Metro Community College
Nursing Program
NURS 2410 Unit 4 Study Guide
Directions: Study guides should be typed (single space). All study guides are due on the day of the exam over that/those unit(s). Each unit study guide is worth 25 points.
1. Classify each of these newborn physical characteristics as Preterm (a), Term (b) or post mature (c).Some may have more than one answer.
____underdeveloped flexor muscles ___ abundant hair on the head
____loose skin ___little or no lanugo
____poor muscle tone ___long, thin body
____creases over the entire sole ___alert and wide eyed
____no subcutaneous fat ___dry and peeling skin
____’frog leg’ position ___meconium staining
____full areola 5 to 10 mm ___thick ear cartilage
2. Distinguish between periodic breathing from apneic spells.
3. Describe four major disadvantages the preterm infant has in regulating temperature.
4. List common measures to help the preterm infant maintain thermoregulation.
5. Describe measures to evaluate fluid status in the preterm infant.
6. What is the difference between symmetrical and asymmetrical intrauterine growth restriction.
7. What are some possible complications of birth for an LGA infant?
8. Create a table that identifies the cause, signs and symptoms, management and nursing interventions for each of the following:
- Transient tachypnea of the newborn (TTN)
- Meconium aspiration syndrome (MAS)
- Persistent pulmonary hypertension (PPH)
9. Formulate a simple explanation about phototherapy to give to parents of a jaundiced newborn. Include in your explanation why the treatment is needed, how it works and what precautions are needed to prevent injury.
10. List infant behaviors that should cause a nurse to suspect prenatal drug exposure
11. Early screening and treatment for PKU are necessary to prevent what condition? Formulate an explanation and teaching specifics for parents of a child with PKU.
12. Why is prone position not advised for normal newborns but good for the preterm infant?
13. What signs suggest development of respiratory distress syndrome?
14. What are two possible consequences for a post mature fetus?