Characteristics of Strong Dissemination and Implementation (D&I) Studies *

Content Analysis of Summary Statements

? Content analysis qualitatively examined summary statements from the first three rounds of review for the trans-NIH PAR on dissemination and implementation (D&I)

? Following slides summarize characteristics of strong D&I research studies based on the content analysis

Characteristics of Strong D&I Research Studies

? Meets the goal of the D&I PAR to improve practice through research

? Proposed study findings have important implications for D&I research:

o Potential to advance knowledge of D&I

o Potential results may be far reaching with long-term implications for reducing the discovery-delivery gap and disseminating evidence-based care into clinical primary care practice

o Provides a new demonstration of the implementation and adoption of an efficacious intervention

? Study includes information and specificity on the framework/model/theory proposed and is fully developed:

o Description of theoretical variables and outcomes are consistent with the underlying theories

o Scientific significance is strong due to the evaluation plan, theoretical foundations and content of study, and implementation strategies.

? Demonstrated understanding of the basic principles of dissemination – through breadth of its evaluation and range of players involved

? Principle Investigator and research team have extensive experience and are qualified in the field of dissemination and implementation

? Dissemination plan is appropriate in scope, future plans for dissemination discussed, and the study has an opportunity for expansion and generalization to other settings

o Presents details on the adaptation process (for translation).

o Clear how variability in implementation fidelity will be assessed.

o Thoroughly investigates the factors/processes that lead to dissemination and implementation

o Dissemination approaches take intra-class correlation into account.

o Dissemination approach is collaborative without a “top-down” execution (i.e., participatory).

? Study establishes excellent stakeholder participation and has strong ties in and familiarity with the community in which the intervention will be implemented

? Contextual characteristics are considered in study design and hypothesis

? Strong qualitative component of study

? Strong evidence provided for the effectiveness of intervention

? Provides detailed information regarding the sustainability and/or plans for future research of project

? Dissemination to a new (often high risk) and highly significant target population

* This information has been pulled from a previously presented Power Point presentation. It is being provided here as a word document so that it will be accessible and 508 compliant