Fair Lawn Jewish Center
Congregation B’nai Israel
10-10 Norma Avenue, Fair Lawn, NJ 07410
Phone (201) 796-5040 / Fax (201) 796-2415
The Insider
Shabbat Shalom
13 Adar 5770
February 26-27, 2010
Shabbat Candle lighting: 5:24 p.m.
Saturday, February 27th Megillat Esther 7:00 p.m.
followed by Fun, Music & Refreshments!
Torah Portion: T’zaveh
Shabbat Zachor
Torah Reading: Exodus 29:19-30:10
Maftir: Deuteronomy 25:17-19
Haftarah: I Samuel 15:2-34
A Comment and Question about Purim from Rabbi Ronald S. Roth
We celebrated our victory over Haman, with “…merrymaking and feasting, and…an occasion for sending gifts [understood as food] to one another.” (Esther 9:19) That verse is the basis for the mitzvah of sending portions of food to friends (mishloach manot) on Purim. Maimonides in his codification of those rules considers a person who only has enough food for him or herself on Purim. He writes “And if one does not have (enough to send), he should exchange with his friends, each one sending his dinner to the other…” to fulfill the mitzvah. Note that he does not exempt such a person from sending food to others. Nor does he consider as an option, handing a plate of food to your neighbor, who then hands it back to you. This text was brought to my attention by one of today’s greatest experts on tzedakkah, Danny Siegel. He sent out an e mail this week asking the following question about Maimonides’ ruling, “What would be three good reasons why the person needs to actually exchange the Mishloach Manot (the food portions) rather than just do it symbolically?” See the end of this document for some answers.
Saturday Kiddush
If you would like to sponsor a Kiddush to celebrate a birthday, anniversary or any occasion, please contact June Aranoff.
Gift Shop will be open at 10:00 a.m. on February 28th. Don’t miss out! Contact people are Ellie Weiner at 201-791-2693 or Fran Kessler at 201-848-6845.
Purim Carnival 2010
Sunday, February 28, 2010 from 11:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. at the FLJC/CBI
Come and join the best Carnival in Fair Lawn. Fun for the whole family! New Games, Esther and Mordechai’s Fallafal Stand, Goldfish, Sand Art, Story Time, Basketball, Spin Art, Hook the Hamentaschen, Popcorn, Cotton Candy and Much More! Co-sponsored by Sisterhood and the Men’s Progress Club. Volunteers are always needed in order to make the Purim Carnival a success. It helps us tremendously if you call us and let us know that you can help us that day. We need about 100 time slots filled. So please contact Donna Pasternak at 201-791-9704 or by email or Shari Toron at 201-796-4729 .
Nosh and Knowledge
Tuesday, March 2, 2010 from 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. in the Youth Lounge
In the weeks that follow we will resume our study. In the next few weeks we will study the Passover Haggadah. No previous knowledge is necessary. All the study and texts are in English. Feel free to attend as often as you can, since each class is independent of the others. We serve bagels and coffee or tea! Everyone is welcome.
Social Action Committee: THIS FOOD DRIVE IS PRICELESS….
Did you have three meals today? Not everyone in our community did. Tuna and mayo from Shop Rite $4.00, Mac and cheese from Kings $1.00, Cooking oil from Stop and Shop $2.00. Peanut butter from Pathmark $3.00. Feeding a hungry neighbor … PRICELESS!
WEEK 2(starting March 1, 2010):Mac and Cheese, and cooking oil.
WEEK 3 (starting March 8, 2010):Canned Tuna, Salmon and Mayo.
WEEK 4 (starting March 15 to 24th, 2010): Kosher for Passover Foods.
If you miss a week or have different foods to donate, don't worry, we will accept any non-perishable foods (no glass containers) and we will get your donations to the food pantries/families in need. Drop off food donations at the shul. All food will be donated to a number of local food pantries including: St. Anne's (which serves the whole community), Center for Food Action, Fair Lawn Human Servicesand Jewish Family Services (will distribute Kosher for Passover food to local families) Food pantries are very low, please help make this food drive a success each week!!
Membership Committee Presents: The Doctors Forum
Tuesday, March 2, 2010 at 8:00 p.m. in the Small Ballroom
Free to the community. Specialists in Infectious Diseases, Cardiology, Urology, General Surgery and Rheumatology will be on hand to answer all of your questions about any medical condition or prescription.
Shabbat Across America 2010
Friday, March 5, 2010
6:30 p.m. Shabbat Services. Immediately following at 7:15 p.m. a traditional Shabbat Dinner will be served. Adults: $20 per person and children: (12 and under). $9 per child. Family Maximum: $54. Paid Dinner reservations due by Monday, March 1st. Sorry but seating requests cannot be guaranteed.
Membership Committee Presents: Wine and Cheese Party
Saturday, March 6, 2010 at 8:00 p.m. in the Pulka Room
Come listen as a Wine professional takes us on an exploration of the wonderful world of Kosher Wines. You can even make your holiday purchases at a reduced price. And now with our New Babysitters Bank there is no reason to miss this fun, wonderful and educating evening. Check your 15th mailing for more details. Cost is just $5.00 per person.
Books and Bagels
Sunday, March 7, 2010 at 10:00 a.m. in the Pulka Room
A seat at the Table: A novel of forbidden choices by Joshua Halberstam. “A Seat at the Table” (Sourcebooks) is Halberstam’s first novel, a deeply felt portrayal of the Chasidic community of Borough Park in the early 1970’s, reflected through the relationship of a young man coming of age and his father, a leading rebbe.” The breakfast and book discussion is open to all center members. Non-center members can attend for $5. If you have any questions, please call Ellen Wertheim at 201-797-1920.
