19/2017 Referred to Joint Committee on Finance, Revenue and Bonding
HB 5923 / 03/03/17 / / AN ACT CONCERNING FALSE OR MISLEADING ADVERTISING IN THE SALE OF ALCOHOLIC LIQUOR. / To prevent the publication of advertising by alcoholic liquor retailers that suggests that discounts are being given for alcoholic liquor regulated by minimum bottle pricing. / General Law / 3/3/2017 Referred to Joint Committee on General Law
3/2/2017 Drafted by Committee
2/2/2017 Public Hearing 02/07
1/30/2017 Public Hearing 01/31
1/26/2017 (GL) Reserved for Subject Matter Public Hearing
1/19/2017 Referred to Joint Committee on General Law
HB 5997 / 01/23/17 / / AN ACT CONCERNING THEFT IN ORDER TO EXCHANGE STOLEN ITEM FOR A GIFT CARD. / To create a new crime of theft. / Judiciary / 1/19/2017 Referred to Joint Committee on Judiciary
HB 6043 / 02/10/17 / / AN ACT CONCERNING CARBON MONOXIDE DETECTORS IN CERTAIN BUSINESSES. / To promote the safety of workers and customers by ensuring that certain businesses are equipped with carbon monoxide detectors. / Public Safety and Security / 2/10/2017 Public Hearing 02/16
2/2/2017 (PS) Reserved for Subject Matter Public Hearing
1/19/2017 Referred to Joint Committee on Public Safety and Security
HB 6058 / 04/10/17 / / AN ACT CONCERNING ELECTRONIC TOLLS. / To establish electronic tolls on Connecticut's highways. / Transportation / 4/5/2017 Favorable Report, Tabled for the Calendar, House
4/5/2017 (LCO) Reported Out of Legislative Commissioners' Office
3/30/2017 (LCO) Referred to Office of Legislative Research and Office of Fiscal Analysis 04/04/17 5:00 PM
3/20/2017 (LCO) Filed with Legislative Commissioners' Office
3/17/2017 (TRA) Joint Favorable Substitute
3/16/2017 Referred to Joint Committee on Transportation
3/15/2017 Drafted by Committee
3/1/2017 (TRA) Vote to Draft
2/23/2017 Public Hearing 02/27
1/23/2017 (TRA) Reserved for Subject Matter Public Hearing
1/19/2017 Referred to Joint Committee on Transportation / 4/5/2017 (LCO) File Number 422
4/5/2017 House Calendar Number 295
HB 6100 / 04/10/17 / / AN ACT CONCERNING THE FUTURE OF THE RETAIL SECTOR IN CONNECTICUT. / To examine and develop a strategic plan for the future of the retail sector in Connecticut. / Commerce / 4/3/2017 Favorable Report, Tabled for the Calendar, House
4/3/2017 (LCO) Reported Out of Legislative Commissioners' Office
3/27/2017 (LCO) Referred to Office of Legislative Research and Office of Fiscal Analysis 04/03/17 10:00 AM
3/17/2017 (LCO) Filed with Legislative Commissioners' Office
3/16/2017 (CE) Joint Favorable
3/10/2017 Referred to Joint Committee on Commerce
3/9/2017 Drafted by Committee
2/28/2017 (CE) Vote to Draft
2/17/2017 Public Hearing 02/23
1/31/2017 (CE) Reserved for Subject Matter Public Hearing
1/20/2017 Referred to Joint Committee on Commerce / 4/3/2017 (LCO) File Number 348
4/3/2017 House Calendar Number 260
HB 6127 / 01/23/17 / / AN ACT IMPOSING AN EXCISE TAX ON BEVERAGES THAT CONTAIN ADDED SUGAR. / To impose a one cent per ounce excise tax on beverages that contain added sugar. / Finance, Revenue and Bonding / 1/20/2017 Referred to Joint Committee on Finance, Revenue and Bonding
HB 6135 / 01/23/17 / / AN ACT DIRECTING THAT A PORTION OF THE SALES TAX BE RETURNED TO THE TOWN WHERE COLLECTED. / To provide that a portion of sales tax revenue be directed to the town where it is collected. / Finance, Revenue and Bonding / 1/20/2017 Referred to Joint Committee on Finance, Revenue and Bonding
