HELD ON: Tuesday 8th March 2016 at 13.30 p.m.
John Gatland (Chairman) (JG) Bob Dearden (BD), Alastair Bolingbroke (ABol), Andy Blackman (AB), Dick Ravenscroft (DR), John Thompson (JT).
1. Apologies for Absence: Brian Reeve (BR), Sue Hay (SH).
2. Approval of Minutes of Meeting held on 16th February 2016
Approved by all, and signed by JG.
------3. Matters Arising
a) Hole in One: Still awaiting clarification from the Main Club Committee. Congratulations to Dick Ravenscroft on his recent hole in one.
------4. Forthcoming Events
Captain’s Charity Challenge: Tuesday 15th March 2016. 4 ball better ball 90% HC. Entries £6 if won, £8 if draw or £10 if lose. Start 07:30. So far 29 entries.
Spring Social: Wednesday 16th March 2016. 49 entries so far, probably 6-8 tables. Food requirements to Andrew (JT).
East-v West: Thursday 24th March 2016. Sign up sheet on notice board.
Texas Scramble Trophy: Thursday 14th April 2016. Poster and sign-up sheet to go on the Notice board.
Annual Presentation Dinner: Friday 15th April 2016. Poster and sign-up sheet to go on the Notice board. Next Sub committee meeting Tuesday 12th April 13:00.
Seniors Captain’s Day: Thursday 28th April. TBA.
5 .Competitions update (AB)
Winter knockouts: Ongoing. Outstanding rounds need to be completed asap please arrange.
Summer knockouts: Entries required, 64 will work best. Please sign up now.
9 Hole Qualifiers. Front and back 9s have been reassessed. Mens SSS now 69, Ladies SSS now 71. AB to get cards printed. Trial to be organized to get numbers assessed. JT to put in news letter.
6. Company and Main Club Communications (JG)
Main club has surplus of £5000. It has been suggested that we contribute towards Honours Boards.
Hand driers need replacing in Men’s changing room.
7. Treasurers Report (DR)
Les Adey has agreed to stand as Auditor.
There will be a Seniors Loyalty Card made available to organizers to cover any shortfall between money collected from entries and money paid out for prizes, food etc.
Thursday events roughly break even at present.
------8. Friendly Matches (BR)
BR not present.
20 people have signed up for Bletchingley. Team will be announced in due course. We hope that all matches will be as well supported.
9. Ladies Representative (SH)
Not present.
10. Any Other Business
Volunteers required for position of Match Secretary to be vacated by BR.
The question of the increased length of carries on certain holes has been raised. JG to raise the matter at main club committee meeting.
It has been suggested that the Stableford qualifier on Thursday 21st April offer special winners mementos to celebrate the Queen’s Birthday.
Sweetwoods Anniversary Cup on 28th March (Easter Monday) is free for any member plus a guest including food. Extra guests will be charged. Details on main club notice board.
11. Date of next Committee Meeting
Tuesday 12th April 2016 at 1.30pm.
Signed …......
Dated / /2016