Carer Report for the LDPB meeting May 2014
Housing feedback to the board from the telephone consultation (March 2014) and the Lunch & Discussion Group meeting (2nd June 2014)
The main points raised by carers were:
- Thinking about housing is a difficult subject because it links in with planning for the future, and this is a highly emotional subject.
- It is very hard to let go and to trust that someone else has the expertise to provide the right kind of support for sons & daughters. Also will they receive enough support to meet their needs?
- A major concern is that the person with a learning difficulty will be isolated or exploited.
- Out of 22 carers who took part in the telephone consultation 16 had the person with a learning difficulty living with them. 6 said that they were making plans to change this in the near future. 5 said that the cared for person lived elsewhere, but 4 of these carers were worried about how things would go when they were no longer around to keep an eye on things.
- Carers said that accessing Shared Lives is a good way of preparing the way for a future move out of the family home as it gives a person the experience of being away from their families.
- Real clarity is needed about what housing is available for adults with learning difficulties. There is so much more choice now, which is good, but this can make it difficult to know where to start.
- There is not enough information on the S.Glos Council website, again carers suggested that it would be a good idea to have a You Tube link to a film of a person with learning difficulties in S.Glos showing how moving on has worked out well for themand their carer. Carers also suggested that a simple step by step guide to finding a place would be really helpful.
- Two carers said that when it works out well, relationships in the family can improve when the person with the learning difficulty moves into their own place.
- Carers said that it was important to be creative when planning a move in order to end up with something that will really suit the individual, however gettingthings movingthe right direction can be hard work for the carer.
- Having a plan was the easier part butthat finding the courage to get things happening was the real stumbling block.
- Carers commented that the choice is: bury your head in the sand until a crisis forces something to change or make plans and face those challenging decisions.
- Concern was expressed that those who needed just a small amount of support in order to live independently would not be seen as needing this and that the focus was on those with more complex needs.
Report compilledby T HolReport compiled by Tracy Holder 3.6.14
Carers Support Centre