HB 6146 / 01/23/17 / / AN ACT CONCERNING ALCOHOLIC LIQUOR SALES REPRESENTATIVES. / To prohibit alcoholic liquor sales representatives from paying or reimbursing clients and account holders for costs related to entertainment and dining. / General Law / 1/20/2017 Referred to Joint Committee on General Law
HB 6147 / 01/23/17 / / AN ACT CONCERNING ALCOHOLIC LIQUOR SAMPLE TASTINGS AT PACKAGE STORES. / To allow for additional alcoholic liquor sample tastings at package stores. / General Law / 1/20/2017 Referred to Joint Committee on General Law
HB 6182 / 01/23/17 / / AN ACT REQUIRING ELECTRONIC BENEFIT TRANSFER CARD HOLDERS TO VERIFY STATE RESIDENCE. / To prevent fraud in the use of electronic benefit transfer cards. / Human Services / 1/20/2017 Referred to Joint Committee on Human Services
HB 6200 / 03/13/17 / / AN ACT CONCERNING THE PRESENTATION OF A PERMIT TO CARRY A PISTOL OR REVOLVER. / To require individuals who openly carrying a pistol or revolver to produce their permit upon request of a law enforcement officer if the firearm is visible to such officer. / Judiciary / 3/10/2017 Public Hearing 03/15
3/3/2017 Referred to Joint Committee on Judiciary
3/2/2017 Drafted by Committee
1/20/2017 Referred to Joint Committee on Judiciary
HB 6201 / 01/23/17 / / AN ACT PROHIBITING MANDATING UNION MEMBERSHIP. / To establish Connecticut as a "Right to Work" state. / Labor and Public Employees / 1/20/2017 Referred to Joint Committee on Labor and Public Employees
HB 6202 / 02/10/17 / / AN ACT CONCERNING UNEMPLOYMENT COMPENSATION. / To increase the threshold at which an individual may qualify for unemployment compensation. / Labor and Public Employees / 2/9/2017 Public Hearing 02/16
2/3/2017 Public Hearing 02/09
1/27/2017 (LAB) Reserved for Subject Matter Public Hearing
1/20/2017 Referred to Joint Committee on Labor and Public Employees
HB 6203 / 01/23/17 / / AN ACT CONCERNING THE MINIMUM WAGE. / To raise the minimum wage to fifteen dollars per hour over a five-year period. / Labor and Public Employees / 1/20/2017 Referred to Joint Committee on Labor and Public Employees
HB 6208 / 05/15/17 / / AN ACT INCREASING THE MINIMUM WAGE. / To increase the minimum wage to fifteen dollars an hour over a five-year period. / Appropriations / 3/9/2017 Favorable Report, Tabled for the Calendar, House
3/9/2017 (LCO) Reported Out of Legislative Commissioners' Office
3/3/2017 (LCO) Referred to Office of Legislative Research and Office of Fiscal Analysis 03/08/17 5:00 PM
2/22/2017 (LCO) Filed with Legislative Commissioners' Office
2/21/2017 (LAB) Joint Favorable
2/9/2017 Public Hearing 02/16
2/3/2017 Public Hearing 02/09
2/2/2017 Referred to Joint Committee on Labor and Public Employees
2/1/2017 Drafted by Committee
1/27/2017 (LAB) Vote to Draft
1/20/2017 Referred to Joint Committee on Labor and Public Employees / 5/10/2017 Referred by House to Committee on Appropriations
3/9/2017 (LCO) File Number 23
3/9/2017 House Calendar Number 51
HB 6212 / 04/03/17 / / AN ACT CONCERNING EARNED FAMILY AND MEDICAL LEAVE. / To establish a paid family and medical leave system in Connecticut. / Labor and Public Employees / 3/27/2017 Favorable Report, Tabled for the Calendar, House
3/27/2017 (LCO) Reported Out of Legislative Commissioners' Office
3/20/2017 (LCO) Referred to Office of Legislative Research and Office of Fiscal Analysis 03/27/17 10:00 AM
3/10/2017 (LCO) Filed with Legislative Commissioners' Office
3/9/2017 (LAB) Joint Favorable
3/6/2017 Referred to Joint Committee on Labor and Public Employees
3/3/2017 Drafted by Committee
