Contact us

Hackney Diabetes Centre

Homerton University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust

Homerton Row


E9 6SR

Tel: 020 8510 5920


Diabetes UK

The Diabetes UK Careline is dedicated diabetes helpline for all people with diabetes, their friends, family and carers.

Telephone: 0345 123 2399

Monday-Friday, 9am–7pm



Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS)

PALS provide information and support to patients and carers and will listen to your concerns, suggestions or queries.

The service is available between 9am and 5pm. Telephone: 0208 510 7315

Textphone: 07584 445 400


If you require this information large print, plain text, audio or Braille please telephone the Patient Information Team on 0208 510 5302, 07584 445 400 or email:

Produced by: Hackney Diabetes Centre


Homerton University Hospital

NHS Foundation Trust

Homerton Row, London E9 6SR

T 020 8510 5555



Your diabetes appointments

This leaflet provides information about your appointments at the Diabetes Centre and at other centres in/across Hackney.

Your diabetes appointments

The diabetes nurses and dietitians aim to support you in the management of your diabetes.

Diabetes is a lifelong condition which when managed well can reduce your risks of long-term complications.

Our role will be to see you over a period of one to six appointments, with each appointment lasting approximately 30 minutes. This may be changed by mutual agreement if required. After this period you will be discharged back to your GP or GP Practice Nurse for ongoing follow up.

It is important to note that if you are more than 15 minutes late we may be unable to see you and another appointment will have to be booked.

What can you expect at these appointments?

We will:

·  discuss your diabetes with you, aiming to identify any barriers there may be to self-management.

·  discuss and explore your health priorities

·  provide information about diabetes

·  explain your diabetes related blood results, including blood pressure and cholesterol and their relevance

·  explore your treatment options

·  agree a plan for your diabetes self-management

·  arrange a referral to another member of the team, e.g. diabetes dietitian, structured group educator, or/and diabetes consultant if appropriate.

What are your responsibilities?

·  To take an active role in mutually agreed decisions,

·  To attend all offered appointments where possible

·  To arrive in good time for your appointments

·  To bring any records related to your diabetes, e.g. blood glucose diaries/medications to each appointment

·  To cancel any appointments you are unable to attend with as much notice as possible

·  To contact us for advice before stopping any medications if you experience any problems with your agreed treatment regime/plan.


have read and agree with the above listed responsibilities.

