HUD Continuum of Care Homeless Assistance Programs
“New HMIS Lead Agency”
RFP ANNOUNCEMENT: October 22, 2010
APPLICATION DEADLINE: October 29, 2010, 5:00 pm
In order to achievea highly responsive and productive system that effectively manages data collection, organization, reporting, analysis and evaluation, the Fort Worth/Arlington/Tarrant County Continuum of Care is seeking a new HMIS project lead agency. Under the HEARTH Act, HUD has issued an extensive array of performance measurement requirements that will demand a highly functional, flexible and strategically implemented system to manage data, information and knowledge about the nature and extent of homelessness and how agencies provide services to those at risk of homelessness or are experiencing homelessness. Because of these federal policy changes, the role of the HMIS Lead Agency is now a critical core function of a Continuum of Care.
The CoC, as theprimary decision making body, is responsible for the selection of the HMIS Lead Agency. The HMIS Lead Agency is then responsible to implement a plan to select and manage the implementation of the HMIS system.
Decision Making Process
Applications will be reviewed by an HMIS Application Review Committee. The committee, appointed by the Community Project Review Committee (CPRC), will present their review and recommendation of the New HMIS Lead Agency applications to the CPRC on November 4, 2010. The final selection for a New HMIS Project Lead Agency will be made no later than November 5, 2010. It is the discretion of the CPRC to decide to accept the decision of the HMIS review committee or opt to retain under the existing renewal HMIS program, to not utilize the Hold Harmless Need reallocation process for a new HMIS project. This would result in the CoC in retaining the existing renewal HMIS project under the existing grantee.
The successful application will be submitted as a funded project for the Fort Worth / Arlington / Tarrant County Continuum of Care application to HUD Continuum of Care Homeless Assistance Programs on November 18, 2010.
Funds Available
The funds available for a New HMIS Lead Agency Project will be determined in the Hold Harmless Need reallocation process. The CoC can fund a new project from the reallocation of existing renewal projects. In effect, there could be renewal SHP project funding deleted or reduced and the funds reallocated for the new HMIS project.
Proposal Contents
Proposals should be submitted electronically in Microsoft Word format and a PDF of the eSNAPS New HMIS Application. A complete proposal will include the following elements:
- For NEW applicants that have never applied for CoC Homeless Assistance Program grant funds, please provide the administrative and procedures documents on the attached CoC Application Checklist.
- Complete the eSNAPS NEW HMIS application and submit a PDF Copy along with this application.
- Letter identifying MATCH commitment, sources and values.
Project Name:
Project Location:
Project Type:SHP HMIS
Grant Term:ONE YEAR
Agency Name:
- Knowledge of HUD reporting requirements, PIT, and HEARTH Act reporting goals.
- Detail the management capacity of the organization.
- Detail the planning capacity for implementation of HEARTH Act changes related to data collection, reporting and evaluation.
- Detail the organization’s proposal for developing a data driven performance measurement system.
- Describe how the new or expanded HMIS project will result in improvements in the needs assessments of the community, resource allocation, and service coordination among providers.
The New HMIS Implementation Timetable below provides a list of activities related to the implementation of the HMIS. You will need to indicate whether the activity applies to the project and, if yes, the timetable for the activity. The Project Year will begin June 1, 2011.
Activity / Does Activity Apply(Yes/No) / If “Yes” enter mm/yyyy
Customize Software
Software Update
Data Conversion
Beta/Pilot Phase
Basic Computer Training
HMIS Software Training for Sys Admin
HMIS Software Training
Data Quality Training
Security Training
Privacy/Ethics Training
HMIS PIT Count Training
Complete Applications must be submitted electronically to the CPRC Chair, Dan Freemyer at by 5:00 pm October 29, 2010.
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