Grant Writing Program
for Graduate Students in the Humanities and Social Sciences
September 26-27, 2015
Workshop Description
The Proposal Writing Institute is designed for students in the humanities and social sciences who are in the process of revising well-developed draft proposals for specific funding agencies with submission deadlines this fall - whether for completion fellowships, research, write-up, or post-doctoral projects. Applicants submit a proposal completed in accordance with the requirements of an actual funding agency, which might include SSRC, ACLS, Charlotte Newcombe, AAUW, Mellon and DAAD, among others.
The Institute provides extensive feedback from an interdisciplinary group of Emory faculty who will review proposals and interview applicants using the same standards and criteria as the interdisciplinary committees of external funders. It also provides opportunities to discuss your own proposals in individual sessions with faculty.
All potential participants must submit a proposal, budget, timeline, curriculum vitae, and application coversheet (see next page). Guidelines and selection criteria for students’ target funding program must also be included.
Time and Place
The workshop will be held over two days, September 26-27 (DUC 338). You MUST be able to attend the entire workshop.
How to Apply
You should pick a specific external funding agency to which you will apply and submit a proposal that meets all that agency’s requirements and follows their guidelines with respect to length, format, bibliography, etc. (Please do not use a typeface smaller than 12 point.) Along with your proposal, please submit the descriptive guidelines and selection criteria for the program for which you have written. If the guidelines do not require submission of a project budget, timeline and curriculum vitae, add those to your application packet. Submit the attached cover sheet along with all other required materials (see below) to Jay Hughes at . in one single PDF. Your advisor and DGS must be copied on your submission email.
A complete application will include:
Application cover sheet (below)
Proposal and other materials prepared according to the guidelines of your selected funding program
Guidelines and selection criteria for the funding program
Project budget (if not already included)
Project timeline (if not already included)
Curriculum vitae (if not already included)
Deadlines and Dates
Cover sheet and application materials dueWednesday, September 2, 2015 by 4pm.
Notification of acceptance to Institute No later than September 14, 2015
The application deadline is firm. Late applications will NOT be accepted.
September 26-27, 2015
Email: Phone Number:
Year of Study (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, Other – please specify):
Project Title and Research Location:
To which agency and program are you applying?
Have you ever received an external grant before? If so, when, from where and for what?
Have you attended the Intensive Grant Writing Workshop? If so, what year?
Name of Advisor:
Name of DGS in Your Graduate Program:
Please email this cover sheet with your draft proposal (using typeface no smaller than 12 point), guidelines and selection criteria for the funding program, budget, timeline and curriculum vitae to Jay Hughes at .
The deadline is firm. Late applications will not be accepted.