Cochise College Governing Board Meeting
Tuesday, March 12, 2002
Tuesday, March 12, 2002
Sierra Vista Campus
6:00 p.m.
1.01 Call to Order
The meeting was called to order by Mrs. Jan Guy, Board Chair, at 6:04 p.m.
Board Members Present:
Mrs. Jan Guy
Dr. Randall H. Groth
Mr. Juan Flores
Mr. Bob Nelson
Mrs. Jane Strain
1.02 Pledge of Allegiance
1.03 Adoption of Agenda
Dr. Karen Nicodemus requested that the presentation of the Cochise College members All Arizona Academic Team be moved from Item 1.05.5 (President’s Report) to earlier in the agenda, as one of the team members had to leave for a class. Mr. Nelson moved that they be introduced immediately.
The agenda was adopted as changed.
Dr. Nicodemus introduced the 2002 Cochise College students on the All Arizona Academic Team: Ms. Carla Roscoe, Sierra Vista Campus, Second Team; Mr. Jeffery Phillips, Sierra Vista Campus, Third Team; Ms. Leah Alejandro, Douglas Campus, First Team. Mr. Paul Workman, Douglas Campus, Second Team, was not in attendance. Ms. Roscoe, Mr. Phillips and Ms. Alejandro each spoke briefly on their positive experiences at the College.
At 6:13 p.m. the Board took a five minute break while Mrs. Guy answered a page.
1.04 Citizen’s Interim
Mr. J. R. Cox, Cochise College employee, had made a request to address the Board. Mr. Cox stated that pursuant to College Policy 4951, Procedure 4951.1, Section 3, Part C, Request for review within 10 calendar days of receiving a notice of an intended reduction in force, he was handing Dr. Nicodemus a request in writing for a review of all the action by the
President. Mr. Cox also stated that he did not think the action was appropriate or fair and he hoped the Board would not act contrary to the existing policy. Quoting Board packet Item 4.16 and College Policy 4302 regarding job descriptions, Mr. Cox asked the Board to review the description for Computer Operator. He also stated that he would like a copy. Mr. Cox compared a letter he had received from Human Resources to Policy 4951, stating that the review noted in the policy should already have taken place. Mr. Cox then asked the Board to refrain from taking action on agenda item 4.16.
1.05 Standing Reports
1.05.1 Representative to the AADGB
Mrs. Guy stated that the AADGB did not meet in February due to the All Arizona Team luncheon. At the ACCA meeting the decision to eliminate the ALS program due to budget constraints was discussed.
1.05.2 Representative to the SBDCC
Ms. Judy Gignac, newly appointed Cochise College representative to the State Board, gave the report. Ms. Gignac stated that she is currently working with the Board of Regents representative to redesign tuition waivers for All Arizona Academic Team Members to allow for part-time attendance.
The Executive Director of the State Board, Mr. Pete Gonzalez, reported that the one of the issues discussed at the 2002 Presidential Summit was the need for increasing the number of courses community colleges can offer toward a degree in elementary, secondary and special education.
Some legislation being watched are the Caregiver and Expansion Program and the Vocational Education Age Limit Repeal. Also discussed were budget cuts at community colleges including cutting full-time personnel, hiring freeze, reduced travel, reduced supplies and materials, lowering utilities, cutting professional development, cutting course offerings, eliminating programs, lowering technology expenses, and no facility renovations. Tuition fee increases are under consideration.
The Council of Presidents recommended that the State Board dissolve the Arizona Learning Systems (ALS). There were many votes taken at the State Board meeting and the action was ultimately tabled. The State Board asked Ms. Gignac to chair a committee to consider options regarding ALS; at this time, the presidents have been asked to indicate how they would use the current ALS equipment if ALS were dissolved.
Certification of community college instructors has been repealed by the legislature effective June 30, 2002, and will transition to the local districts. Questions arose regarding existing certificates. Mr. Nelson questioned the community colleges’ responsibility in certification and Mrs. Guy responded that she,
Dr. Luba Cliwniak and Ms. Charlotte Stout are members of a committee at the State Board working on those issues.
1.05.3 Senate Report
Mr. Ray Battee, President, gave the Senate Report. He stated that the Senate passed curriculum changes at their February meeting which are on the Consent Agenda. They also decided to re-write Policy 1025 to better explain the Senate duties. The Senate also decided that a task force will be formed in the fall to establish a faculty assembly to discuss faculty issues.
1.05.4 Student Government Association (SGA)
Mr. Chris Hammond, Sierra Vista campus SGA Vice President, distributed a report to the Board with list of fundraisers for the past semester and announcing that the total amount of scholarship money raised by Sierra Vista campus SGA was $4,142.86. They also raised more than $2,000 for the American Red Cross after the September 11 disaster. Included in the SGA report was a list of upcoming events, which Mr. Hammond reviewed with the Board.
