Dear Parent(s)

The Criminal Justice Program at WalkerValleyHigh School seeks to prepare students to work in careers like lawyers, judges, law enforcement, forensics, federal law enforcement, public safety, and similar areas. I also seek to prepare students to be more successful in school by focusing on improving study skills, reading proficiency, composition, mathematics, and similar skill sets critical to success not only in high school but post-secondary education as well.

Often times, individuals do not fully understand exactly what career and technical education encompasses. Career/tech classes teach academic content within the context of career subjects such as science, math,language-arts and even history are incorporated in a variety of elements of each course. When students participate in a career and technical education programs they are better able to understand their overall educational perspective due in large part to the three “ R’s” Relationships, Relevance, and Rigor of the real world application of the course(s) they are involved in. Research tells us that as students develop relationships with teachers who seek to be involved in their overall success, coupled with timely, relevant application of materials relating to industry. The educator combines the aforementioned with thorough (rigorous) information. Dr. Kathryn Weigel stated recently that “The more we engage kids, the more relevant the information, the more rigorous, the better a child will be.” Students who take part in career and technical education programs are more likely to have a realistic approach to career goals, likely to become involved in post-secondary education, and likely to be employed in jobs they enjoy. In some subgroups individuals are more than likely graduate high school.

Students are encouraged to participate in Skills USA. You may be asking yourself, what is Skills USA, and how does my child get involved. In years past, it was known as VICA for many years until it merged with Skills USA a few years ago. It is a co-curricular student organization designed to encourage students to become involved in a career field while developing responsible citizenship skills. Skills USA holds competitions on the local, regional, state and national levels. Our program has had five national competitors, five Gold metal state winners, of which one was in Criminal Justice. Students have competed in a variety of competitions such as, crime scene investigation, prepared speech, occupational suitcase, extemporaneous speaking, computer aided drafting to mention a few.

It may seem that you are sending so many checks to school for various class and school fees. The fee in the amount of 20.00 dollars ($) will be due at the beginning of the semester. The monies received go towards fulfilling the competencies required by the Tennessee Department of Education with the purchase of needed equipment and supplies.

Please bring your Fees to classas soon as possible. Fees are viable to make the classroom environment a success. Should your son or daughter have already paid the fee please disregard this letter. Please call me at WalkerValley if you have any questions, 423-336-1383.

Thank You!


Dean Anderson Criminal Justice Instructor Walker Valley High School