Your work will be marked to national curriculum levels 2-3. You can look at the project mark scheme to help you achieve the highest level possible.
You can use the computer to do your work or you can do it by hand.
How to hand in your work:
- e-mail to your teacher
- Save to a pen drive
- Print off and hand in.
*To e-mail it in you need to:
1. Attach the file to the e-mail
2. Send to your teacher by writing their initial and surname
The British Empire WEEK ONE Time allocation: 1 hour
Your Task [1] Match the Head in the first column to the Tails in the second.
Heads / / TailsTrade / European countries competed with each other to have the biggest empire
Religion / The British conquered new lands and took full control over the land
economic / People wanted to find out more about the world
exploration / The British empire grew because she wanted to make more money
Raw materials / People were attracted by the idea of finding new lands to add to Britain’s empire
competition / Britain went to other countries to get natural resources
power / British merchants (businessmen) bought from and sold to other countries
Adventure / Britain send ‘missionaries’ to convert native people of the empire to Christianity
Your Task [2]
Imagine you are a British explorer in the seventeenth century, what would be your 3 most important reasons for going overseas to expand Britain’s empire? Use the key words above and explain why you have picked them.
Your Task [3]
1. Describe what you
can see in the painting.
2. Can you place the letters below
On the painting
Ships being unloaded
Cranes unloading cargo
Barrels of rum
Merchants discussing business
Packhorses transporting goods
Warehouses for storing goods
The city of Bristol
British Empire WEEK TWO Time allocation: 1 hour
Your Task [4]
On the map below, colour in the countries that were taken over by the British in 1900. Use a red pencil and an atlas (in your planners) to find the following countries:
United Kingdom / Canada / Sierra Leone / India / AustraliaHong Kong / Burma / South Africa / Zimbabwe / Gold Coast
Egypt / Uganda / Sudan / New Zealand / Malaysia
Read the following sources
British Empire WEEK TWO Time allocation: 1 hour
Your Task [6]
Look at Source E, then answer the questions that follow.
- Is this source telling a different story to the other evidence in this section?
- Why do you think the author of Source E might not be telling the whole truth?
Your Task [7]
1. Can you place the following dates into chronological order?
2. What does this timeline tell you about the actions of the British towards India?
Task / Level 2 / L2 / Level 3 / L3Task 1 / Match some key words with their meaning / Match all the key words with their meanings and categorise the words into two columns
Task 2 / I can give one reason why people wanted to make Britain bigger / I can give 3 reasons for people wanting to go abroad and make the British Empire bigger
Task 3 / Can label some parts of the picture / Can accurately label a painting of a port in England and give some description showing what is happening
Task 4 / Can colour in parts of the map to show where Britain took over / Can accurately colour and label a world map showing where the British empire expanded.
Task 5 / Can use take information from sources and put into a mind map / Can select information from historical sources creating a detailed mind map and can make links between why people suffered
Task 6 / Has begun to compare information from sources / Can compare information from sources and identify similarities and differences. Can suggest reasons for why a source might not be reliable
Task 7 / Can place some events into the correct order of time / Can accurately place events into chronological order and explain how the British treated countries they took over.