Please answer all questions in full using BLOCK LETTERS (incorrect or misleading statements will result in dismissal).

FULL NAME:......




DRIVER’S LICENSE CLASS...... No of Points Lost:......


No. of CHILDREN:...... THEIR AGES:......




Have you ever worked for us before? YES / NO When?......

Name of present employer:......

Can we contact them: YES / NO

Name (s) of previous employers over past 5 years.

Employer / Position Held / From / To / Reason for Leaving

Have you ever been dismissed from Employment? YES / NO

If yes, please give reason......

POLICE CLEARANCE: Can you provide us with a current National Police Clearance

...... YES / NO

EDUCATION: (give details of educational, trade or professional achievements)......



Are you now involved in any competitive or social sporting activity? YES / NO

If yes, please give details......


Please note it is in your interest and that of fellow workers that you are fit to carry out the duties required of you. Before answering the questionnaire below please be aware of the provisions of Section 79 of the Workers Compensation and Rehabilitation Act 1981 as follows:

“Where it is proved that the worker has, at the time of seeking or entering employment in respect of which he claims compensation for disability, wilfully and falsely represented himself as not having previously suffered from the disability a dispute resolution body may in its discretion refuse to award compensation which otherwise would be payable.”

Have you ever been injured at work to the extent that you had to attend a doctor? YES / NO.

If yes, please give details......

Have you ever been injured other than at workto the extent that you had to attend a doctor?


If yes, please give details......

Do you, or have you ever suffered from any of the following?

Back injury (includes neck) / YES / NO / Blackouts / YES / NO
Any joint or muscular injury / YES / NO / Dermatitis / YES / NO
Asthma / Bronchitis / YES / NO / Hernia / YES / NO
Heart Disease / YES / NO

Details of any other disorder......


  1. I certify that the information set out in this application is true and accurate in every detail and if my application is successful, I agree to comply with the company rules as a condition of my continued employment.
  2. I understand the company reserves the right to verify all information and any false statements will be sufficient cause for my rejection as an applicant or dismissal if already hired.
  3. I understand I will be regarded as a probationary employee for a period not exceeding four weeks, or such other period as may be agreed at the time of commencement of employment.
  4. I agree to have a pre-placement medical examination and further medical examinations during my employment if requested to do so by the company.
  5. I agree to provide a current National Police Clearance before commencing employment.

Signed...... Date......



TAX FILE No:......



PAY WEEK:Monday to Sunday. Pays are prepared on Mondays and banked direct to your nominated account. Your pay advice is to be collected from the old reception. Please indicate your bank details.

BANK NAME:......


BSB CODE:......


I authorise the Pemberton Hotel to directly deposit my pay to my bank account as indicated above.

Your initial......

PAYS:Staff are required to complete timesheet as provided. These must be completed at the end of every shift. Please note that no pay will be provided until Tax, Superannuation and this form is completed in total. Staff must provide details of their personal superannuation scheme, otherwise they will automatically be enrolled in the Host West scheme.

STAFF CASH ADVANCES / ACCOUNT CHARGES: From time to time staff request cash advances, request staff meals or charge various purchases on to an account set up in their name or indicate their purchase on their time sheets. This is an acceptable procedure so long as advances and charges do not exceed the pay period net amount and are paid each week. These charges may not be postponed to a later date. This procedure is subject to you authorising the payroll officer to deduct any amounts charged by you to your account weekly as incurred and stays in force until a written advice is provided to the authorised manager. Your signature on the bottom of this form with your initial under this paragraph will be your authorisation to make any such deductions from your pay. Failure to give such approval means that no such charges can be made.

NB: Only the MOD may charge amounts to staff accounts. No one else is to charge amounts to staff accounts. When the MOD is not available, then credit is not available.

Your initial......

UNIFORM: The Hotel staff dress standard must be complied with at all times. Dress standard is definitely SMART. You are required to wear either black or white tops (café staff must wear black) with black bottoms - no stripes or other colouring acceptable. Bottoms must be full length trousers or skirts. No hats other than kitchen staff. Reception, cooking and cleaning staff may have specialised uniforms they can use. Shoes must be enclosed, and have a non-slip sole.

ROSTER: A weekly roster is prepared and on display at reception. Please check it regularly to know when you are required to work. Do not amend the roster as it is NOT necessarily reviewed until the next roster. If you need to change your time please swap with another appropriate staff member after obtaining approval from the MOD.