1.05.5 College President
Dr. Joanna Michelich reported on the Faculty/Staff Development Day, February 26, 2002, and distributed copies of the agenda and handouts for that day. Dr. Michelich stated that the theme of the day was service learning, with an opportunity for faculty and staff to work in the community helping others. There were three tracks: Integrating, Exploring and Engaging. Integrating was led by Dr. Gay Brack and included how to change a course syllabus to incorporate a services learning component. Exploring contained discussions and site visits which provided information about service organizations throughout the county. Engaging offered “hands-on” opportunities to help the community.
Dr. Nicodemus gave the legislative update. March 5, 2002, was Community College Day at the legislature. Dr. Nicodemus and other community college presidents met with a number of legislators. Senator Randall Gnant noted that the decrease in education funding may get worse in FY04. The legislature remains very divided on how to solve this issue.
1.05.6 Financial Report for January 2002
The Financial Report for the month ending January 31, 2002, was submitted to the Board for their review. The financial report was accepted as presented. A summary is attached.
1.05.7 Financial Report for February 2002
The Financial Report for the month ending February 28, 2002, was submitted to the Board for their review. The financial report was accepted as presented. A summary is attached.
2.01 Acceptance of Minutes, Regular Meeting, January 15, 2002
The Minutes of the January 15, 2002, Regular Meeting of the Cochise College Governing Board were approved and entered into record.
2.02 Acceptance of Minutes, Special Meeting, February 23, 2002
The Minutes of the February 23, 2002, Regular Meeting of the Cochise College Governing Board were approved and entered into record.
3.01 Communications
Dr. Nicodemus reported that the College received the following communications:
An email to Women’s Soccer Coach, Kenny Dale, from Douglas City Manager, Mike Ortega. thanking Coach Dale and the team for their assistance in the Youth Soccer Tournament associated with the 4th Annual Piñata & Mariachi Festival.
A letter to Dr. Nicodemus from Mr. Mark R. Brown expressing his appreciation for the assistance provided to him by Mr. Richard Besselman, Program Developer, Government Services.
A letter to Dr. Nicodemus from Mr. Nelson B. Roush, Community Liaison, Cochise County Workforce Development, Inc. Mr. Roush thanked the College and, in particular, Ms. Liz Howard, Workforce Developer, for participating in the First Countywide Job Fair.
3.02 North Central Association (NCA) Final Report
Dr. Nicodemus presented the final report from the NCA Higher Learning Commission focus visit of December 2001 and stated that the College concurred with their findings. Mrs. Guy complimented the administration
for their preparation in making it a successful visit. Dr. Nicodemus thanked Dr. Michelich and the faculty for their efforts around assessment.
3.03 College Support to Joint Military-Law Enforcement Training Exercise
Mr. Carlos Cartagena, Vice President for Information Technology, reported on a request to provide logistical support to Joint Task Force 6 (JTF6). This is a joint cooperative effort between the militaryandlawenforcement agencies. The problem in providingall of the supportrequested arose from theirneed to use the dining hall and residence halls from April 10 through May 6, when students would still be using these facilities. However, Mr. Cartagena did speak with Major Paul Swicord from JTF6 and it was agreed that the College would providean area for parking, refueling andrest roomfacilities forapproximately 10 soldiers charged with refueling operations during the exercise.
Dr. Groth asked if this would be an annual request. He also suggested sending a White Paper asking if the exercise could be rescheduledin the future to the summer. This would enable the College to provide greater support so that instead of a $2,000 revenue for the College, there would be a potential for a $50,000 revenue without displacing forty-three students from the residence halls.
Dr. Nicodemus stated that she had spoken with Colonel Boardman and he stated that this is an ongoing effort, taking place about three times a year. Dr. Nicodemus suggested a press release which would give students and area residents advance notice of nighttime aircraft noise due to the exercise.