2/21/2017 (LAB) Vote to Draft
2/9/2017 Public Hearing 02/16
1/27/2017 (LAB) Reserved for Subject Matter Public Hearing
1/20/2017 Referred to Joint Committee on Labor and Public Employees / 3/27/2017 (LCO) File Number 217
3/27/2017 House Calendar Number 170
HB 6216 / 01/23/17 / / AN ACT ESTABLISHING FAMILY AND MEDICAL LEAVE SAVINGS ACCOUNTS AND PROVIDING A TAX DEDUCTION FOR ACCOUNT CONTRIBUTIONS. / To establish family and medical leave savings accounts and provide a tax deduction against the personal income tax for contributions made to such accounts by taxpayers. / Labor and Public Employees / 1/20/2017 Referred to Joint Committee on Labor and Public Employees
HB 6313 / 04/03/17 / / AN ACT ESTABLISHING A TAX ON SINGLE-USE PLASTIC AND PAPER BAGS. / To encourage shoppers to utilize reusable shopping bags. / Finance, Revenue and Bonding / 3/13/2017 Favorable Report, Tabled for the Calendar, House
3/13/2017 (LCO) Reported Out of Legislative Commissioners' Office
3/9/2017 (LCO) Referred to Office of Legislative Research and Office of Fiscal Analysis 03/14/17 5:00 PM
3/2/2017 (LCO) Filed with Legislative Commissioners' Office
3/1/2017 (ENV) Joint Favorable Substitute
2/17/2017 Public Hearing 02/22
2/16/2017 Referred to Joint Committee on Environment
2/15/2017 Drafted by Committee
1/27/2017 (ENV) Vote to Draft
1/23/2017 Referred to Joint Committee on Environment / 3/28/2017 Referred by House to Committee on Finance, Revenue and Bonding
3/13/2017 (LCO) File Number 55
3/13/2017 House Calendar Number 71
HB 6330 / 01/25/17 / / AN ACT INCREASING THE AMOUNT OF THE BOTTLE DEPOSIT, INCLUDING TEAS, JUICES AND SPORTS DRINKS UNDER THE BOTTLE BILL AND DEDICATING ADDED REVENUES TO STATE PARKS. / To increase recycling rates while funding our state parks. / Environment / 1/23/2017 Referred to Joint Committee on Environment
HB 6333 / 06/06/17 / / AN ACT ESTABLISHING THE DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AS THE LEAD AGENCY FOR THE ENFORCEMENT OF THE FEDERAL FOOD SAFETY MODERNIZATION ACT. / To make the Department of Agriculture the lead state agency for implementing the federal Food Safety Modernization Act. / Environment / 3/13/2017 Favorable Report, Tabled for the Calendar, House
3/13/2017 (LCO) Reported Out of Legislative Commissioners' Office
3/6/2017 (LCO) Referred to Office of Legislative Research and Office of Fiscal Analysis 03/13/17 10:00 AM
2/23/2017 (LCO) Filed with Legislative Commissioners' Office
2/22/2017 (ENV) Joint Favorable
2/3/2017 Public Hearing 02/08
2/2/2017 Referred to Joint Committee on Environment
2/1/2017 Drafted by Committee
1/27/2017 (ENV) Vote to Draft
1/23/2017 Referred to Joint Committee on Environment / 6/5/2017 Favorable Report, Tabled for the Calendar, Senate
6/5/2017 Transmitted Pursuant To Joint Rule 17
6/5/2017 House Passed as Amended by House Amendment Schedule B
6/5/2017 House Adopted House Amendment Schedule B 8616
6/5/2017 Amendment Withdrawn, House Amendment Schedule A 8559
3/13/2017 (LCO) File Number 44
3/13/2017 House Calendar Number 62 / 6/5/2017 Senate Calendar Number 597
HB 6359 / 01/25/17 / / AN ACT INCREASING THE CIGARETTE TAX RATE. / To increase the cigarette tax rate. / Finance, Revenue and Bonding / 1/23/2017 Referred to Joint Committee on Finance, Revenue and Bonding
HB 6399 / 01/25/17 / / AN ACT BANNING THE SALE OF ALCOHOLIC LIQUOR ON EASTER SUNDAY. / To ban alcoholic liquor sales on Easter Sunday. / General Law / 1/23/2017 Referred to Joint Committee on General Law