May 3, 2017 - Minutes

A meeting of the Site Plan Review Committee was called to order at 10:00 a.m. in Skaket Meeting Room at the Orleans Town Hall. Departments Present: George Meservey (Planning); Bob Canning (Health); Greg Baker(Fire); Tom Evers(Building); John Jannell (Conservation);andFrank Nichols (DPW).

Absent: Todd Bunzick (Water);

FORMAL REVIEW: H. H. Snows (c/o Sid Snow), 22 Main Street

Sid Snow described changes to the Formal Site Plan application based on comments from Informal Site Plan meetings and contact with abutters. Snow stated that the building size which avoids the need to install sprinklers. Snow described a shift in the building location to provide an adequate lane for emergency vehicles. Snow stated that plantings will be provided, and the building will have a shingle look instead of metal to keep it looking natural.


Fire:Adequate access must be provided for emergency vehicles.

Building:The applicant will need to obtain a Special Permit from the Zoning Board of Appeals. The storage building is accessory to the retail use of the property. All exterior lighting must conform to the Orleans Lighting bylaw §122 (shielded and pointed downward) and manufacturer tear sheets must be provided for town review and must be shown on the plan. The project will be done under controlled construction. No sprinklers are required. The Architectural Review Committee will have to review and approve the project.

Health:There are no proposed floor drains. Septic concerns have been addressed.

Conservation:Stormwater recharge concerns must be addressed.

Highway:Drainage calculations must be provided.

Planning:Landscaping concerns must be addressed.

MOTION: On a motion by Robert Canning, seconded by Greg Baker, the Committee voted to approve the Formal Site Plan for H. H. Snows for property located at 22 Main Street subject to receipt of a final site plan with a revised building location, drainage calculations and landscape plantings.

VOTE: 6-0-0 The motion passed unanimously.

FORMAL REVIEW: TRT Orleans, LLC (d/b/a CVS), 9 West Road

Attorney Andrew Singer and representatives for CVS addressed comments from previous Site Plan review meetings. No vehicular access will be provided directly from Route 6A. The application has been scheduled to be reviewed by the Architectural Review Committee and the Zoning Board of Appeals. Attorney Singer stated that no mandatory review is required by the Cape Cod Commission. Singer stated that this is a commercial building to be located within a commercial zone. There will be an increase in landscaping and a decrease in impervious surfaces. Directional signage will be provided.


Fire:Adequate emergency access must be maintained around the building. The Fire Protection Systems person must talk to the Fire Department.

Building:The project will require a Special Permit from the Zoning Board of Appeals. Adequate parking must be provided. All exterior lighting must conform to the Orleans Lighting bylaw §122 (shielded and pointed downward) and manufacturer tear sheets must be provided for town review and must be shown on the plan.

The Town height restriction is 30’ and any change will require a variance from the Zoning Board of Appeals. Architectural Review Committee review and approval is required, including signage. A sprinkler system must be installed in the building. This project falls under controlled construction. The building must adhere to Architectural Access Board regulations. Utility disconnect letter must be provided to the Town.

Health:The State must approve any modifications to the septic system and information must be reviewed and approved by the Board of Health. On-site drainage must be adequate addressed. The Health Department needs to receive a phasing plan in order to insure that the entire complex is not without a septic system during construction. Leaching information must be shown on the final site plan.

Conservation:Any pedestrian sidewalk must be constructed in a way that preserves the pin oaks.

Highway:Stormwater calculations must be provided and approved.

Planning:There is a previous Special Permit from the Zoning Board of Appeals for reduced parking on site. All handicapped parking spaces must meet the current codes. Zoning Board of Appeals relief must be obtained for the multitude of signs intended for the site. All exterior lighting must conform to the Orleans Lighting bylaw §122 (shielded and pointed downward) and manufacturer tear sheets must be provided for town review and must be shown on the plan. The applicant should make every effort to maintain the current 10’ wide parking spaces on-site for safety.

MOTION: On a motion by Robert Canning, seconded by Greg Baker, the Committee voted to approve the Formal Site Plan for TRT Orleans, LLC (d/b/a CVS)for property located at 9 West Road subject to the following conditions:

  1. The “swing path” through the property be demonstrated to accommodate the Town’s ladder truck;
  2. A sidewalk on West Road shall be installed, but avoid removal of the existing 10 pin oak trees shown on the landscaping plans; and
  3. Encourage the granting of a Special permit to reduce required parking on the site so as to maintain 10-foot wide parking spaces in the parking lot for the plaza.

VOTE: 6-0-0 The motion passed unanimously.


MOTION: On a motion by Greg Baker, seconded by Frank Nichols, the Committee voted to approve the minutes of April 19, 2017.

VOTE: 4-0-2 The motion passed by a majority. (John Jannell & Robert Canning abstained)

The meeting adjourned at 11:30 a.m.

Respectfully submitted:

Karen C. Sharpless

Recording Secretary


FORMAL REVIEW: H. H. Snows (c/o Sid Snow), 22 Main Street

Site Plan Review Committee application packet with supporting materials

FORMAL REVIEW: TRT Orleans, LLC. (CVS), 9 West Road

Site Plan Review Committee application packet with supporting materials


Site Plan Review Committee minutes for April 19, 2017

Site Plan Review Committee Minutes – May 3, 2017 Page 1 of 3