The TI – 84 Revisited

A Quick Tour

Keys Used For: Graphing



Keys Used For: Setting up a Scatter Plot



Keys Used For: Creating a Table of Values


Y =

The Math Key Has Several Sub Menus

MATH - Fractions, roots, equation solver.

NUM - Absolute value, rounding, fractional parts, minimum and maximum, least

common multiple, and greatest common divisor.

CPX - Real numbers, imaginary numbers, polar, absolute value

PRB - random generators, permutations, combinations, factorial.

The Mode key

Scientific and Engineering notation, decimal place value, polar or parametric, sequential or simultaneous graphing, real or imaginary, full screen or split screen, setting your clock.

To Enter Lists


The Format Key

To turn coordinates, axes, labels, or grid lines on or off.


Allows you to access reserved words, functions, and symbols.


Provides a list of applications (programs) available to the user. The user can run an application by highlighting it and pressing enter. Examples are: the Algebra App, and Cabri Jr.

Keystrokes for Some Common Procedures

Enter data into lists L1 and L2 by;

  1. STAT
  2. 1:Edit

Note: if the lists have values in them, you can erase them by using your up arrow cursor key to highlight L1, then press the CLEAR key and press ENTER. The entire list is erased. Repeat for the other lists.

  1. Move the cursor to the first cell in L1 and enter the numbers, pressing enter after each number (x values)
  2. Move cursor to L2 and do the same (y values)

To create a scatter plot

  1. 2nd STATPLOT
  2. 1:PLOT1
  3. ENTER
  4. ON
  5. ENTER

Note: select the type, first is scatter

  1. ENTER

Note: Xlist should be L1 (if it is not L1, Press 2nd L1 to change it)

Ylist should be L2 (if it is not L2, Press 2nd L2 to change it)

  1. ENTER

Note: mark should be a square

  1. ENTER
  2. ZOOM
  4. ENTER

To create a regression line (the line of best fit, trend line)

  1. Press 2nd QUIT
  2. Press STAT
  3. Highlight CALC
  4. Highlight 4:LinReg(ax+b)
  5. Press ENTER
  6. Press 2nd L1
  7. Press ,
  8. Press 2nd L2
  9. Press ,
  10. Press VARS
  11. Highlight Y-VARS
  12. Highlight 1:Function
  13. Press enter
  14. Highlight y2
  15. Press ENTER
  16. Press ENTER (the values for a and for b appear)
  17. Press Graph
To create a table of values

Press the y= key

In y1 type in some expression (for example x+1)

Press 2nd Quit

Press 2nd TBLSET

For the independent variable set on Ask

Press 2nd TABLE

Type a Number in the x column


Type a the next number in the x column


And so on, until you have exhausted all you independent variable values

For the independent variable set onAuto

If you set the independent variable to auto, just press enter and the dependent variable value will increment by 1 (according to the above example) and the dependent variable value will be calculated