YEAR 5 - Curriculum Skills and Theme Map
See Highlights for Y5 coverage on curriculum overview (jigsaw)
Focused artists Paul Klee and Georgia O’Keeffe
AUTUMN / SPRING / SUMMERFocus/Theme / The Americas / The Anglo-Saxons / What makes the UK? / Speed / The Ancient Greeks / All about humans
READING / Autumn 1
Adventure stories, recounts, poems
Read new words confidently and understand the meaning.
Recommend books they have read.
Identify and discuss themes of fiction and non-fiction texts. / Autumn 2
Reading stories, non-chronological reports, recounts and news reports.
Choral poetry – read, learn and present.
Make comparisons within and across books.
Infer characters feelings, thoughts and motives. / Spring 1
Apply knowledge of morphology and etymology when reading new words. .
Summarise the main ideas and identify key details.
Draw inference and make predictions
Recognise fact and opinion. / Spring 2
Apply knowledge of morphology and etymology when reading new words.
Read & discuss a broad range of genres and texts.
Discuss authors’ use of language.
Recognise literal and figurative language. / Summer 1
Myths and legends
Apply knowledge of morphology and etymology when reading new words.
Read & discuss a broad range of genres and texts.
Retrieve, record and present information from non-fiction texts. / Summer 2
Apply knowledge of morphology and etymology when reading new words.
Read & discuss a broad range of genres and texts.
Prepare and engage in a formal presentation and debate
Well known authors / Beowulf/Robin Hood / Non-chronological reports
Newspaper reports / Narrative Poetry / Persuasive writing / Fictional characters
WRITING / Plan and write adventure stories and recounts eg letter home.
Use adventurous language to describe setting, characters and feelings generated by events.
Spelling – words containing ough.
-silent letters.
Grammar - Using relative clauses beginning with who, which, where, when, whose or that.
Use a colon to indicate a list. / Writing stories, non-chronological reports, recounts and news reports.
Spelling – homophones. Using hyphens to add a prefix.
Grammar - Punctuate bullet points consistently.
Punctuating direct and reported speech. / Writing
Use organisational and presentational features for non-chronological reports.
Plan writing to suit audience and purpose.
Use a thesaurus.
Spelling - Using the suffixes cial, tial and cious / tious
Recognise and use expanded noun phrases
. / Writing
Explain responses and understanding to narrative poetry.
Spelling - suffixes able and ible.
Grammar - Use brackets, dashes and commas to indicate parenthesis / Writing stories, non-chronological reports, recounts and news reports
Spelling - Using ant, ance, ancy, ent, ence after soft c, g oe qu.
Grammar - Using modal verbs and passive verbs. / Writing
Use persuasive writing techniques
Write newspaper reports and include inverted commas for direct quotes.
Secure spellings inc synonyms and antonyms
Grammar - Use semi-colons, colons and dashes to mark boundaries between main clauses.
MATHS / Secure PV to 1000000, Use standard written methods for +/-Find factors and prime numbers.Add and subtract mentally, recognise and measure angles.
Find perimeter of composite shapes and area of rectangle. / Written methods for multiplication up to ThHTU x TU
Short and long division methods
Negative numbers and solving problems involving numbers
Addition and subtraction of large numbers and money
Long multiplication, square numbers and cube numbers
addition and subtraction of fractions
Reflections and transitions
Measure-mass / Compare and order fractions. Convert fractions to tenths and hundredths and vice versa. Recognise equivalent fractions and decimals.
Recognise regular and irregular 2D and 3D shapes. Recognise properties of shapes. Recognise shapes for common 3D shapes.
Complete, read and interpret tables and bar / Addition and subtraction-mental and written methods for larger numbers
Written methods for multiplication and division
Calculating with fractions
Line graphs/comparative graphs / Negative numbers and roman numerals
Adding and subtracting large numbers
Long multiplication and division with remainders
Working with fractions
Diagonals and problems involving angles
Volume. Time and money / Addition and subtraction of money
Multiplication and division of money
Decimals and fractions
Problems involving percentages
Perimeter, area and scale drawing
Using tables and line graphs
SCIENCE / Key Learning
The Sun, Moon and Earth (Au1)
Classification of Materials (Au2)
Working Scientifically / Key Learning
Mixtures and solutions + Reversible / irreversible changes. (Sp1)
Forces and magnets (Sp2)
Working Scientifically / Key Learning
Life Cycles in Plants and animals (Su1)
Changes in humans (Su2)
Working Scientifically
HISTORY / Key Learning
The Anglo-Saxons and the Vikings / Key Learning / Key Learning
Ancient Greece A study of Greek life and their influence on the western world
GEOGRAPHY / Key Learning
Name and locate counties, cities, regions and features of the UK.
Present info as a weather check. / Key Learning
Study a region of the Americas.
Understand biomes, vegetation belts, land use, economic activity, and distribution of resources. / Key Learning
ART / Key Learning
Focus Artist – Georgia O’Keeffe
Draw landscape and city scape images using a range of medium.
Use iPad app to bring planet to life.
Draw Anglo-Saxon and Viking art.
Look at the work of Paul Klee. Create own art in the style of Paul Klee using Viking inspired images. / Key Learning
Use sketchbooks to collect record and review ideas. / Key Learning
Sketch images of characters used by well known authors.Use techniques of well known artistsin their portrayal of people.
Sketch and paint plants and animal life cycles.
DT / Key Learning
Use natural materials to make a sea-worthy boat. / Key Learning
Key Learning
Make a moving vehicle and improve its speed. Investigate the Bloodhound Project and use land-speed record attempt to improve own designs. / Key Learning
Cook savoury Greek dishes in line with a healthy diet.
MUSIC / Key Learning
iPad music – perform with control and expression. / Key Learning
iPad music – perform with tuned instruments / Key Learning
Learn to read music
Understand dynamics, pace and tempo / Key Learning
Learn key rhythms
Learn to read music
Understand dynamics, pace and tempo / Key Learning
Learn to read music
Understand dynamics, pace and tempo / Key Learning
Learn to read music
Understand dynamics, pace and tempo
COMPUTING / Key Learning
How Computers work / Key Learning
Communication and e-safety / Key Learning
Algorithms and programming / Key Learning
Data and information / Key Learning
Algorithms and programming / Key Learning
Communication and e-safety
PE / Key Learning
Outdoor Games
Hockey / Key Learning
Dance / Key Learning
Outdoor Games
Gymnastics –Holes and Barriers
OAA / Key Learning
Outdoor Games
OAA / Key Learning
Outdoor Games
Gymnastics / Key Learning
Outdoor striking games
RE / Key Learning
TheBible / Key Learning
Muslim Holy Books / Key Learning
Key Christian values / Key Learning
The last week of Jesus’ life / Key Learning
Beliefs / Key Learning
Family Life
PSHE / Key Learning
Adapting to change / Key LearningValuing others using Circle Time
Small group work - / Key Learning
Setting personal goals / Key Learning
Conflict resolution / Key Learning
Collaborative learning / Key Learning