Kol Isha: A Woman’s Voice
Wednesday, March 10, 2010 from 6:30 – 9:30 at the Bergen County Y, a JCC
Join us for a special Model Seder to capture the spirit of women through music and dance. For women ages 12 and older Check the web for more details!
New Member Shabbat
Saturday, March 13, 2010 at 9:00 a.m. in the Synagogue
Kids’ Club (2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th Graders – Members Only)
Sunday, March 14, 2010 in the youth Lounge from 4:00 – 5:30 p.m.
Are you smarter than your parent’s? Parent Volunteers Needed! Can you name 10 parts of your body that only have 3 letters in them? (Come to Kid’s Club to find out the answer) RSVP by March 7th via email: or call Lisa Gotlib at 201-796-3670 or Shari Toron at 201-796-4729.
Learners’ Minyan!
Saturday, March 20, 2010 from 10:00 – 11:00 a.m. in the Youth Lounge
Are you uncomfortable participating in services? Don’t know your way around the siddur? Can’t figure out when to sit or stand or what page we’re on? Are you afraid to ask for help? Would you like to learn? Join the Religious Affairs Committee on the third Shabbat of each month (during services) from 10:00 – 11:00 a.m. Learn about the order and various parts of the service. No previous level of service, knowledge or Hebrew necessary. Learners’ Minyans are scheduled for April 17th, May 15th and June 19th.
Tot Shabbat
Saturday, March 20, 2010 From 11:00-11:45 am in the Upstairs Auditorium.
Tot Shabbat is a monthly service for families with children ages birth to six. The thirty-minute service includes singing, prayers, stories and movement followed by snack and socializing. Upcoming dates are: April 17th, May 15th and June 19th. FREE! Non-members welcome. Bring friends and make friends! To receive more information, sign up for email reminders, or get more involved. Contact Wendy Grinberg at .
FLJC/CBI Fundraising Committee Presents . . . Comedy Night 2010
Saturday, March 20th 2010 - Doors Open @ 8:15 PM in the Large Ballroom
*Top Talent booked through major Comedy Club, *Cash Bar, *Deluxe Dessert. Ticket Prices:Sponsor:$50 – premium seating & name listed in program. Advance Purchase:$25 – $10 discount from night of show. Night of Show: $35. Additional sponsorships available: call 201-791-3337 (evenings) Checks made payable to the “Fair Lawn Jewish Center”. Mark your envelope: attn: Fundraising Committee and either drop off in the Center office or mail to: FLJC/CBI, 10-10 Norma Ave., Fair Lawn, NJ 07410.
Scholarships Available for Camps and Israel Programs
Several funds have been established to provide scholarships to students from Fair Lawn Jewish Center/Congregation B’nai Israel to attend Jewish programs. These include, but are not limited to Camp Ramah, USY on Wheels, and educational programs in Israel. Some of the scholarship funding is limited to specific programs. The award will be made based on a decision of a committee. Please contact Rabbi Roth or our executive director June Aranoff for an application for a scholarship. The application is due by March 1st. All scholarships will be sent directly to the camp or the program.
The Berman Grandchildren/ Ruth Rosen Scholarship Fund
Is once again offering camp scholarships to children attending a summer camp or travel program. To qualify, the program must be run under the auspices of the Conservative movement (eg: Ramah, USY, JTS). About 10 scholarships of $250 per camper will be awarded. The exact amounts will depend upon the number of applications received. Preference will be given to students attending overnight programs, and must be 11-17 years old. The scholarship application will also be available on the ujannj.org website by February 20th. The application deadline is April 15, 2010. Applicants will be notified by May 1, 2010.
Remember the Children one Crayon at a time!
1.5 million Children perished in the Holocaust. We are asking the community to collectively donate unused crayons to honor their memory. Our goal is to gather 1.5 million crayons and to distribute them to educational and children’s healthcare facilities. Please bring your unused boxed crayons to the FLJC/CBI Center office.
Library Hours
Sundays ...... 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Monday – Thursday ...... 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Friday - 10:00 a.m...... 1:00 p.m.
Services - Mornings
Sunday, February 28th ...... 9:00 AM
Monday, March 1st - March 5th ...... 8:00 a.m.
Services – Evenings
Monday, March 1st - Thursday, March 4th...... 7:30 p.m.
Friday, March 5th ...... 6:30 p.m.
Jr. Congregation
Saturday Mornings 10:30 - 12:00 p.m.
Downstairs in the Board Room Grades 1st-6th
Saturday Mornings 10:00 - 12:00 p.m.
Upstairs in the School Auditorium Children Ages 2-5 Years Old
Answers to the question – Why does a needy person actually exchange Mishloah Manot? Some of these answers came from my Tuesday class where we discussed this question.
1. We are commanded to do mitzvot, not just to think about them or do them symbolically; therefore one must actually do the exchange.
2. From the viewpoint of the recipient, it makes him or her feel that he or she is cared for.
3. From the viewpoint of both giver and recipient, it creates community.
4. To use an important concept that Danny Siegel likes to emphasize, it says to a person who barely has enough to live on that you are an honorable, dignified human being who gives to another. Giving, even when you are needy, maintains your self-esteem.