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Dear [Client Name],
If you own life insurance, you’ve made a commitment to protect your business and your family. However, when was the last time you reviewed your business continuation plan and insurance policy(s)? Life insurance can play an important role by providing the protection you need to help keep your operation running – whether it’s to fund the continuation of your business or to plan for retirement.
If I can show you a way to get the same coverage for less money or more coverage for the same amount of money, would you be interested? Because you are a valued client and a business owner, I want to let you know about a complimentary service available to you.
In every industry, change is constant: the life insurance industry is no exception. The insurance industry has seen changes in the way life insurance is designed, priced, and medically underwritten. Having a life insurance review is no different than having other assets reviewed. Life insurance must be treated as a critical component of your overall financial plan.
What has changed?
- Life expectations have changed. Medical advances have lengthened people’s lives and insurance companies have implemented pricing and underwriting standards to reflect these improvements.
- Insurance, dividend and interest crediting rates have changed. Economic trends have forced insurance companies to lower crediting rates over the past six years. These lower rates have impacted the way policies have performed.
- Marketing conditions have changed. Fluctuations in the stock market have impacted every aspect of the financial services industry and have especially impacted variable life insurance products.
- Tax laws have changed. Whether the policy is being used for business planning, estate planning, or charitable plans, policies should be reviewed to make sure they are up-to-date with current tax laws.
- Personal planning goals may have changed. Evaluation of your current personal goals is essential.
Life insurance can be a valuable part of the financial planning for your business. I’d like to offer you a complimentary insurance review to ensure that your current business continuation plan and insurance coverage are meeting your personal and business goals. There is no charge for this insurance review.
What’s involved in an insurance review? Basically, we’ll examine your current coverage, assess any personal or business changes that may have taken place since the policy was issued, and help you determine if your insurance is still in line with your business planning.
Getting started is easy. Contact me at your earliest convenience at (xxx) xxx-xxxx, and we can schedule a consultation and conduct your review.
Thanks you for your continued trust.
[Your Name]