Doctoral Examiners’ Joint Report and Recommendation Form: Doctor of Education (EdD)
Candidate Name / Enter name in bracketsViva Examination Date / Enter date in brackets
Title of Thesis
This report refers to a resubmitted thesis or second oral examination / Yes/No
Please return completed paperwork to FSHMS Graduate School Office,Room 2111, Building 58within five working days of the viva.
This joint report form should be completed following the viva examination and should record the agreed views of both examiners in relation to the core outcomes of a doctoral level qualification (listed below) and their recommendation on the award of the degree, based on both the thesis and the candidate’s performance at the viva.
Part A. All UK doctorates, regardless of their form, require the main focus of the work of the candidate to demonstrate an original contribution to knowledge in their subject, field or profession.
Are you satisfied that the work of the candidate demonstrates an original contribution to knowledge in their subject, field or profession?(Please tick) / Yes / NoIf YES, please tick at least one of the two options below:
1. The contribution has been made through original research.
2. The contribution has been made through original application of existing knowledge or understanding.
If NO, the candidate cannot be awarded a doctoral degree.
Part B. Are you satisfied that the candidate has demonstrated the following?
NB: If the answer to any of these statements is NO, the candidate cannot be awarded the degree without further work/amendments and, if appropriate, a repeat viva. If the answer to any section is PARTIALLY, the extent to which the criteria are not met should be discussed further in the report, with reference to remedial actions and required amendments. If all the answers are YES, an outcome indicating a pass should be selected. At the end of the examination process, the examiners need to certify that they are satisfied that the criteria have been met in full.
Yes / Partially / No- the creation and interpretation of new knowledge through original research or other advanced scholarship, of a quality to satisfy peer review, extend the forefront of the discipline and merit publication
- a systematic acquisition and understanding of a substantial body of knowledge which is at the forefront of an academic discipline or an area of professional practice
- the general ability to conceptualise, design and implement a project for the generation of new knowledge, applications or understanding at the forefront of the discipline, and to adjust the project design in the light of unforeseen problems
- a detailed understanding of applicable techniques for research and advanced academic enquiry
Examiners’ Joint Report
The Examiners’ joint report should be a sufficiently detailed statement to justify the recommendation made in this report and to outline any criteria marked ‘partially’ or ‘no’ in Part B on the previous page. It should be used to comment on the candidate’s performance in the oral examination and any discrepancies between the individual reports. Examiners may wish to comment on the organisation, structure, presentation, authenticity, content, publishable quality and critical awareness of the subject demonstrated throughout the examination process.Please provide clear details of any amendments which the candidate is required to make.Please type where possible and insert additional pages if required. Suggested word count – 200-500 words, but longer if required. Appended documents can also be provided.
The candidate will receive a copy of this report.
Examiners’ Joint Recommendation
(Note that if this is a viva following a resubmission of a thesis, outcomes 4 and 5 may not be selected. Timescales commence from the date the student is informed of the outcome by the Graduate School Office.)
Tick one / RecommendationOutcomes indicating a pass:
1 / That the degree of Doctor of Education [EngD] be awarded subject to the satisfactory completion of the taught element of the programme.
2 / That the degree of Doctor of Education be awarded, subject to minor amendments completed to the satisfaction of the internal examiner. The award is also subject to the satisfactory completion of the taught element of the programme.
Minor amendments include: minor errors/omissions of substance, typographical errors, occasional stylistic or grammatical flaws, corrections to references, addition/modification to one or two figures, and minor changes to layout, and require no new research. (CoP p101)
Minor amendments will be provided to the internal examiner in electronic format.
The timeframe for completion of minor amendments is three months.
3 / That the degree of Doctor of Education be awarded, subject to modest amendments, completed to the satisfaction of internal and external examiners. The award is also subject to the satisfactory completion of the taught element of the programme.
Modest amendments may include limited further analysis but will not affect the originality of the central thesis. (CoP p101)
Modest amendments will be provided to the examiners in electronic format.The usual timeframe for completion of modest amendments is six months. Please state here if the examiners wish to recommend a longer time period (up to a maximum of nine months). This is subject to approval by the Faculty’s Director of Graduate School.
Tick one / Recommendation
Outcomes falling short of a pass:
4 / That the candidate be permitted to attend for a further oral examination.
5 / That the candidate be permitted to submit a revised thesis (including oral examination)for re-examination for the degree of Doctor of Education (NB: resubmission fee payable, Fees Office to be advised). The award is also subject to the satisfactory completion of the taught element of the programme.
The timeframe for resubmission is twelve months.
Tick one / Recommendation
Outcomes indicating that the examination has failed to meet the criteria for a doctoral award:
6 / That the candidate be permitted to apply for the award of a diploma or master’s degree as appropriate (only one of the following options may be selected, please expand details of this recommendation in the joint recommendation form).
a / without further examination.
b / subject to minor amendments to the thesis completed to the satisfaction of the internal examination.
The timeframe for completion of minor amendments is three months.
c / subject to examination of a revised thesis. Only one attempt at examination for a diploma or master’s degree
The timeframe for resubmission is twelve months.
7 / That the degree not be awarded, and that re-submission of the thesis not be permitted.
We, the internal and external examiners, have completed the examination of this candidate according to the regulations of the University of Southampton and recommend that the outcomes above are endorsed by the Faculty Programmes Committee.
Name / Signature / DateExternal Examiner
Internal Examiner
Additional Examiner
I, the Director of the Faculty Graduate School, have scrutinised this form as the Dean’s nominee for the consideration of reports for postgraduate research candidates and can confirm that due process has been followed. The recommendations of the examiners should now be sent to Faculty Programmes Committee for approval.
Document Information
Author / QSAT
Owner (committee) / AQSC
Approved Date / Revised based on DEJRF for PhD – January 2016
Last Revision / May 2016
Type of Document / Form
1Joint Report Form EdD – May 2016