4.01 Consent Agenda*
Randall Groth moved and Bob Nelson seconded a motion to approve the Consent Agenda. The Board unanimously approved. MOTION CARRIED. The following items were approved:
4.01.1 * Curriculum Changes
4.01.2 * Administrative Support; Appointment (David Gordon, Graphic Designer, Douglas Campus)
4.01.3 * Administrative Support; Appointment (James “Bo” Hall, Dean, Student Services, Douglas Campus)
4.01.4 * Administrative Support; Appointment (Lizabeth Lillard, Career Services Specialist, Sierra Vista Campus)
4.01.5 * Administrative Support; Appointment (Bruce Richardson, Director, Ft. Huachuca Center)
4.01.6 * Administrative Support; Appointment (John W. Thompson, Business Analyst, Sierra Vista Campus)
4.01.7 * Faculty; Appointment (David Nelson, English Instructor, Douglas Campus)
4.01.8 * Faculty; Appointment (Lawrence Prevett, Mathematics Instructor, Sierra Vista Campus)
4.01.9 * Faculty; Appointment (Janice Wiese, CIS Instructor, Douglas Campus)
4.01.10 * Classified; Appointment (Gary Nado, Library Media Technician, Douglas Campus)
4.01.11 * Administrative Support; Retirement (Emily Fairbank, Center for Professional Development)
Dr. Joanna Michelich introduced Mr. Alex Iglesias, Dr. Bo Hall, Mr. Bruce Richardson, Mr. John Thompson and Ms. Janice Wiese to the Governing Board. Dr. Groth thanked Ms. Emily Fairbank for her efforts in making the Center for Professional Development a success over the past fifteen years and wished her well in her retirement.
4.02 Faculty Emeritus
There was no discussion by the Board. Randall Groth moved and Juan Flores seconded a motion to confer Faculty Emeritus status upon Mr. David Meeker and Ms. Alicia Malik. The Board unanimously approved. MOTION CARRIED.
4.03 Reclassification Recommendations
Bob Nelson moved and Jane Strain seconded a motion to vote on items 4.03 through 4.07 as one motion. The Board unanimously approved. MOTION CARRIED.
Ms. Liting Barber, from Library Media Specialist, Grade 27 to Library Media Specialist, Grade 30.
4.04 Reclassification Recommendations
Ms. Teresa Brenneman, from Instructional Media Services Technician, Grade 28 to Instructional Media Services Technician, Grade 30.
Bob Nelson moved and Jane Strain seconded a motion to vote on items 4.03 through 4.07 as one motion. The Board unanimously approved. MOTION CARRIED.
4.05 Reclassification Recommendations
Ms. Karen Koehler, from Administrative Assistant, Principal, Grade 28 to Executive Administrative Assistant, Grade 31.
Bob Nelson moved and Jane Strain seconded a motion to vote on items 4.03 through 4.07 as one motion. The Board unanimously approved. MOTION CARRIED.
4.06 Reclassification Recommendations
Mr. Gary Nado, from Library Media Technician, Grade 19 to Library Media Technician, Senior, Grade 23.
Bob Nelson moved and Jane Strain seconded a motion to vote on items 4.03 through 4.07 as one motion. The Board unanimously approved. MOTION CARRIED.
4.07 Reclassification Recommendations
Mr. Tad Patton, from Instructional Media Specialist, Grade 32 to Instructional Media Specialist, Grade 38.
Bob Nelson moved and Jane Strain seconded a motion to vote on items 4.03 through 4.07 as one motion. The Board unanimously approved. MOTION CARRIED.
4.08 2002-2003 Tentative Budget
Dr. Karen Nicodemus presented the tentative budget for 2002-2003 to the Board and provided handouts. She stated that the College was also working around projections the FY04 budget with a 5% reduction in state M&O funding. Dr. Nicodemus noted that the Joint Legislative Budget Committee had begun discussions with ACCA to see how community colleges would respond to rolling equalization funding into the base, therefore not having any equalization growth.
Dr. Nicodemus reminded the public that copies of the handouts to the Board were available in the President’s Office. Dr. Nicodemus first reviewed the budgeted revenues adopted for FY 02, which adjusted around the property tax and the decrease in state funding. It was then compared to FY 03, projecting a 4% increase in property tax. Mr. Klewer then reviewed the proposed revenue and expenditure budget for FY03.
Dr. Nicodemus stated that the College is taking a very conservative approach in the proposed budget and it will be balanced when it comes to the Board for action in May. The proposed budget shown at this meeting did not reflect any of the cost saving measures that the Board had reviewed in an earlier study session.
Randall Groth moved and Jane Strain seconded a motion to adopt the tentative budget as outlined by Dr. Nicodemus. The Board unanimously approved. MOTION CARRIED.
4.09 2002-2003 Student Tuition and Fee Schedule
Dr. Nicodemus presented the proposed tuition and fee increases for 2002-03 and distributed copies to the Board. In-state tuition would increase by $2 per credit; out-of-state would be $3 for one through six credits, $11 for seven or more credits. Per credit cost for online courses would increase by $4; Golden Apaches by $1 and the registration fee for all students would remain the same. The technology fee for every student in a for-credit class has been proposed at $10.
Bob Nelson moved and Randall Groth seconded a motion to approve tuition and fee increases as outlined. The Board unanimously approved. MOTION CARRIED.