Resume of

Amber Randell Mason


262 E. Franklin Ave. #7

Flagstaff, AZ 86001 Cell Phone: (623) 521-3805 Second Phone: (928) 772-1166


To obtain a full-time position as an Electrical Engineer with a company that deals in areas such as communications, basic code writing, product development, problem solving and critical thinking, with a medium to quick paced environment that will continue to foster my academic growth.


Bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering at Northern Arizona University. Anticipated graduation date: May 2005. Participant in University Honors Program. Current GPA: 3.78. Taken following courses: Electrical Engineering Circuitry I, II, and III, Digital Logic, Microprocessors, Fundamentals of Computer Engineering, Programming in Java, C, Matlab and Assembly, Fundamentals of Signals and Systems, Digital Signal Processing, Fundamentals of Semiconductors, VLSI, Design I, II, and III, Calculus I, II and III, Differential Equations, Engineering Analysis (Statistics), University Physics I, II and III, General Chemistry I, Statics, Seminar in Critical Reading and Writing I and II and Technical Writing. Currently taking: Advanced Semiconductors, Fundamentals of Electromagnetism, Environmental Engineering I and Engineering Design Procedures.

Participated in Advanced classes at Barry Goldwater High School in Phoenix, Arizona. Graduated in top five percent from a class of 320 students in May of 1999.

Computer Skills Special Skills

● Programming in Matlab, C, Assembly and Perl ● Proficient in Spanish (6 years training)

● Minitab ● Detailed Office Skills

● Microsoft Word and Excel ● Enhanced Customer Service skills

● PowerPoint ● Advanced Leadership and Communication skills

Work Experience

● Electrical Engineering Intern, Micron Technologies Inc. – NAND Flash Memory (May 2004 to August 2004)

Designed and wrote Perl script for experiments, assisted Product Engineers with development of experiments and ran

experiments on sample NAND Flash products.

● National Certified Tutor, Northern Arizona University – Learning Assistance Center (August 2002 to Present)

Encourage academic success by assisting students with materials in mathematics, physics and engineering classes.

● Electronics Intern, Radio Design Labs (May 2003 to August 2003)

Assisted in documentation, SMD, Assembly, test and repair and packaging.

● Seasonal Cashier, Petsmart (June 2002 to August 2002)

Enhancement of mathematics and cashiering skills. Assist in stocking and facing the store.

● Academic Assistant, Northern Arizona University – Residence Life (August 2001 to May 2002)

Act as a resource for tutors and students as well as supervise the Resource Centers.

● Previews Counselor, Northern Arizona University – Orientation Services (May 2001 to January 2002)

Assist new students with registration. Direct them to available campus resources. Organize social events.

Clubs and Organizations

● Honors Ambassador (May 2002 to present)

● Honors Ambassador Coordinator (May 2004 to present)

● Tau Beta Pi: Engineering Honor Society member (November 2003 to present)

● Vice President – Tau Beta Pi (May 2004 to present)

● Micron Ambassador (August 2004 to Present)

Honors and Awards

● Micron Scholar (September 2003 to present)

● Northern Arizona University Honors Program Participant (1999 – Present)

● National Science Foundation Scholarship (August 2002 to May 2004)

● Regents Award (1999 – 2003) – Northern Arizona University

● Most Excelled Math Student Award and Scholarship – Barry Goldwater High School (Spring 1999)

● Most Excelled Spanish Student (April 1999) – Barry Goldwater High School (Spring 1999)

● Who’s Who Among High School Students (April 1999) – Who’s Who Association


Dr. Bruce Fox Dorothy Briggs Dr. Peter Blakey

Director Program Coordinator Professor

Honors Program North Learning Assistance Center College of Engineering and Technology

Northern Arizona University Educational Support Programs Northern Arizona University

PO Box 5689 PO Box 6035 PO Box 15600

Flagstaff, AZ 86011-5689 Flagstaff, AZ 86011-6035 Flagstaff, AZ 86011-5600

(928) 523-6636 (928) 523-3796 (928) 523-2118