Working Group on Smart Distribution Combo Session
Minneapolis, MN, USA
Date and Time: Monday, July 26, 2010 15:00-18:00
Room: MCC - L100 G
First part ( 2 technical papers)
Session title : Information Models for Distribution Automation
2010GM0736-CIM Interoperability Challenges
Scott Neumann; UISOL
Terry Nielsen;UISOL
2010GM1103-Use of CIM for EDF Distribution Automation
Eric Lambert;edf r&d
Alexandre Queric;edf r&d
Second part (Working group meeting)
- Introduction of the members
- Minutes of the meeting held during the 2010 PES JanuaryJoint Meeting (Orlando)
- SDWG Group businesses
- Panel Sessions for IEEE / PES 2010
- Session 1: “The Distribution Automation Foundation for The Smart Grid”; Chair: Larry Clark
- Time: Tuesday, July 27, 2010 10:00-12:00
- Room: MCC - 200 G (TS)
- Participants:
- BobUluski, EPRI
- Haukur (Hawk) Asgeirsson, DTE Energy
- Glenn Lampley, Progress Energy Carolinas
- Ethan Boardman, AREVA T&D
- Session 2: “ Volt/Var Control - Present and Future: Chair Tom Rizy
- Time: Tuesday, July 27, 2010 08:00-10:00
- Room: MCC - 200 G (TS)
- Participants:
- Glenn Lampley; Progress Energy Carolina
- George Larry Clark; Alabama Power Company
- KC Fagen; R. W. Beck, Inc.
- Robert Uluski; EPRI
- Preparations for upcoming conference paper sessions and meetings
- Proposed panel session for IEEE PES General Meeting, Detroit, Michigan, July 24-28, 2011:
- Smart Distribution Grid Applications and Components; Proposed Panel description: The emerging Smart Distribution Grid will be more efficient, reliable and diverse. Existing applications are being leveraged and new applications are being developed to achieve the goals for the Smart Distribution Grid. Existing grid components are providing foundational telemetry and new components are being developed to enhance the Smart Distribution Grid telemetry requirementsChair: GLClark,
- Smart Distribution Zones applications and results: Several SmartGrid zones are implemented with different goals. This session will update and reports applications and results from these Smart Distribution Zones. Chair: Georges Simard
- DA Documents
- DA WIKI web facility
- EPRI/IEEE Guide on DA
- DA Tutorial: Tuesday, July 27, 201008:00-17:00 Room: MCC - L100 A (TS)
- DA Doug Staszesky Award (by GLClark)
- Other proposals from members
- DA related conferences to come
- Others
- DA trends and projects
- Presentation:
- Lee Taylor from Duke Energy
- Carl Benner from TexasA&MUniversity
- Francisc Zavoda from IREQ
- Other DA related interests with the permission of the chair
Other information available at