STAFF CONDUCT: You are expected to be prompt at commencement of your rostered on time, clean and generally neat and tidy when at work. Under no circumstances are staff permitted to come to work whilst under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

Any personal differences must be kept away from the eyes and ears of customers.

Staff are expected to promote and support this business whenever possible.

Staff are expected to organise their holiday requirements so that it does not conflict with the Hotel peak periods. As a general rule Easter, Christmas school holiday period, long weekends and school holidays in general are not available for staff leave.

Staff’s social life should be organised and kept outside of work hours.

Staff shall not allow any friend, relative, off duty staff member, or other person to interrupt their work duties by engaging in long personal conversations. In particular, areas such as the bottleshop should not be used as a lunch or tea break room.

Staff should have a good understanding of what it is like to work in this industry. When enjoying one self on the other side of the bar, we do not expect and will not tolerate behaviour which would not otherwise be accepted from any other person. Staff are expected to set an example and not be the ones attended to by the crowd controllers.

CASUAL STAFF: All casual staff should be aware that employment is provided on an “as needed” basis. Obviously staff requirements are dictated by business activity and the need for casual staff may vary accordingly.

STAFF MAXIMUM SHIFT DURATION: all staff should be aware that shifts may not be longer than six hours in duration without an appropriate break. The roster will show appropriate breaks where necessary. Where an appropriate break is not allocated to your shift you must bring it to the attention of the MOD who will organise a break.

PHONE: Hotel phones are not available for private use. Staff should be aware that the system records details of every phone call. Mobile phones should be turned off when you are on duty.

STAFF MEALS: As a general rule, meals are not provided. Meals may need to be provided when:

-Staff are required to work for a period in excess of 6 hours and when the work period falls through a normal meals period and a meal break can not be provided.

Meal break times will be outside normal Hotel meal service hours so as not to conflict with hotel busy periods.

CONSUMPTION OF FOOD / SMOKING: under NO circumstance is any person permitted to consume food whilst on duty, except for normal meal allowances. Smoking is not permitted (by law) while staff are on duty.

Alcohol is not to be consumed either prior to any shift or while on duty, under any circumstances. Staff are not to report to work while under the influence of alcohol or drugs

It is acceptable for staff to have a soft drink, from the post mix machine, when on duty. Cans and bottles are not available. Chocolates and chips are not available.

Your initial…………

STEALING: This is a very serious offence and will be treated as such with all occurrences being dealt with by the police. Giving away drinks, reducing prices of drinks / meals etc. is stealing and will result in the termination of your position and the matter will be placed with the police.

GAMBLING: gambling while on duty is prohibited. Staff are not permitted to bet on the TAB while on duty. This is considered so serious by the TAB that they will revoke our license if staff are caught betting while on duty. Bingo tickets and the VLT machine are included as gambling.

HOTEL POLICIES: Policies are in place to control various aspects of the Hotel operation. Please make yourself aware of these policies and their requirements - they are in place to protect you as much as any one else. Staff who fail to adhere to hotel policies do so at their own risk. Any losses incurred by not adhering to our policies will be recovered from staff as a direct deduction from Staff pays

Your initial………………......

“STAFFIES” at the end of shifts were prohibited some time ago as a result of serious abuse. Staffies are not permitted.

HOTEL SYNDICATES: We currently have a staff lotto syndicate which costs $2 per week and a general favourite numbers syndicate which costs $5 per week. If you wish to be included in either or both of these syndicates please indicate below:

Lotto $2 per weekYES / NO

Favourite numbers $5 per weekYES / NO

I AUTHORISE THE Pemberton Hotel to deduct syndicate money amounts as indicated above from my pay weekly until otherwise advised by me in writing to the authorised manager.

Your initial………………………………..

TOBACCO CONTROL ACT & REGULATIONS: Anyone who sells a tobacco product is now required to hold a license to do so. Under the Act, a licensed seller must ensure that any staff who will be selling tobacco products are instructed and know that;

  1. You may not sell a tobacco product or a smoking implement to a minor.
  2. You must sight acceptable proof of age before selling tobacco products to a person unless you have no reason to believe that the person is not at least 18.
  3. You know that the Act contains provisions about supply to minors.
  4. You are warned that you can be charged and fined for offences for supplying to a minor.
  5. You must initial immediately below to indicate that you understand the requirements stated above.

Your initial………………………………..

I have read the above and understand and agree with the conditions as specified



Pemberton Hotel - Employment Application

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