Minutes for March 4th CSN Meeting
9:00 – 10:30am
TST BOCES, A Building
Room A14
- In attendance: Robin Pape, Angelina Blasich, Marisa Masudaira, Emily Tier, Stacy Cangelosi, Lisa Tatusko, Judy Hoffman, Chris Bobrowich, Beth Zimowski, Pat Vincent, Micky Toker, Daphnne Brown, Melanie Novick, Tamie Pushlar, Barb Place, Melissa Enns, Tina Hallock, Elizabeth Wolff, Anna Steinkraus, Sally Manning, Jaydn McCune, Judy Clay, Rachel Ash, Joe Lyman, Mary Hicks, Amie Hendrix, Trudy Pantalia, Paul Fairbanks, Bonita Davis, Allanna Pape
- Community Agency Highlight:
- DAP—Marisa Matsudaira—Dispositional Alternatives Program is a community-based, family-centered program that provides services to youth in Tompkins County, ages 7 to 18, and their families. Through counseling, case management, enrichment activities, family meetings, referrals and follow-up services, DAP fosters positive changes in youth who are having difficulties at home, school, or in the community. Caseworkers provide thorough and consistent support for youth and their families for 6-9 months. This allows for the creation of trust and for the development of rapport between the caseworker and youth. The agency doesn’t like acronym or meaning of it and would like to change. They currently offer three case workers with 6-7 youth, case management, look at resources, management of resources, advocacy (school, doctors, court, probation hearings), helping families understand meetings, services, mentoring and parent coaching. They offer after school and evening groups for independent life skills and social skill building, some recreational events. The program works with Cooperative Extension, YAP, Bridges, and the Learning Web. DAP has slots for about 20 kids at a time. Additionally, the Rural Outreach Program launched this fall for kids who don’t quite qualify or can’t get to services, support from United Way and Cars; heavily recruit college students to mentor those students—these are currently children served by Family and Children’s counselors; 12 kids enrolled; groups have grown—kids are transported to groups; there is a wait list; funding is challenging; because it is a pilot year only taking referrals from F&CS; they are proceeding like they are going to have funding for next year.
b. NYSSuccess: Daphnne Brown, state team and family support—Pleased with CSN meeting progress and happy to see so many parents at the table! (8 parents all together!)
- Networking Time: Agency news and updates—
- Elizabeth Wolffe, family resource connection Tompkins (Groton, Dryden and Newfield) focus is children and families 0-5, create good support system, onetime events, family fun events, April 3 resource fair—Groton Elementary School for more information email Elizabeth Wolffe or visit Parenting workshops in Newfield, Thursday evenings
- NAMI—workshops for 6 week course 2-1/2 hours Basics visit , call 607-273-2462, or e-mail .—Judy Hoffman will help get the info out to school personnel
- New Roots—Alateen meetings Tuesdays at 4:15pm—just show up
- Families Together annual conference—April 6-7, child care link to website, scholarships available. Children 12 and up can come to conference. The theme this year is Building Strong Roots for Success Through Family Support and Peer Leadership
- Strategic Planning Update—We are working on a cohesive goal that we could work on and achieve in 2 years.—1st meeting discern where we are and the 2nd Training for Change will work with us to come out with some action steps. Dates have been set for Monday, March 24th and Monday April 28th both sessions from 8:30-12:30. If you have yet to receive your HOMEWORK assignment or an invitation, please contact Tina at
- CSN Organization Chart and Subcommittee Review and Sign ups—The current organizational chart for the CSN is attached. Remember that it is always a work in progress. Attached is also a document including the current subcommittees and their leaders. If you are not on a subcommittee and wish to join one (everyone is welcome!), email Tina and you will be added to the list. Subcommittee meeting will be listed on the CSN calendar as soon as they are scheduled. If you are a subcommittee leader, please contact Tina with the dates of those meetings ASAP so that she can schedule them on the web calendar. Your first meeting should be scheduled sometime in April.
- Leadership Team Update: We reviewed nominations and approved all candidates to serve on the leadership team. Candidates included: Judy Clay, Paul Fairbanks, Mary Hayes, Judy Hoffman, Allanna Pape, Barb Place and Lisa Tatusko. Leadership Team will report to the CSN general meeting bimonthly.
- Children’s Mental Health Awareness Day: DATE a proposal! –Early Recognition Grant (part of the grant work is on destigmatization) has money to engage in events for Children’s Mental Health Awareness Day May 8th. Using the phrase Tommy Miller always says, “And HOW ARE THE CHILDREN?” Taken from the Masai people who place a very high value on their children’s wellbeing, the answer, “All the children are well” meant peace and safety prevail. We hope to make Green bracelets that say, HOW ARE THE CHILDREN and perhaps flyers or cards that might highlight resources for families, how to support the emotional health of our children. If you are interested in being involved and didn’t sign up at the meeting, contact Sally Manning at . Lots ideas: Robin—Bright Futures—BJM Jody Washington (afterschool program)—New Roots works on Bright Futures, MAY 8TH
- Table at the mall and at the library—green ribbons
- Webinar—March 12th, May is Mental Health Awareness Month SHAMPSA—toolkit
- Partner with more “out of Ithaca”
- Youth Driven Subcommittee – ideas for how to launch a vital youth movement. (small group discussions)—need guidance to gather and organize youth—Jessica Collins, tap into youth that are involved (she is available to work with youth, Ithaca Youth Council, give ideas to Cornell Student (Thaddeus Bates), project oriented, Jaydn to connect Amie Hendrix and others with the Cornell Student, tie into health classes, Active Minds at IC and Cornell (Emily Nowels)
- Evaluations: 100% of participants in the evaluation agreed or strongly agreed that the meeting was well planned, well facilitated, and had content that was relevant to the CSN brand promise. 71% of participants agreed or strongly agreed that there were clear action steps resulting from this meeting while 29% were neutral on this point.
- Appreciated: Collaboration, networking time, active, comfortable participation, conversation about youth, LOTS of parents, agency and upcoming event updates, energy, breadth of topics, strategic planning and leadership, connections made and pace of the meeting.
- Concerns: Discussions don’t always result in clear action steps and parents of poverty not having a voice.