Held Thursday 5th November2015

  1. PRESENT:Graham Kent, Jim Benson,David Siddall, Kelly Kent, Linda Sweeney,Peter McKenzie andMark Kitson.
  1. APOLOGIES:Heather York,Jacqui Harry, Joan Varian and Dawn Trudgian.
  1. MINUTES:Minutes approved from last meetingin September.
  1. BUSINESS ARISING:GK yet to speak to the marina representative.
  1. PRESIDENTS REPORT: GK advised that if Andreas was too busy to get the bulletin out then Jenni Wilke would. DS advised that not everyone is on the email list yet. JB to send list to JW again.
  1. TREASURER’S REPORT: Account balances available online. Little change since last meeting.

a) Community Service –No report.

b) Youth & Vocational–LS–Keila Johnston a current Rotaractor is going on RYLA. Linda looking at a web enquiry for a defibrillator which is to be referred to the Community service director. A project for the homeless is also to be referred. Letter received. A letter for the Georgia Rotary Scholarship for Tyler was sent. The Xmas party all set to go. P. McK sent a thank you letter for mark Chapman on the Georgia Rotary Scholarship programme.

c) International Service – DS - Cut off for numbers next week for the Swim Vietnam project. DS has sent reminders. Numbers down a little at present. Only 4 freebies to cover. Six coming from the Consulate. DS has sent reminders. Hoping for 80 attendees. Some good prizes donated. The programme almost finalised. DS and JB will co-MC and entertainment is set.

Still awaiting Humanity in Motion books. Meeting at 10.30 on the morning at the Consulate. Roster in place for jobs for the night. P. McK advised of a possible Friendship exchange with Oregon.

e) Rotary Foundation –DS –No report.

f) Club Service–Joint meeting with Wanneroo coming up.

g) Communications, PRand Membership–Membership now 31. Damian Martin’s badge has arrived. A few prospectives in the pipeline. JW and DS attended a membership forum last Sunday. The Eastern States have thrown out the rule book. Some have corporate members.A short discussion took place on the forum agenda and committees.

h)Fundraising–No Report.

i) Secretary– JB – Will send out a copy of the Club review and a notice for the AGM. Hotham Valley weekend a great success. RI web updated.

  1. GENERAL BUSINESS:–A President elect is required. GK introduced Kelly Kent. The Twin Cities Walk scoping document was discussed at length. We need to build a story around Autism. KK said branding and marketing for sponsorship is important. Kelly stated we need sponsors, walkers, local projects to promote and proper grant processes in place. Might look at involving schools and the Chamber of Commerce. DS stated that the COJ was very supportive. Both cities will support it. P. McK said we should also try Lotterywest and Healthways.Also online opportunities for government grants. Approval was given to spend $2.5K on the development of the project with a proper business case which Wanneroo Club will match. MK stated we still had $2.5K from Euroz which may be used to cover that amount. A decision on the go ahead will be made in January 2016.

Meetingclosed at 8.50p.m.

Next Meeting: Wednesday 3rd February at 6.15 for 6.30. Everyone thanked Graham and Cheryl for their hospitality.