(insert squadron name)

Florida Wing Group 5

Civil Air Patrol

United States Air Force Auxiliary

Public Affairs Plan

Calendar Year 2017

I. Introduction

This annual plan, required to be prepared annually by CAPR 190-1, represents the plans of (insert squadron name) Civil Air Patrol, for its public affairs program. It was prepared by unit public affairs officer (insert name of PAO here), CAP.

II. Situation Analysis

The squadron is a subordinate squadron of Florida Wing Group 5. The squadron is located in (insert city name) on Florida’s southwest coast. The population of the area is approximately (insert population and is included in the (insert name of media market).

1.  Missions: The Group 5 FLWG has three missions— cadet programs, aerospace education and emergency services. Currently, all three missions (are, are not) being performed in a satisfactory manner, although the unit continues to look for methods to improve its reach and efficiencies.

2.  Membership: As of January 2017, membership is approximately (xxx cadet members and xxx senior members). This represents a (increase, decrease) from prior year.

3.  Customers/Partner Agencies: The squadron’s stakeholders include:

(Ex: This is an example list. Create your own. Be as specific as possible)

o  The US Air Force, and other agencies of the US Department of Defense;

o  The Florida Division of Emergency Management;

o  Local county agencies and emergency management;

o  Other federal agencies, such as DHS and DEA;

o  Our members, both seniors and cadets;

o  The parents of cadets;

o  The local teaching community;

o  The public at large;

o  Sponsors, vendors, partner entities.

4.  Activities: The squadron participates in the following special activities each year:

(ex: Hours flown, missions, O-flights, air shows, training, etc.)

5.  Squadron Strengths: The squadron benefits from the following areas of strength.

6.  Squadron Improvement: The squadron is working to improve in the following areas:

7.  Squadron Public Affairs Program: The squadron public affairs program can assist in meeting the unit goals in the following ways.

(ex: support recruiting efforts, support retention efforts, increase community awareness, support intiatives of higher headquarters, increase skills of PAOs)

III. Goals

The squadron public affairs program has established the following goals:

(ex: list based on above example goals)

1.  Provide support for squadron recruiting efforts;

2.  Provide support for squadron retention efforts;

3.  Increase community awareness of squadron activities and CAP missions;

4.  Provide support for initiatives of higher headquarters;

5.  Increase skill level of unit PAOs.

IV. Objectives

To reach these goals, we propose the following objectives:

1.  Make information about squadron and CAP available to stakeholders and community at large on timely basis.

2.  Utilize electronic information technology and media forms appropriate for membership, including social media.

3.  Encourage unit members to participate in community service projects;

4.  Encourage members to actively participate in CAP events;

5.  Encourage members to participate in public affairs training;

6.  Acknowledge member contributions and achievements.

7.  Continue list of objectives...

V. Strategies

Each strategy should be Specific, Measurable, Actionable, Realistic using available resources, have Time element.

1.  Website – Update unit website every 30 days with information about squadron and CAP to keep members and stakeholders informed about current squadron news. (supports objective 1,2,3,6)

2.  Newsletter – Produce newsletter each calendar quarter. Encourage members and stakeholders to provide content. Distribute using email, website and hard copy. (supports objective 1,2,3,4,6)

3.  Contact list – Maintain contact lists, update monthly. Create lists for media contacts; newsletter distribution… (supports objective 1,2)

4.  Media releases – Create and distribute media release with information about squadron activities at least once per calendar quarter. (supports objective 1,2,3,4,6)

5.  Continue list of strategies and objectives supported…


______/ ______
(Insert name of unit commander) / (Insert name of unit PAO)
Commander / Public Affairs Officer
(Insert name of unit) / (Insert name of unit)

DISTIBUTION: (Electronic format, PDF)




(unit staff?)

(unit website?)

(Insert name of unit SER-FL-xxx) Public Affairs Annual Plan - 2017